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AMU/CNRS-IIS/UTokyo Energy Workshop - 14 &15 Octobre 2021


Le workshop AMU-CNRS-ISS/UTokyo Energy est organisé les 14 et 15 Octobre 2021 suite à la signature d'un MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) entre AMU et l’Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) de l’Université Tokyo.

Il a pour objectif de générer de nouvelles interactions entre les deux institutions dans le domaine la physique pour l’énergie au sens large : électronique, photonique, thermique…

Les différentes possibilités de collaboration seront également abordées durant le workshop.

Le programme est reproduit ci-dessous. Pour toute information complémentaire et pour participer, merci de contacter Marc Bescond : Dr. Marc Bescond (IM2NP-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University):




October 14th (Thurs) 2021, 8:30-11:45 (FR)/ 15:30-18:45 (JST)


Chair: Dr. Marc Bescond

8:308:40/15:3015:40 Opening: AMU/CNRS-IIS/UTokyo framework

Prof. Kazuhiko Hirakawa (LIMMS-IIS, UTokyo) - Dr. Marc Bescond (IM2NP-CNRS, AMU)


8:408:55/15:4015:55 LIMMS presentation

Prof. Sebastian Volz (LIMMS Director)


8:559:10/15:5516:10 AMUTech presentation

Prof. Florence Vacandio (AMUTech Deputy Director)


9:109:25/16:1016:25 IIS presentation

Prof. Toru H. Okabe (IIS Director General)


Session 1 : Solar cell characterization and energy conversion


9:25/16:25 In situ X-ray imaging of growth and defect formation in silicon for photovoltaic applications

Prof. Nathalie Mangelinck-Noël (IM2NP-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University)


9:55/16:55 Photo-assisted scanning probe methods on solar cells

Prof. Takuji Takahashi (LIMMS-IIS, University of Tokyo)


10:25/17:25 Coffee break


10:45/17:45 Plasmonic patch nano-antennas associated with ultra-high speed diodes to convert light into electricity

Dr. David Duché (IM2NP-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University)


11:15/18:15 MEMS vibrational energy harvester

Prof. Hiroshi Toshiyoshi (LIMMS-IIS, University of Tokyo

October 15th (Fri) 2021, 8:30-11:55 (FR)/ 15:30-18:55 (JST)


Chair: Prof. Kazuhiko Hirakawa


Session 2 : Thermal management and energy conversion


8:30/15:30 Phonon-engineered Si thermoelectric energy harvesting

Prof. Masahiro Nomura (LIMMS-IIS, University of Tokyo)


9:00/16:00 Surface Nanostructuring and Functionalization for Efficient Water Photooxidation

Dr. Lionel Santinacci (CINAM-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University)


9:30/16:30 Topological slow light waveguide based on valley photonic crystal structure

Prof. Satoshi Iwamoto (IIS, University of Tokyo)


10:00/17:00 Coffee break


10:15/17:15 Laser heating of gold nanoparticles and applications in physics, chemistry and biology

Dr. Guillaume Baffou (Institut Fresnel-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University)


10:45/17:45 Thermionic cooling effect in asymmetric double barrier semiconductor heterostructures

Prof. Kazuhiko Hirakawa (LIMMS-IIS, University of Tokyo)


11:15/18:15 Conception of novel thermionic cooling semiconductor device: the Quantum Cascade Cooler

Dr. Marc Bescond (IM2NP-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University)


11:45/18:45 Closing Prof. Kazuhiko Hirakawa and Dr. Marc Bescond



Although no registration is needed, please just send your e-mail prior to the workshop to (in case of connection issue):

Prof. Kazuhiko Hirakawa (IIS, The University of Tokyo):

Dr. Marc Bescond (IM2NP-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University):