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L’objectif des chercheurs composant l’équipe RDI est de comprendre les phénomènes de redistribution atomique (diffusion, ségrégation, transformation…) dans le but de définir ou d’améliorer les procédés de fabrication ; et de prévoir et d’améliorer la stabilité des matériaux et le vieillissement des structures ou des composants une fois fabriqués. L’équipe RDI mène des études expérimentales sur la cinétique de la redistribution atomique et les équilibres en combinant analyses globales in situ à forte statistique (XRD, AES…) et analyses haute résolution locales (STM, SAT), qui peuvent être comparées à des simulations macroscopiques ou atomistiques effectuées dans l’équipe.
Elle occupe une position originale en France, en défendant une culture scientifique proche de celle des métallurgistes, mais en travaillant principalement sur des procédés de fabrication correspondant à ceux de la micro- ou nanoélectronique. Son expérience sur la cinétique de transport atomique, notamment dans les films nano-cristallins, et sur la réaction interfaciale en film mince, notamment dans le cas de la croissance des siliciures, est reconnue internationalement. L’équipe RDI s’est spécialisée dans les procédés de dopage des semi-conducteurs et de fabrication des contacts ohmiques sur les semi-conducteurs, principalement dans le cas du Si. Depuis quelques années, elle a ouvert ses compétences à d’autres procédés de fabrication, comme le procédé ALDO (atomic layer deposition and oxydation) permettant la fabrication de films diélectriques sur semi-conducteurs, et à d’autres semi-conducteurs que le Si (Ge, alliages GeSeTe, GaAs, CdTe/ZnSe,…), pour d’autres applications (optoélectronique, spintronique, thermoélectricité, récupération d’énergie,…).
Techniques d’élaboration
Techniques de caractérisation
Outils de simulations
University of Central Florida (USA), University of Milano Bicocca (Italie), Università di Padova (Italie), Université de Munster (Allemagne), Université d’Uppsala (Suède), Université de Nanyang (Singapour), Université Constantine (Algérie), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines et de la Métallurgie-Amar LASKRI (Algérie), Université Moulay Ismail (Maroc)
Publications |
Lisa Weber, V. Laithier, Sabrine Smiy, David Grosso, Stephane Burtey, Magali Putero, Marc Bendahan, A new approach for selective and ultrasensitive ammonia sensors by CuBr encapsulation in a mesoporous thin film for potential metabolic acidosis non-invasive monitoring, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, 417, pp.136124 (10.1016/j.snb.2024.136124) (hal-04767714) |
Jacopo Remondina, Alain Portavoce, Yannick Le Friec, Daniel Benoit, Elisa Petroni, Magali Putero, Exploring the evolution of mass density and thickness of N-doped Ge-rich GeSbTe during multistep crystallization, Scientific Reports, 2024, 14, pp.14677 (10.1038/s41598-024-65828-1) (hal-04766149) |
Qingmei Gong, Haihong Jiang, Jacques Perrin-Toinin, Martin Peterlechner, Magali Putero, Alain Portavoce, Sergiy Divinski, Gerhard Wilde, Tellurium self-diffusion in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change materials, Acta Materialia, 2023, 257 (10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119146) (hal-04275442) |
Jacopo Remondina, Alain Portavoce, Maxime Bertoglio, Guillaume Roland, Frédéric Lorut, Yannick Le Friec, Daniel Benoit, Magali Putero, Thermal desorption study on possible hydrogen sources and diffusion barriers in CMOS technology, Materials Letters, 2023, 337 (10.1016/j.matlet.2023.133916) (hal-04275220) |
Guillaume Roland, Alain Portavoce, Maxime Bertoglio, Marion Descoins, Jacopo Remondina, Frédéric Lorut, Magali Putero, Te and Ge solid-state reaction: comparison between the 2D and 3D growth of α-GeTe, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023, 11, pp.3306 - 3313 (10.1039/d2tc05062e) (hal-04275236) |
Guillaume Roland, Alain Portavoce, Maxime Bertoglio, Marion Descoins, Jacopo Remondina, Frédéric Lorut, Magali Putero, Te and Ge solid-state reaction: comparison between the 2D and 3D growth of α-GeTe, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023 (10.1039/D2TC05062E) (hal-04008178) |
Jacopo Remondina, Alain Portavoce, Maxime Bertoglio, Guillaume Roland, Frédéric Lorut, Yannick Le Friec, Daniel Benoit, Magali Putero, Thermal desorption study on possible hydrogen sources and diffusion barriers in CMOS technology, Materials Letters, 2023, 337, pp.133916 (10.1016/j.matlet.2023.133916) (hal-04008154) |
Alain Portavoce, G Roland, Jacopo Remondina, M Descoins, M Bertoglio, M Amalraj, P Eyméoud, D Dutartre, F Lorut, Magali Putero, Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of Ge–Sb–Te thin film crystallization, Nanotechnology, 2022, 33, pp.295601 (10.1088/1361-6528/ac6813) (hal-04008115) |
Alain Portavoce, G Roland, Jacopo Remondina, M Descoins, M Bertoglio, M Amalraj, P Eyméoud, D Dutartre, F Lorut, Magali Putero, Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of Ge–Sb–Te thin film crystallization, Nanotechnology, 2022, 33 (10.1088/1361-6528/ac6813) (hal-03841703) |
Marion Gallard, Mohamed Salah Amara, Magali Putero, Nelly Burle, Christophe Guichet, Stéphanie Escoubas, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Cristian Mocuta, Rebbeca R Chahine, Mathieu Bernard, Philippe Kowalczyk, Pierre Noé, Olivier Thomas, New insights into thermomechanical behavior of GeTe thin films during crystallization, Acta Materialia, 2020, 191, pp.60-69 (10.1016/j.actamat.2020.04.001) (hal-02903073) |
Rajkiran Tholapi, Manon Gallard, Nelly Burle, Christophe Guichet, Stephanie Escoubas, Magali Putero, Cristian Mocuta, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Rebecca Chahine, Chiara Sabbione, Mathieu Bernard, Leila Fellouh, Pierre Noé, Olivier P Thomas, Stress Buildup Upon Crystallization of GeTe Thin Films: Curvature Measurements and Modelling, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, pp.1247 (10.3390/nano10061247) (hal-02903089) |
Thomas Bottein, Mohammed Bouabdellaoui, Jean-Benoit Claude, Luc Favre, T. David, Magali Putero, Antoine Ronda, Marco Abbarchi, Isabelle Berbezier, David Grosso, Large scale self-organisation of 2D hexagonal Ge and Au nanodots on patterned TiO 2, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2, pp.2026-2035 (10.1021/acsanm.9b00036) (hal-02108904) |
Jérôme Loizillon, Magali Putero, David Grosso, Tuning Mesoporous Silica Films Accessibility Through Controlled Dissolution in NH 4 F: Investigation of Structural Change by Ellipsometry Porosimetry and X-ray Reflectivity, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, pp.30398–30406 (10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b09109) (hal-02903109) |
Charles Rebora, Ruomeng Huang, Gabriela P. Kissling, Marc Bocquet, C H (kees) De Groot, Luc Favre, David Grosso, Damien Deleruyelle, Magali Putero, Conductive-bridge memory cells based on a nano-porous electrodeposited GeSbTe alloy, Nanotechnology, 2018 (10.1088/1361-6528/aae6db) (hal-01951256) |
Brice B Sarpi, R Zirmi, Magali Putero, M Bouslama, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, Growth, stability and decomposition of Mg 2 Si ultra-thin films on Si (100), Applied Surface Science, 2018, 423, pp.pp.522-527 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.09.027) (hal-01583845) |
Thomas Bottein, Olivier Dalstein, Magali Putero, Andrea Cattoni, Marco Faustini, Marco Abbarchi, David Grosso, Environment-controlled sol-gel soft-NIL processing for optimized titania, alumina, silica and yttria-zirconia imprinting at sub-micron dimensions, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, pp.1420-1431 (10.1039/C7NR07491C) (hal-01951258) |
B. Ben Yahia, M.S. Amara, M. Gallard, N. Burle, Stephanie Escoubas, C. Guichet, Magali Putero, Cristian Mocuta, Marie‐ingrid Richard, R. Chahine, C. Sabbione, M. Bernard, L. Fellouh, P. Noé, O. Thomas, In situ monitoring of stress change in GeTe thin films during thermal annealing and crystallization, Micro and Nano Engineering, 2018 (10.1016/j.mne.2018.10.001) (hal-01951257) |
M. Gallard, Mohamed Amara, Cristian Mocuta, Magali Putero, Stephanie Escoubas, C. Guichet, N. Burles, Marie‐ingrid Richard, L. Fellouh, M. Bernard, R. Chahine, P. Kowalczyk, C. Sabbione, A. André, N. Bernier, A. Kolb, Ariel Brenac, R. Morel, Françoise Hippert, P. Noé, O. Thomas, Matériaux à Changement de Phase : Mécanisme de Transition amorphe – cristalline et influence de l’épaisseur, l’exemple du GeTe, Rayons X et Matière, RX2017, 2017 () (hal-01763098) |
Brice Sarpi, Magali Putero, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, MgO monolayer epitaxy on Ni (100), Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 111, pp.211604 (10.1063/1.5000119) (hal-01685588) |
M. Gallard, M.S. Amara, F. Lauraux, C. Guichet, Stephanie Escoubas, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Cristian Mocuta, P. Noé, C. Sabbione, Françoise Hippert, Magali Putero, N. Burle, O. Thomas, Study of the microstructure and stress induced during the crystallization of GeTe thin films, E/PCOS 2017, European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium, 2017 () (hal-01781812) |
M. Gallard, Cristian Mocuta, Mohamed Amara, C. Guichet, P. Noé, C. Sabbione, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Magali Putero, Stephanie Escoubas, Ariel Brenac, R. Morel, Françoise Hippert, O. Thomas, Study of Amorphous - Crystalline Phase Transition in Phase Change Materials, European Materials Research Society, E-MRS, 2017 () (hal-01753416) |
M. Gallard, M.S. Amara, F. Lauraux, C. Guichet, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Stephanie Escoubas, Cristian Mocuta, P. Noé, C. Sabbione, Françoise Hippert, Magali Putero, N. Burle, O. Thomas, In-situ combined X-Ray diffraction and optical curvature measurements to study microstructure and stress induced during the crystallization of GeTe thin films, MAM2017 – Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference, 2017 () (hal-01781799) |
M. Gallard, Cristian Mocuta, Mohamed Amara, C. Guichet, P. Noé, C. Sabbione, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Magali Putero, Stephanie Escoubas, Ariel Brenac, R. Morel, Françoise Hippert, O. Thomas, Amorphous - Crystalline Phase Transition in Phase Change Materials, Soleil User Meeting, SUM2017, 2017 () (hal-01753399) |
Virgile Trannoy, M. Faustini, David Grosso, F. Brisset, P. Beaunier, E. Rivière, Magali Putero, A. Bleuzen, Spatially controlled positioning of coordination polymer nanoparticles onto heterogeneous nanostructured surfaces, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, pp.5234-5243 (10.1039/C7NR00024C) (hal-02012316) |
M. Gallard, Cristian Mocuta, P. Noé, C. Sabbione, Françoise Hippert, F. Lauraux, C. Guichet, Magali Putero, Stephanie Escoubas, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Ariel Brenac, R. Morel, O. Thomas, Study of Crystalline - Amorphous Phase Transition in Phase Change Materials, Meeting of the French Crystallography Association (AFC 2016), 2016 () (hal-01454850) |
Magali Putero, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Christophe Muller, Carsten Baehtz, Simone Raoux, Huai-Yu Cheng, Ge-doped GaSb thin films with zero mass density change upon crystallization for applications in phase change memories, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108 (10.1063/1.4943788) (hal-01435203) |
Dominique Mangelinck, Magali Putero, Marion Descoins, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Stability of GeTe-based phase change material stack under thermal stress: reaction with Ti studied by combined in-situ x-ray diffraction, sheet resistance and atom probe tomography, 2015 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference and 2015 IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (IITC/MAM), 2015, pp.71-73 (10.1109/IITC-MAM.2015.7325629) (hal-01951293) |
Charles Rebora, Marc Bocquet, T. Ouled-Khachroum, Magali Putero, Damien Deleruyelle, Fabrication and characterization of ECM memories based on a Ge2Sb2Te5 solid electrolyte, 2014 10th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), 2014 (10.1109/PRIME.2014.6872754) (hal-01804660) |
E. Bourjot, Magali Putero, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, P. Gergaud, Magali Gregoire, F. Nemouchi, Dominique Mangelinck, Kinetics study of NiPt(10 at.%)/Si0.7Ge0.3 solid state reactions, Microelectronic Engineering, 2014, 120, pp.163-167 (10.1016/j.mee.2013.12.009) (hal-01951263) |
Emilie Faivre, Roxane Llido, Magali Putero, Lahouari Fares, Christophe Muller, Nanostructural defects evidenced in failing silicon-based NMOS capacitors by advanced failure analysis techniques, European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2014, 66, pp.10103 (10.1051/epjap/2014130386) (hal-01951260) |
Magali Putero, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Christophe Muller, Guy Cohen, Marinus Hopstaken, Carsten Baehtz, Simone Raoux, Density change upon crystallization of Ga-Sb films, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (10.1063/1.4901321) (hal-01951261) |
Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Federico Panciera, M. El Kousseifi, Ivan Blum, M. Descoins, M. Bertoglio, A. Portavoce, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Magali Putero, Progress in the understanding of Ni silicide formation for advanced MOS structures, Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2014, 211, pp.152-165 (10.1002/pssa.201300167) (hal-01951259) |
Magali Putero, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Toufik Ouled-Khachroum, Christophe Muller, Carsten Baehtz, Simone Raoux, Unusual crystallization behavior in Ga-Sb phase change alloys, APL Materials, 2013, 1 (10.1063/1.4833035) (hal-01951265) |
Magali Putero, Benjamin Duployer, Ivan Blum, Toufik Ouled-Khachroum, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Carine Perrin, Eric Ziegler, Dominique Mangelinck, Christophe Muller, Combined in situ x-ray scattering and electrical measurements for characterizing phase transformations in nanometric functional films, Thin Solid Films, 2013, 541, pp.21-27 (10.1016/j.tsf.2012.11.131) (hal-01951266) |
Magali Putero, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Toufik Ouled-Khachroum, Carsten Baehtz, Simone Raoux, Christophe Muller, Phase transition in stoichiometric GaSb thin films: Anomalous density change and phase segregation, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (10.1063/1.4842175) (hal-01951264) |
Damien Deleruyelle, Magali Putero, T. Ouled-Khachroum, Marc Bocquet, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Xavier Boddaert, C. Calmes, Christophe Muller, Ge2Sb2Te5 layer used as solid electrolyte in conductive-bridge memory devices fabricated on flexible substrate, Solid-State Electronics, 2012, pp.xxxxx (10.1016/j.sse.2012.06.010) (emse-00767177) |
Magali Putero, Dominique Mangelinck, Effect of Pd on the Ni(2)Si stress relaxation during the Ni-silicide formation at low temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101, pp.11910 (10.1063/1.4752716) (hal-01951267) |
J. Amouroux, V. Della Marca, E. Petit, Damien Deleruyelle, Magali Putero, Christophe Muller, P. Boivin, E. Jalaguier, P. Colonna, P. Maillot, L. Fares, Growth and In-line Characterization of Silicon Nanodots Integrated in Discrete Charge Trapping Non-volatile Memories, MRS Proceedings, 2011, 1337 (10.1557/opl.2011.975) (hal-01760606) |
Magali Putero, Toufik Ouled-Khachroum, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Damien Deleruyelle, Eric Ziegler, Christophe Muller, Evidence for correlated structural and electrical changes in a Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film from combined synchrotron X-ray techniques and sheet resistance measurements during in situ thermal annealing, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2011, 44, pp.858-864 (10.1107/S0021889811024095) (hal-01951268) |
Magali Putero, L. Ehouarne, E. Ziegler, Dominique Mangelinck, First silicide formed by reaction of Ni(13%Pt) films with Si(100): Nature and kinetics by in-situ X-ray reflectivity and diffraction, Scripta Materialia, 2010, 63, pp.24-27 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.02.040) (hal-01951270) |
Peter Morf, Nirmalya Ballav, Magali Putero, Florian Von Wrochem, Jurina M. Wessels, Thomas A. Jung, Supramolecular Structures and Chirality in Dithiocarbamate Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2010, 1, pp.813-816 (10.1021/jz900435w) (hal-01951269) |
F. Nemouchi, V. Carron, J. L. Lábár, Magali Putero, L. Ehouarne, B. Arrazat, Y. Morand, S. Descombes, J. P. Barnes, Dominique Mangelinck, Y. Campidelli, O. Kermarrec, Dopant effect on NiGe texture during nickel germanide growth, ECS Transactions, 2007, 6, pp.49-59 (10.1149/1.2812896) (hal-01951271) |
L. Ehouarne, Magali Putero, Dominique Mangelinck, F. Nemouchi, T. Bigault, E. Ziegler, R. Coppard, In situ study of the growth kinetics and interfacial roughness during the first stages of nickel-silicide formation, Microelectronic Engineering, 2006, 83, pp.2253-2257 (10.1016/j.mee.2006.10.014) (hal-01951272) |
F. Nemouchi, Dominique Mangelinck, J. L. Labar, Magali Putero, C. Bergman, P. Gas, A comparative study of nickel silicides and nickel germanides: Phase formation and kinetics, Microelectronic Engineering, 2006, 83, pp.2101-2106 (10.1016/j.mee.2006.09.014) (hal-01951273) |
A Scheybal, T Ramsvik, R Bertschinger, Magali Putero, F Nolting, Ta Jung, Induced magnetic ordering in a molecular monolayer, Chemical Physics Letters, 2005, 411, pp.214-220 (10.1016/j.cplett.2005.06.017) (hal-01951274) |
Dominique Mangelinck, P. Gas, T. Badéche, E. Taing, F. Nemouchi, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Magali Putero, S. Niel, P. Fornara, J. M. Mirabel, L. Fares, P. H. Albarede, Formation of C49-TiSi2 in flash memories : a nucleation controlled phenomenon ?, Microelectronic Engineering, 2003, 70, pp.220-225 (10.1016/S0167-9317(03)00435-0) (hal-01951275) |
Valérie Paret, Pierre Boher, Roland Geyl, Bernard Vidal, Magali Putero, Etienne Quesnel, Jean Yves Robic, Characterization of optics and masks for the EUV lithography, Microelectronic Engineering, 2002, 61-62, pp.145-155 (10.1016/S0167-9317(02)00576-2) (hal-01951276) |
B. Pichaud, N. Burle, Magali Putero, C. Curtil, Low misfit systems as tools for understanding dislocation relaxation mechanisms in semiconducting heteroepitaxial films, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002, 14, pp.13255-13267 (10.1088/0953-8984/14/48/376) (hal-01951277) |
Magali Putero, K Faik, B Vidal, A comparative study of the interfacial roughness correlation and propagation in Mo/Si multilayers deposited using RF-magnetron sputtering on silicon, ule and zerodur substrates, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002, 14, pp.8955-8968 (10.1088/0953-8984/14/39/305) (hal-01951278) |
Magali Putero, B. Vidal, Extreme-ultraviolet multilayer mirrors deposited using radio-frequency-magnetron sputtering : the influence of self-bias voltage on reflectivity and roughness, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2001, 13, pp.3969-3976 () (hal-01951281) |
Magali Putero, N Burle, B Pichaud, Misfit dislocation cross-slip at the first stages of plastic relaxation in low-mismatch heterostructures, Philosophical Magazine a-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and Mechanical Properties, 2001, 81, pp.125-136 (10.1080/01418610108216622) (hal-01951279) |
Magali Putero, N. Burle, B. Pichaud, Metastability in the Matthews- Blakeslee mechanism for semiconductor film relaxation, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2001, 81, pp.519-525 (10.1080/09500830110059829) (hal-01951280) |
P. Gergaud, C. Lallaizon, Magali Putero, Bruno Lépine, O. Thomas, A. Guivarc'H, Residual Stresses and Magnetoelastic Coupling in Ultrathin Fe Films Deposited on GaAs(001), MRS Proceedings, 2000, 615, pp.G2.9.1.-G.2.9.6 (10.1557/PROC-615-G2.9.1) (hal-01951282) |
B Pichaud, Magali Putero, N Burle, Elemental dislocation mechanisms involved in the relaxation of heteroepitaxial semiconducting systems, Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 1999, 171, pp.251-265 (10.1002/(SICI)1521-396X(199901)171:1<251::AID-PSSA251>3.0.CO;2-9) (hal-01951284) |
Magali Putero, N Burle, B Pichaud, Experimental and theoretical study of misfit dislocation development in low-mismatched heterostructures: application to GaAs/Ge, Philosophical Magazine a-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and Mechanical Properties, 1999, 79, pp.2711-2724 (10.1080/01418619908212019) (hal-01951283) |
B. Pichaud, Magali Putero, N. Burle, Relaxation of low mismatched semiconducting layers by misfit dislocations : models and observations, Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 1998, 08, pp.Pr4-227-Pr4-236 (10.1051/jp4:1998428) (hal-01951287) |
Magali Putero, N Burle, Céline Pelosi, C Frigeri, E Chimenti, N Guelton, X-ray study of GaAs/Ge heterostructures: Relationship between interfacial defects and growth process, Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics, 1997, 19, pp.213-217 () (hal-01951289) |
H. Samic, J. C. Bourgoin, Magali Putero, Nelly Burle, K. Khirouni, R. Bisaro, C. Grattepain, An economical and non polluting technique for the growth of GaAs on GaAs and Ge, Proc. of the 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference(ISBN), 1997, pp.Vol II, p.2510-2513 () (hal-01951288) |
A. Portavoce, H. Khelidj, N. Oueldna, S. Amhil, M. Bertoglio, Dominique Mangelinck, L. Essaleh, K. Hoummada, Thermoelectric power factor of Ge1-xSnx thin films, Materialia, 2020, 14, pp.100873 (10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100873) (hal-03046444) |
A. Portavoce, H. Khelidj, N. Oueldna, S. Amhil, M. Bertoglio, Dominique Mangelinck, L. Essaleh, K. Hoummada, Thermoelectric power factor of Ge1-Sn thin films, Materialia, 2020, 14, pp.100873 (10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100873) (hal-03066654) |
H. Khelidj, A. Portavoce, M. Bertoglio, M. Descoins, L. Patout, K. Hoummada, A. Hallén, A. Charaï, M.C. Benoudia, Dominique Mangelinck, Ge(Sn) growth on Si(001) by magnetron sputtering, Materials Today Communications, 2020, pp.101915 (10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101915) (hal-03065804) |
Nouredine Oueldna, Alain Portavoce, M. Bertoglio, Marion Descoins, Abdelkhalek Kammouni, Khalid Hoummada, Seebeck coefficient in multiphase thin films, Materials Letters, 2020 () (hal-03046413) |
E. Assaf, A. Portavoce, M. Descoins, M. Bertoglio, Sylvain Bertaina, Carbon concentration, Curie temperature, and magnetic resonance field of Mn5Ge3(C) thin films, Materialia, 2019, 8, pp.100487 (10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100487) (hal-02339514) |
E. Assaf, Alain Portavoce, L. Patout, M. Bertoglio, Rodolphe Clérac, K. Hoummada, A. Charai, Sylvain Bertaina, Structural and magnetic properties of MnCoGe ferromagnetic thin films produced by reactive diffusion, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 488, pp.303-315 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.05.226) (hal-02158038) |
T. Luo, M. Bertoglio, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, Evolution of early formed NiSi2 during the reaction between Ni(W, Pt) films and Si (001), Micro and Nano Engineering, 2018, 1, pp.49-55 (10.1016/j.mne.2018.10.004) (hal-02044789) |
T. Luo, J. Perrin Toinin, M. Descoins, K. Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, L. Chow, D. Narducci, A. Portavoce, PdGe contact fabrication on Ga-doped Ge: Influence of implantation-mediated defects, Scripta Materialia, 2018, 150, pp.66-69 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.02.037) (hal-02381663) |
Alain Portavoce, E. Assaf, C. Alvarez, M. Bertoglio, Rodolphe Clérac, K. Hoummada, Claude Alfonso, A. Charai, O. Pilone, K. Hahn, Voicu Octavian Dolocan, Sylvain Bertaina, Ferromagnetic MnCoGe thin films produced via magnetron sputtering and non-diffusive reaction, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 437, pp.336 - 346 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.12.151) (hal-01687492) |
T. Luo, Dominique Mangelinck, M. Descoins, M. Bertoglio, N. Mouaici, A. Hallén, Christophe Girardeaux, Combined effect of Pt and W alloying elements on Ni-silicide formation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123, pp.125301 (10.1063/1.5020435) (hal-02044799) |
M. Descoins, J. Perrin Toinin, S. Zhiou, K. Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, R. Ma, L. Chow, D. Narducci, A. Portavoce, PdGe contact fabrication on Se-doped Ge, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 139, pp.104-107 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.06.029) (hal-01693967) |
E. Assaf, A. Portavoce, K. Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, Sylvain Bertaina, High Curie temperature Mn 5 Ge 3 thin films produced by non-diffusive reaction, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110 (10.1063/1.4976576) (hal-01473345) |
J. Perrin Toinin, A. Portavoce, M. Texier, M. Bertoglio, K. Hoummada, First stages of Pd/Ge reaction: Mixing effects and dominant diffusing species, Microelectronic Engineering, 2017, 167, pp.52-57 (10.1016/j.mee.2016.11.002) (hal-01694485) |
J. Perrin Toinin, K. Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, A. Portavoce, Origin of the first-phase selection during thin film reactive diffusion: Experimental and theoretical insights into the Pd-Ge system, Scripta Materialia, 2016, 122, pp.22-25 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.05.008) (hal-01435282) |
Jacques Perrin Toinin, Khalid Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, Alain Portavoce, Thermal stability of PdGe films on Ge(100) substrate, Scripta Materialia, 2016, 120, pp.45-48 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.04.012) (hal-01435285) |
J. Perrin Toinin, A. Portavoce, M. Texier, M. Bertoglio, K. Hoummada, Te homogeneous precipitation in Ge dislocation loop vicinity, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108 (10.1063/1.4953627) (hal-01435281) |
Mike El Kousseifi, Khalid Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, Dominique Mangelinck, Selection of the first Ni silicide phase by controlling the Pt incorporation in the intermixed layer, Acta Materialia, 2016, 106, pp.193-198 (10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.004) (hal-01435136) |
J. Perrin Toinin, A. Portavoce, K. Hoummada, M. Texier, M. Bertoglio, Sandrine Bernardini, L. Chow, Te implantation in Ge(001) for n-type doping applications, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2016, 42, pp.215-218 (10.1016/j.mssp.2015.07.082) (hal-01435284) |
J Perrin Toinin, A. Portavoce, M. Texier, M. Bertoglio, K. Hoummada, Te homogeneous precipitation in Ge dislocation loop vicinity, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108 () (hal-02111623) |
Sarpi Brice, Nabil Rochdi, Rachid Daineche, M. Bertoglio, Christophe Girardeaux, Alain Baronnet, Jacques Perrin Toinin, Marc Bocquet, Mehdi Djafari-Rouhani, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, Oxidation of Mg atomic monolayer onto silicon: A road toward MgOx/Mg2Si (11–1)/Si (100) heterostructure, Surface Science Letters, 2015, 642, pp.L1-L5 (10.1016/j.susc.2015.08.003) (hal-01496546) |
B. Sarpi, N. Rochdi, Rachid Daineche, M. Bertoglio, Christophe Girardeaux, Alain Baronnet, J. Perrin-Toinin, Michael Bocquet, M. Djafari Rouhani, A. Hemeryck, S. Vizzini, Oxidation of Mg atomic monolayer onto silicon: A road toward MgOx/Mg 2 Si (11–1)/Si (100) heterostructure, Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2015, 642, pp.L1-L5 () (hal-02044833) |
Jacques Perrin Toinin, Alain Portavoce, Khalid Hoummada, Michael Texier, M. Bertoglio, Sandrine Bernardini, Marco Abbarchi, Lee Chow, Nanoporous Ge thin film production combining Ge sputtering and dopant implantation, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2015, 6, pp.336-342 (10.3762/bjnano.6.32) (hal-01229375) |
S Sarpi, Rachid Daineche, Christophe Girardeaux, M. Bertoglio, F Derivaux, J P Biberian, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, Surface-interface exploration of Mg deposited on Si(100) and oxidation effect on interfacial layer, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106, pp.021604 (10.1063/1.4905592) (hal-01496559) |
Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Federico Panciera, M. El Kousseifi, Ivan Blum, M. Descoins, M. Bertoglio, A. Portavoce, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Magali Putero, Progress in the understanding of Ni silicide formation for advanced MOS structures, Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2014, 211, pp.152-165 (10.1002/pssa.201300167) (hal-01951259) |
S. Vizzini, Hamid Oughaddou, J.Y. Hoarau, J.P. Biberian, M. Bertoglio, B. Aufray, Unexpected behaviour of one Pb monolayer deposited on aluminum oxide thin film grown on Ag(111), Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103, pp.261601 () (hal-00975058) |
David Alamarguy, M. Bertoglio, Nicole Lécaudé, Sophie Noël, L. Ruaut, Laurent Tristani, Corrosion behaviour of gold surfaces protected with bonded perfluoro polyethers, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2004, 36, pp.780-783 () (hal-00320159) |
Amani Migaou, Brice Sarpi, Mathilde Guiltat, Kevin Payen, Rachid Daineche, Georges Landa, S. Vizzini, Anne Hémeryck, A perfect wetting of Mg monolayer on Ag(111) under atomic scale investigation: first principles calculations, scanning tunneling microscopy and Auger spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 144, pp.194708 (10.1063/1.4949764) (hal-01407766) |
Sarpi Brice, Rachid Daineche, Christophe Girardeaux, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, Ultra-thin MgO(111)-polar sheets grown onto Ag(111), Applied Surface Science, 2016, 361, pp.259-264 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.11.176) (hal-01407771) |
Sarpi Brice, Nabil Rochdi, Rachid Daineche, M. Bertoglio, Christophe Girardeaux, Alain Baronnet, Jacques Perrin Toinin, Marc Bocquet, Mehdi Djafari-Rouhani, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, Oxidation of Mg atomic monolayer onto silicon: A road toward MgOx/Mg2Si (11–1)/Si (100) heterostructure, Surface Science Letters, 2015, 642, pp.L1-L5 (10.1016/j.susc.2015.08.003) (hal-01496546) |
B. Sarpi, N. Rochdi, Rachid Daineche, M. Bertoglio, Christophe Girardeaux, Alain Baronnet, J. Perrin-Toinin, Michael Bocquet, M. Djafari Rouhani, A. Hemeryck, S. Vizzini, Oxidation of Mg atomic monolayer onto silicon: A road toward MgOx/Mg 2 Si (11–1)/Si (100) heterostructure, Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2015, 642, pp.L1-L5 () (hal-02044833) |
E. Salançon, Rachid Daineche, Olivier Grauby, Roger Morin, Single mineral particles makes an electron point source, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 2015, 33, pp.030601 (10.1116/1.4916237) (hal-01140819) |
S Sarpi, Rachid Daineche, Christophe Girardeaux, M. Bertoglio, F Derivaux, J P Biberian, Anne Hémeryck, S. Vizzini, Surface-interface exploration of Mg deposited on Si(100) and oxidation effect on interfacial layer, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106, pp.021604 (10.1063/1.4905592) (hal-01496559) |
T.K.P. Luong, A. Ghrib, M.T. Dau, M.A. Zrir, M. Stoffel, V. Le Thanh, Rachid Daineche, T.G. Le, Vasile Heresanu, Omar Abbes, Matthieu Petit, M. El Kurdi, Philippe Boucaud, H. Rinnert, J. Murota, Molecular-beam epitaxial growth of tensile-strained and n-doped Ge/Si(001) films using a GaP decomposition source, Thin Solid Films, 2014, 557, pp.70-75 (10.1016/j.tsf.2013.11.027) (hal-00975160) |
Gabrielle Regula, Maryse Lancin, Bernard Pichaud, Thomas Neisius, Rachid Daineche, Sandrine Juillaguet, Stacking faults in intrinsic and N-doped 4HSiC: true influence of the N-doping on their multiplicity, Philosophical Magazine, 2013, 93, pp.1317-1325 (10.1080/14786435.2012.745018) (hal-01936279) |
Stéphane Biondo, Mihai Lazar, Laurent Ottaviani, Wilfried Vervisch, Olivier Palais, Rachid Daineche, Dominique Planson, Frédéric Milesi, Julian Duchaine, Frank Torregrosa, Electrical characteristics of SiC UV-Photodetector device : from the p-i-n structure behaviour to the Junction Barrier Schottky structure behaviour, HeteroSiC & WASMPE 2011, 2011, 711, pp.114-117 (10.4028/ (hal-00661511) |
M.T. Dau, V. Lethanh, T.G. Le, A. Spiesser, Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Rachid Daineche, Mn segregation in Ge/Mn5Ge3 heterostructures: The role of surface carbon adsorption, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99, pp.151908 (10.1063/1.3651488) (hal-00696025) |
Dominique Mangelinck, Khalid Hoummada, Alain Portavoce, Carine Perrin, Rachid Daineche, Marion Descoins, David Larson, Peter Clifton, Three-dimensional composition mapping of NiSi phase distribution and Pt diffusion via grain boundaries in Ni2Si, Scripta Materialia, 2010, 62, pp.568-571 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.12.044) (hal-02386103) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, Jean Bernardini, Khalid Hoummada, Rachid Daineche, János Lábár, Véronique Carron, Simultaneous Measurements of Lattice and Grain Boundary Diffusion Coefficients via 2-Dimensional Simulations, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2010, 297-301, pp.978-983 (10.4028/ (hal-02394022) |
Alain Portavoce, Nicolas Rodriguez, Rachid Daineche, C. Grosjean, Christophe Girardeaux, Correction of secondary ion mass spectrometry profiles for atom diffusion measurements, Materials Letters, 2009, 63, pp.676-678 (10.1016/j.matlet.2008.12.018) (emse-00429559) |
A. Portavoce, N. Rodriguez, Rachid Daineche, C. Grosjean, Christophe Girardeaux, Correction of secondary ion mass spectrometry profiles for atom diffusion measurements, Materials Letters, 2009, 63, pp.676-678 () (hal-02044979) |
Ivan Blum, A. Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, Rachid Daineche, K. Hoummada, János L. Lábár, V. Carron, C. Perrin, Lattice and grain-boundary diffusion of As in Ni2Si, Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104, pp.114312 (10.1063/1.3035836) (hal-02127829) |
Alain Degiovanni, Rachid Daineche, Olivier Grauby, Roger Morin, Source of low-energy coherent electron beams, Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88 (10.1063/1.2161942) (hal-01784335) |
Rachid Daineche, A. Degiovanni, Olivier Grauby, Roger Morin, Source of low-energy coherent electron beams, Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88, pp.023101 () (hal-00017187) |
Fabriziofranco Morris Anak, Andrea Campos-Candela, Magali Gregoire, Adrien Estellon, Marc Lombard, Thomas Guyot, Sophie Guillemin, Dominique Mangelinck, Influence of the annealing schemes on the formation and stability of Ni(Pt)Si thin films: partial, laser, total, and unique anneal, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2025, 184, pp.108806 (10.1016/j.mssp.2024.108806) (hal-04789456) |
Loïc Patout, Claude Alfonso, Marion Descoins, Frank Fournel, Dominique Mangelinck, Nathalie Mangelinck-Noël, Spatial arrangements and types of dislocations in interfacial networks obtained by Si(001) wafer bonding at low twist angle : a TEM characterization, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2024, 184 () (hal-04683755) |
H Khelidj, Alain Portavoce, Khalid Hoummada, Maxime Bertoglio, Mohamed Cherif Benoudia, M Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Nickel stanogermanides thin films: Phases formation, kinetics, and Sn segregation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2024, 136 (10.1063/5.0220979) (cea-04788255) |
Réda Guelladress, Sébastien Kerdilès, Mélanie Dartois, Chiara Sabbione, Magali Gregoire, Dominique Mangelinck, C54-TiSi$_2$ formation using nanosecond laser annealing of A-Si/Ti/A-Si stacks, Thin Solid Films, 2024, 798, pp.140386 (10.1016/j.tsf.2024.140386) (cea-04770913) |
C. Delwail, K. Dabertrand, S. Joblot, F. Mazen, Dominique Mangelinck, Nanoscale effect on the formation of the amorphous Ni silicide by rapid thermal annealing from crystalline and pre-amorphized silicon, Acta Materialia, 2024, 262, pp.119430 (10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119430) (hal-04285181) |
V Bonito Oliva, Dominique Mangelinck, S Hagedorn, H Bracht, Klaus Irmscher, C Hartmann, Philippe Vennéguès, Martin Albrecht, Silicon diffusion in AlN, Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134 (10.1063/5.0159641) (hal-04285030) |
Andréa Newman, Andrea Campos, David Pujol, Pascal Fornara, Magali Gregoire, Dominique Mangelinck, Influence of Si surface preparation on CoSi2 formation and agglomeration, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2023, 162, pp.107488 (10.1016/j.mssp.2023.107488) (hal-04285750) |
M. Grégoire, F. Morris Anak, S. Verdier, K. Dabertrand, S. Guillemin, Dominique Mangelinck, On the influence of Ni(Pt)Si thin film formation on agglomeration threshold temperature and its impact on 3D imaging technology integration, Microelectronic Engineering, 2023, 271-272, pp.111937 (10.1016/j.mee.2023.111937) (hal-04285798) |
Khalid Hoummada, Franck Dahlem, Federico Panciera, Etienne Bustarret, C. Marcenat, Dominique Débarre, Youssef El Amraoui, Dominique Mangelinck, Analysis of superconducting silicon epilayers by atom probe tomography: composition and evaporation field, European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2023, 98, pp.40 (10.1051/epjap/2023230018) (hal-04124377) |
Myriam Dumont, Nikolas Mavrikakis, Wahib Saikaly, Dominique Mangelinck, Kinetics of static recrystallization in Sn-added Fe-Si alloys, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2023, 120, pp.509 (10.1051/metal/2023067) (hal-04227597) |
N. Mavrikakis, W. Saikaly, P.R. Calvillo, A.P.C. Campos, S. Jacomet, Nathalie Bozzolo, Dominique Mangelinck, M. Dumont, How Sn addition influences texture development in single-phase Fe alloys: Correlation between local chemical information, microstructure and recrystallisation, Materials Characterization, 2022, 190, pp.112072 (10.1016/j.matchar.2022.112072) (hal-03858777) |
N. Mavrikakis, W. Saikaly, Nathalie Bozzolo, Dominique Mangelinck, Myriam Dumont, The role of nano-segregation in the evolution of {411}<148> recrystallization texture in ferritic alloys, Texture & Anisotropy workshop 2022, 2022 () (hal-03875048) |
C. Delwail, S. Joblot, F. Mazen, F. Abbate, L. Lachal, F. Milesi, M. Bertoglio, A.M. Papon, M. Gregoire, P.H. Rodriguez, D. Mangelinck, Dominique Mangelinck, Impact of the pre amorphization by Ge implantation on Ni$_{0.9}$Pt$_{0.1}$ silicide, Microelectronic Engineering, 2022, 254, pp.111705 (10.1016/j.mee.2021.111705) (hal-03863804) |
Jianbao Gao, Annie Malchère, Shenglan Yang, Andrea Campos, Ting Luo, Khalid Quertite, Philippe Steyer, Christophe Girardeaux, Lijun Zhang, Dominique Mangelinck, Dewetting of Ni silicide thin film on Si substrate: In-situ experimental study and phase-field modeling, Acta Materialia, 2022, 223, pp.117491 (10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117491) (hal-03454993) |
Stéphanie Jublot-Leclerc, Martin Owusu-Mensah, Vladimir A. Borodin, Joël Ribis, L. Largeau, Ryan Schoell, Djamel Kaoumi, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, A. Gentils, Synthesis of Nano-Oxide Precipitates by Implantation of Ti, Y and O Ions in Fe-10%Cr: Towards an Understanding of Precipitation in Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened (ODS) Steels, Materials, 2022, 15, pp.4857 (10.3390/ma15144857) (hal-03758429) |
Charlotte Dupressoire, Marion Descoins, Aurélie Vande Put, Enrica Epifano, Dominique Mangelinck, Philippe Emile, Daniel Monceau, The role of nitrogen in the oxidation behaviour of a Ti6242S alloy: a nanoscale investigation by atom probe tomography, Acta Materialia, 2021, 216, pp.117134 (10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117134) (hal-03431660) |
Laura Esposito, Sebastien Kerdiles, Magali Gregoire, Dominique Mangelinck, Impact of Nanosecond Laser Annealing on the Formation of Titanium Silicides, 2021 20th International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT), 2021, pp.1-6 (10.23919/IWJT52818.2021.9609410) (hal-03454117) |
Zhongji Sun, Xipeng Tan, Chengcheng Wang, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Shu Beng Tor, Eric Jägle, Stefan Zaefferer, Dierk Raabe, Reducing hot tearing by grain boundary segregation engineering in additive manufacturing: example of an AlxCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Acta Materialia, 2021, 204, pp.116505 (10.1016/j.actamat.2020.116505) (hal-03059610) |
Hannes Zschiesche, Claude Alfonso, Ahmed Charaï, Dominique Mangelinck, Effect of a Ti diffusion barrier on the cobalt silicide formation: solid solution, segregation and reactive diffusion, Acta Materialia, 2021, 204, pp.116504 (10.1016/j.actamat.2020.116504) (hal-03060141) |
A. Portavoce, H. Khelidj, N. Oueldna, S. Amhil, M. Bertoglio, Dominique Mangelinck, L. Essaleh, K. Hoummada, Thermoelectric power factor of Ge1-xSnx thin films, Materialia, 2020, 14, pp.100873 (10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100873) (hal-03046444) |
A. Portavoce, H. Khelidj, N. Oueldna, S. Amhil, M. Bertoglio, Dominique Mangelinck, L. Essaleh, K. Hoummada, Thermoelectric power factor of Ge1-Sn thin films, Materialia, 2020, 14, pp.100873 (10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100873) (hal-03066654) |
H. Khelidj, A. Portavoce, M. Bertoglio, M. Descoins, L. Patout, K. Hoummada, A. Hallén, A. Charaï, M.C. Benoudia, Dominique Mangelinck, Ge(Sn) growth on Si(001) by magnetron sputtering, Materials Today Communications, 2020, pp.101915 (10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101915) (hal-03065804) |
Mike El Kousseifi, Khalid Hoummada, Federico Panciera, Christian Lavoie, Dominique Mangelinck, Nucleation and lateral growth kinetics of the NiSi phase at the epitaxial θ-Ni2Si/Si interface, Acta Materialia, 2020, 198, pp.100-110 (10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.062) (hal-02923017) |
Hannes Zschiesche, Ahmed Charai, Claude Alfonso, Dominique Mangelinck, Methods for Gibbs triple junction excess determination: Ti segregation in CoSi2 thin film, Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, pp.13177-13192 (10.1007/s10853-020-04856-4) (hal-03060639) |
Laura Esposito, S. Kerdiles, M. Gregoire, P. Benigni, K. Dabertrand, Jean-Gabriel Mattei, Dominique Mangelinck, IMPACT OF NANOSECOND LASER ENERGY DENSITY ON THE C40-TiSi2 FORMATION AND C54-TiSi2 TRANSFORMATION TEMPERATURE., Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128, pp.085305 (10.1063/5.0016091) (hal-02922876) |
David Zapico-Álvarez, Patrick Barges, Céline Musik, Florence Bertrand, Jean-Michel Mataigne, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Marie-Laurence Giorgi, Further Insight into Interfacial Interactions in Iron/Liquid Zn-Al System, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51, pp.2391-2403 (10.1007/s11661-020-05669-5) (hal-03071195) |
Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Myriam Dumont, Mohamed Fadel Keïta, Thomas Neisius, Georges Mikaelian, Dominique Mangelinck, Gaëlle Carlot, Philippe Maugis, Characterization by APT and TEM of Xe nano-bubbles in CeO 2, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020, 469, pp.24-27 (10.1016/j.nimb.2020.02.032) (hal-03060510) |
N. Mavrikakis, W. Saikaly, Dominique Mangelinck, M. Dumont, Segregation of Sn on migrating interfaces of ferrite recrystallisation: quantification through APT measurements and comparison with the solute drag theory, Materialia, 2020, 9, pp.100541 (10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100541) (hal-02403373) |
Charlotte Dupressoire, M. Descoins, Aurélie Vande Put, Dominique Mangelinck, P. Emile, Daniel Monceau, The nitrogen effect on the oxidation behaviour of Ti6242S titanium-based alloy: contribution of atom probe tomography, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2020, 321, pp.06005 (10.1051/matecconf/202032106005) (hal-03452341) |
H. Zschiesche, A.P.C. Campos, C. Dominici, L. Roussel, A. Charai, Dominique Mangelinck, C. Alfonso, Correlated TKD/EDS - TEM - APT analysis on selected interfaces of CoSi2 thin films, Ultramicroscopy, 2019, 206, pp.112807 (10.1016/j.ultramic.2019.06.007) (hal-02403191) |
N. Mavrikakis, C. Detlefs, P.K. Cook, M. Kutsal, A.P.C. Campos, Melanie Gauvin, P.R. Calvillo, W. Saikaly, R. Hubert, H.F. Poulsen, Antoine Vaugeois, Héléna Zapolsky, Dominique Mangelinck, M. Dumont, C. Yildirim, A multi-scale study of the interaction of Sn solutes with dislocations during static recovery in α-Fe, Acta Materialia, 2019, 174, pp.92-104 (10.1016/j.actamat.2019.05.021) (hal-02403188) |
P.W. Stankus, X.P. Tan, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, S.B. Tor, C.S. Lim, Revealing hot tearing mechanism for an additively manufactured high-entropy alloy via selective laser melting, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 168, pp.129-133 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.04.036) (hal-02403163) |
Dominique Mangelinck, Mechanisms of Silicide Formation by Reactive Diffusion in Thin Films, Diffusion foundations, 2019, 21, pp.1-28 (10.4028/ (hal-02403179) |
T. Luo, Christophe Girardeaux, H. Bracht, Dominique Mangelinck, Role of the slow diffusion species in the dewetting of compounds: The case of NiSi on a Si isotope multilayer studied by atom probe tomography, Acta Materialia, 2019, 165, pp.192-202 () (hal-02044750) |
Hannes Zschiesche, Ahmed Charai, Dominique Mangelinck, Claude Alfonso, Ti segregation at CoSi grain boundaries, Microelectronic Engineering, 2019, 203-204, pp.1-5 (10.1016/j.mee.2018.10.009) (hal-02403172) |
M. Lemang, Ph. Rodriguez, M. Gregoire, M. Juhel, B. Saidi, P. Gergaud, F. Nemouchi, Dominique Mangelinck, Redistribution of phosphorus during NiPtSi formation on in-situ doped Si, Microelectronic Engineering, 2018, 202, pp.25-30 (10.1016/j.mee.2018.10.005) (hal-02403309) |
T. Luo, M. Bertoglio, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, Evolution of early formed NiSi2 during the reaction between Ni(W, Pt) films and Si (001), Micro and Nano Engineering, 2018, 1, pp.49-55 (10.1016/j.mne.2018.10.004) (hal-02044789) |
Ph. Rodriguez, F. Deprat, C. Sésé, S. Zhiou, S. Favier, C. Fenouillet-Beranger, T. Luo, Dominique Mangelinck, P. Gergaud, F. Nemouchi, Phase formation sequence and cobalt behavior in the Ni0.9 Co0.1 system during the thin film solid-state formation, Microelectronic Engineering, 2018, 200, pp.19-25 (10.1016/j.mee.2018.08.006) (hal-02403223) |
N Mavrikakis, P Calvillo, W. Saikaly, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, M. Dumont, Segregation affecting the evolution of primary recrystallization textures in a ternary Fe-Si-Sn alloy, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 375, pp.012016 (10.1088/1757-899X/375/1/012016) (hal-02403202) |
Dominique Mangelinck, T Luo, Christophe Girardeaux, Reactive diffusion in the presence of a diffusion barrier: experiment and model, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123, pp.185301 (10.1063/1.5023578) (hal-01790347) |
Dominique Mangelinck, T Luo, Christophe Girardeaux, Reactive diffusion in the presence of a diffusion barrier: experiment and model, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018 () (hal-03019073) |
T. Südkamp, G. Hamdana, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, H. Wasisto, E. Peiner, H. Bracht, Self-diffusion in single crystalline silicon nanowires, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123 (10.1063/1.4996987) (hal-01728694) |
T. Luo, Dominique Mangelinck, M. Descoins, M. Bertoglio, N. Mouaici, A. Hallén, Christophe Girardeaux, Combined effect of Pt and W alloying elements on Ni-silicide formation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123, pp.125301 (10.1063/1.5020435) (hal-02044799) |
L. Jablonka, T. Kubart, F. Gustavsson, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, S.-L. Zhang, K. Woschnagg, Improving the morphological stability of nickel germanide by tantalum and tungsten additions, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112, pp.103102 (10.1063/1.5019440) (hal-02403205) |
M. Lemang, Ph. Rodriguez, F. Nemouchi, M. Juhel, M. Grégoire, Dominique Mangelinck, Redistribution of phosphorus during Ni 0.9 Pt 0.1 -based silicide formation on phosphorus implanted Si substrates, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123 (10.1063/1.5020123) (hal-01728691) |
X.P. Tan, P. Wang, Y. Kok, W.Q. Toh, P.W. Stankus, S.M.L. Nai, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, E. Liu, S.B. Tor, Carbide precipitation characteristics in additive manufacturing of Co-Cr-Mo alloy via selective electron beam melting, Scripta Materialia, 2018, 143, pp.117-121 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.09.022) (hal-02403216) |
Dominique Mangelinck, M. El Kousseifi, K. Hoummada, Federico Panciera, T. Epicier, Lateral growth of NiSi at the θ-Ni2Si/Si(100) interface: Experiments and modelling, Microelectronic Engineering, 2018, 199, pp.45-51 (10.1016/j.mee.2018.07.014) (hal-01916302) |
Sylvie Doriot, Emilie Jouanny, Joël Malaplate, France Dalle, Lucien Allais, Thierry Millot, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Moukrane Dehmas, Evolution of defects in Ti6-4 under Ti2+ ion irradiation: Focus on radiation-induced precipitates, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, 511, pp.264-276 (10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.09.027) (hal-02066598) |
Gerry Hamdana, Tobias Suedkamp, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Lorenzo Caccamo, Mails Bertke, Hutomo Suryo Wasisto, Hartmut Bracht, Erwin Peiner, Towards fabrication of 3D isotopically modulated vertical silicon nanowires in selective areas by nanosphere lithography, Microelectronic Engineering, 2017, 179, pp.74-82 (10.1016/j.mee.2017.04.030) (hal-01694208) |
G. Tellouche, A. Derafa, K. Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Reaction paths of Ni rich phases: Effect of Ni thickness, Vacuum, 2017, 141, pp.259-264 (10.1016/j.vacuum.2017.03.019) (hal-01694210) |
A. S. Zuruzi, D. Z. Chi, Dominique Mangelinck, Nitrogen enhanced thermal stability of nickel monosilicide, Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2017, 214 (10.1002/pssa.201600710) (hal-01694196) |
E. Bourjot, M. Gregoire, F. Nemouchi, Dominique Mangelinck, Thermal stability of Ni1-uPtu (0 < u < 0.15) germanosilicide, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121 (10.1063/1.4979529) (hal-01694204) |
Anthony de Luca, Alain Portavoce, Michael Texier, Nelly Burle, Dominique Mangelinck, Giovanni Isella, First stages of Ni reaction with the Si(Ge) alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695, pp.2799-2811 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.11.307) (hal-01694483) |
R. Milazzo, G. Impellizzeri, D. Piccinotti, D. de Salvador, A. Portavoce, A. La Magna, G. Fortunato, Dominique Mangelinck, V. Privitera, A. Carnera, E. Napolitani, Low temperature deactivation of Ge heavily n-type doped by ion implantation and laser thermal annealing, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110, pp.011905 (10.1063/1.4973461) (hal-02385261) |
Camille Flament, Joël Ribis, Jérôme Garnier, Yves Serruys, F. Leprêtre, A. Gentils, C. Baumier, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, A. Lopez, Kimberly Colas, Karl Buchanan, Patricia Donnadieu, Alexis Deschamps, Stability of β″ nano-phases in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloy under high dose ion irradiation, Acta Materialia, 2017, 128, pp.64-76 (10.1016/j.actamat.2017.01.044) (hal-01555155) |
Timothée Molière, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Denis Mencaraglia, James P. Connolly, Laetitia Vincent, Géraldine Hallais, Dominique Mangelinck, Marion Descoins, Daniel Bouchier, Charles Renard, GaAs microcrystals selectively grown on silicon: Intrinsic carbon doping during chemical beam epitaxy with trimethylgallium, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121, pp.035704 (10.1063/1.4974538) (hal-01444245) |
C. Perrin, E. Ghegin, S. Zhiou, F. Nemouchi, P. Rodriguez, P. Gergaud, Philippe Maugis, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Formation of Ni3InGaAs phase in Ni/InGaAs contact at low temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109 (10.1063/1.4963132) (hal-01435222) |
Mike El Kousseifi, Khalid Hoummada, M. Bertoglio, Dominique Mangelinck, Selection of the first Ni silicide phase by controlling the Pt incorporation in the intermixed layer, Acta Materialia, 2016, 106, pp.193-198 (10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.004) (hal-01435136) |
R. Milazzo, G. Impellizzeri, D. Piccinotti, A. La Magna, G. Fortunato, D. de Salvador, A. Carnera, A. Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, V. Privitera, E. Napolitani, Impurity and defect interactions during laser thermal annealing in Ge, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 119, pp.045702 (10.1063/1.4940737) (hal-02385285) |
D. J. Larson, T. J. Prosa, D. E. Perea, K. Inoue, Dominique Mangelinck, Atom probe tomography of nanoscale electronic materials, MRS Bulletin, 2016, 41, pp.30-34 (10.1557/mrs.2015.308) (hal-01435099) |
Xipeng Tan, Yihong Kok, Wei Quan Toh, Yu Jun Tan, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Shu Beng Tor, Kah Fai Leong, Chee Kai Chua, Revealing martensitic transformation and alpha/beta interface evolution in electron beam melting three-dimensional-printed Ti-6Al-4V, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, pp.26039 (10.1038/srep26039) (hal-01435290) |
Charrier Guillaume, Moukrane Dehmas, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Elisabeth Aeby-Gautier, Benoît Appolaire, Sandra Andrieu, Francis Soniak, Study of the Elemental Partitioning for Different Transformation Conditions in the Ti-5553 Alloy, Ti 2015 (the 13th World Conference on Titanium), 2015 (10.1002/9781119296126.ch88) (hal-01521863) |
Fanny Mas, C. Tassin, Florence Robaut, Charlot Frédéric, Valle Nathalie, Dominique Mangelinck, Marion Descoins, François Roch, Patrick Todeschini, Yves Jm Brechet, Coupled carbon diffusion and precipitation in a dissimilar steel weld : 18MND5/309L, PTM 2015, International Conf. on solid-solid Phase Transformations in inorganic Materials, 2015 () (hal-01982305) |
Mike El Kousseifi, Khalid Hoummada, Thierry Epicier, Dominique Mangelinck, Ni silicides formation: use of Ge and Pt to study the diffusing species, lateral growth and relaxation mechanisms., 2015 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference and 2015 IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (IITC/MAM), 2015, pp.257-259 () (hal-01814294) |
M. El Kousseifi, K. Hoummada, T. Epicier, Dominique Mangelinck, Direct observation of NiSi lateral growth at the epitaxial θ-Ni<inf>2</inf>Si/Si(1 0 0) interface, Acta Materialia, 2015, 99, pp.1-6 (10.1016/j.actamat.2015.07.062) (hal-01804752) |
Dominique Mangelinck, Magali Putero, Marion Descoins, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Stability of GeTe-based phase change material stack under thermal stress: reaction with Ti studied by combined in-situ x-ray diffraction, sheet resistance and atom probe tomography, 2015 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference and 2015 IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (IITC/MAM), 2015, pp.71-73 (10.1109/IITC-MAM.2015.7325629) (hal-01951293) |
Alain Portavoce, Khalid Hoummada, Antoine Ronda, Dominique Mangelinck, Isabelle Berbezier, Si/Ge intermixing during Ge Stranski–Krastanov growth, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2014, 5, pp.2374-2382 (10.3762/bjnano.5.246) (hal-01239745) |
X.P. Tan, Dominique Mangelinck, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Luc Rougier, Charles-André Gandin, Alain Jacot, Damien Ponsen, Virginie Jaquet, Atom probe tomography of secondary γ′ precipitation in a single crystal Ni-based superalloy after isothermal aging at 1100 °c, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 611, pp.389-394 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.05.132) (hal-01022688) |
X.P. Tan, Dominique Mangelinck, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Luc Rougier, Charles-André Gandin, Alain Jacot, Damien Ponsen, Virginie Jaquet, Spinodal Decomposition Mechanism of γ′ Precipitation in a Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45, pp.4725-4730 (10.1007/s11661-014-2506-8) (hal-01058164) |
H. Benallali, T. Cremel, K. Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Régis André, S. Tatarenko, Kuntheak Kheng, Atomic scale investigations on CdxZn1−xSe quantum dots: Correlation between the composition and emission properties, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105, pp.053103 (10.1063/1.4891635) (hal-01221881) |
M. El Kousseifi, Federico Panciera, K. Hoummada, M. Descoins, T. Baron., Dominique Mangelinck, Ni silicide nanowires analysis by atom probe tomography, Microelectronic Engineering, 2014, 120, pp.47-51 (10.1016/j.mee.2013.12.011) (hal-01991913) |
G. Tellouche-Derafa, K. Hoummada, A. Derafa, Ivan Blum, A. Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, Kinetics of growth and consumption of Ni rich phases, Microelectronic Engineering, 2014, 120, pp.146-149 (10.1016/j.mee.2013.12.015) (hal-02385327) |
Dominique Mangelinck, Federico Panciera, K. Hoummada, M. El Kousseifi, C. Perrin, M. Descoins, A. Portavoce, Atom probe tomography for advanced metallization, Microelectronic Engineering, 2014, 120, pp.19-33 (10.1016/j.mee.2013.12.018) (hal-02385332) |
J. Fouet, M. Texier, Marie‐ingrid Richard, A. Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, C. Guichet, N. Boudet, O. Thomas, Silicide formation during reaction between Ni ultra-thin films and Si(001) substrates, Materials Letters, 2014, 116, pp.139-142 (10.1016/j.matlet.2013.10.119) (hal-01331208) |
C. Zheng, A. Gentils, Joël Ribis, O. Kaitasov, V.A. Borodin, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, The feasibility of Al-based oxide precipitation in Fe-10%Cr alloy by ion implantation, Philosophical Magazine, 2014, pp.2937-2955 (10.1080/14786435.2014.941028) (in2p3-01079120) |
E. Bourjot, Magali Putero, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, P. Gergaud, Magali Gregoire, F. Nemouchi, Dominique Mangelinck, Kinetics study of NiPt(10 at.%)/Si0.7Ge0.3 solid state reactions, Microelectronic Engineering, 2014, 120, pp.163-167 (10.1016/j.mee.2013.12.009) (hal-01951263) |
Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Federico Panciera, M. El Kousseifi, Ivan Blum, M. Descoins, M. Bertoglio, A. Portavoce, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Magali Putero, Progress in the understanding of Ni silicide formation for advanced MOS structures, Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2014, 211, pp.152-165 (10.1002/pssa.201300167) (hal-01951259) |
Xipeng Tan, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Khalid Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Aurélie Vande Put, Marie-Christine Lafont, Djar Oquab, Daniel Monceau, Atom probe tomographic study of L10 martensite in a Pt-modified NiCoCrAlYTa bond coating, Corrosion Science, 2013, 76, pp.1-5 (10.1016/j.corsci.2013.07.041) (hal-02141642) |
Frederic Danoix, Jacques Lacaze, A. Gibert, Dominique Mangelinck, Khalid Hoummada, Eric Andrieu, Effect of external stress on the Fe–Cr phase separation in 15-5 PH and Fe–15Cr–5Ni alloys, Ultramicroscopy, 2013, vol. 132, pp.pp. 193-198 (10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.12.004) (hal-01170260) |
Khalid Hoummada, Gamra Tellouche, Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Marion Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Direct observation of Ni decorated dislocation loops within As+-implanted silicon and arsenic clustering in Ni silicide contact, Microelectronic Engineering, 2013, 107, pp.184-189 (10.1016/j.mee.2012.12.008) (hal-02385371) |
O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, Fuccio Cristiano, Pier-Francesco Fazzini, Dominique Mangelinck, Didier Blavette, Extended defects and precipitation in heavily B-doped silicon, Thin Solid Films, 2013, 534, pp.62 - 66 (10.1016/j.tsf.2013.01.090) (hal-01921833) |
Audrey Grockowiak, Thierry Klein, Etienne Bustarret, Jozef Kacmarcik, Christiane Dubois, Gilles Prudon, Khalid Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Thierry Kociniewski, Dominique Débarre, Jacques Boulmer, C. Marcenat, Superconducting properties of laser annealed implanted Si:B epilayers, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2013, 26, pp.045009 (10.1088/0953-2048/26/4/045009) (hal-00853455) |
Magali Putero, Benjamin Duployer, Ivan Blum, Toufik Ouled-Khachroum, Marie-Vanessa Coulet, Carine Perrin, Eric Ziegler, Dominique Mangelinck, Christophe Muller, Combined in situ x-ray scattering and electrical measurements for characterizing phase transformations in nanometric functional films, Thin Solid Films, 2013, 541, pp.21-27 (10.1016/j.tsf.2012.11.131) (hal-01951266) |
Sebastien Y.P. Allain, Frederic Danoix, Mohamed Gouné, Khalid Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Static and dynamical ageing processes at room temperature in a Fe25Ni0.4C virgin martensite : effect of C redistribution at the nanoscale, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2013, 93, pp.68-76 (10.1080/09500839.2012.742590) (hal-00785227) |
Khalid Hoummada, Franck Dahlem, Thierry Kociniewski, Jacques Boulmer, Christiane Dubois, Gilles Prudon, Etienne Bustarret, Hervé Courtois, Dominique Débarre, Dominique Mangelinck, Absence of boron aggregates in superconducting silicon confirmed by atom probe tomography, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101, pp.182602 (10.1063/1.4760261) (hal-00760773) |
F. Haidara, B. Duployer, Dominique Mangelinck, M. -C. Record, In-situ investigation of the icosahedral Al–Cu–Fe phase formation in thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 534, pp.47 - 51 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.04.036) (hal-01756356) |
K. Hoummada, G. Tellouche, I.D. Blum, A. Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, Arsenic clustering during formation of the transient Ni silicide, Scripta Materialia, 2012, 67, pp.169-172 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.04.009) (hal-02385397) |
Lyacine Aloui, Thomas Duguet, Fanta Haidara, M. -C. Record, Diane Samélor, François Senocq, Dominique Mangelinck, Constantin Vahlas, Al–Cu intermetallic coatings processed by sequential metalorganic chemical vapour deposition and post-deposition annealing, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258, pp.6425-6430 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.03.053) (hal-01756334) |
Fanta Haidara, M. -C. Record, Benjamin Duployer, Dominique Mangelinck, Investigation of reactive phase formation in the Al–Cu thin film systems, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 206, pp.3851 - 3856 (10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.01.065) (hal-01756324) |
Fuccio Cristiano, Zahi Essa, Yang Qiul, Yohann Spiegel, Frank Torregrosa, Julian Duchaine, Pierre Boulenc, Clement Tavernier, Oana Cojocaru-Miredin, Didier Blavette, Dominique Mangelinck, Pier-Francesco Fazzini, Maurice Quillec, Mehdi Bazizi El, M. Haekenberg, Simona Boninelli, Implantation-induced structural defects in highly activated USJs: Boron precipitation and trapping in pre-Amorphised silicon, 12th International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT 2012), 2012, 2012-January, pp.1--7 (10.1109/IWJT.2012.6212827) (hal-01928869) |
A. Portavoce, K. Hoummada, I. Berbezier, A. Ronda, Dominique Mangelinck, Ge atom distribution in buried dome islands, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100, pp.164105 (10.1063/1.4704150) (hal-02385403) |
Alain Portavoce, Christophe Girardeaux, G. Tréglia, Jean Bernardini, Dominique Mangelinck, Lee Chow, Nanometric-Size Effect upon Diffusion and Reaction in Semiconductors: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2012, 323-325, pp.433-438 (10.4028/ (hal-02393973) |
Fanta Haidara, M. -C. Record, Benjamin Duployer, Dominique Mangelinck, Phase formation in Al–Fe thin film systems, Intermetallics, 2012, 23, pp.143 - 147 (10.1016/j.intermet.2011.11.017) (hal-01756352) |
Alain Portavoce, Christophe Girardeaux, G. Tréglia, Jean Bernardini, Dominique Mangelinck, Lee Chow, Nanometric-Size Effect upon Diffusion and Reaction in Semiconductors: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2012, 323-325, pp.433-438 () (hal-02044905) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Lee Chow, Khalid Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Diffusion and Redistribution of Boron in Nickel Silicides, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2012, 323-325, pp.415-420 (10.4028/ (hal-02393983) |
Fanta Haidara, Dominique Mangelinck, Benjamin Duployer, M. -C. Record, Phase formation of Al10Cu10Fe in thin films, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 133, pp.977 - 980 (10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.01.127) (hal-01756418) |
Fanta Haidara, M. -C. Record, Benjamin Duployer, Dominique Mangelinck, Solid state reactions in Al–Cu–Fe thin film systems, Intermetallics, 2012, 21, pp.62 - 66 (10.1016/j.intermet.2011.09.010) (hal-01756355) |
Magali Putero, Dominique Mangelinck, Effect of Pd on the Ni(2)Si stress relaxation during the Ni-silicide formation at low temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101, pp.11910 (10.1063/1.4752716) (hal-01951267) |
A. Portavoce, Christophe Girardeaux, G. Tréglia, J. Bernardini, Dominique Mangelinck, L. Chow, Nanometric-size effect upon diffusion and reaction in semiconductors: experimental and theoretical investigations, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2012, 323-325, pp.433-438 () (hal-00992908) |
Alain Portavoce, G. Tréglia, Boubekeur Lalmi, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, Bernard Aufray, Jean Bernardini, Theoretical and Experimental Evidences of Sequential Phase Formation during Sub-Nanometric-Thick Film Reactive Diffusion, Solid State Phenomena, 2011, 172-174, pp.633-639 (10.4028/ (hal-02393995) |
Khalid Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Alain Portavoce, Kinetic of Formation of Ni and Pd Silicides: Determination of Interfacial Mobility and Interdiffusion Coefficient by In Situ Techniques, Solid State Phenomena, 2011, 172-174, pp.640-645 (10.4028/ (hal-02393989) |
Alain Portavoce, G. Tréglia, Boubekeur Lalmi, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, Bernard Aufray, Jean Bernardini, Theoretical and Experimental Evidences of Sequential Phase Formation during Sub-Nanometric-Thick Film Reactive Diffusion, Solid State Phenomena, 2011, 172-174, pp.633-639 () (hal-02044914) |
A. Portavoce, Ivan Blum, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, L. Chow, V. Carron, J.L. Labar, Boron clustering in implanted NiSi, Scripta Materialia, 2011, 64, pp.828-831 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2011.01.015) (hal-02385405) |
Alain Portavoce, Ivan Blum, Lee Chow, Jean Bernardini, Dominique Mangelinck, Numerical Simulation Support for Diffusion Coefficient Measurements in Polycrystalline Thin Films, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2011, 309-310, pp.63-72 (10.4028/ (hal-02394011) |
C. Perrin, K. Hoummada, Ivan Blum, A. Portavoce, M. Descoins, Dominique Mangelinck, Redistribution of Alloy Elements during Nickel Silicide Formation: Benefit of Atom Probe Tomography, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2011, 309-310, pp.161-166 (10.4028/ (hal-02394008) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Khalid Hoummada, Gamra Tellouche, Lee Chow, Dominique Mangelinck, Véronique Carron, Dopant diffusivity and solubility in nickel silicides, physica status solidi (c), 2011, 8, pp.670-673 (10.1002/pssc.201000283) (hal-02385407) |
A. Derafa, M. -C. Record, Dominique Mangelinck, R. Halimi, A. Bouabellou, Reactive diffusion in W–Mo–Si thin films, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2011, 103, pp.111 - 116 (10.1007/s10973-010-1136-7) (hal-01756411) |
A. Portavoce, G. Tréglia, B. Lalmi, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, B. Aufray, J. Bernardini, Theoretical and experimental evidences of sequential phase formation during subnanometric-thick film reactive diffusion, Solid State Phenomena, 2011, 172-174, pp.633 () (hal-00696844) |
K. Hoummada, Ivan Blum, Dominique Mangelinck, Alain Portavoce, Composition measurement of the Ni-silicide transient phase by atom probe tomography, Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, pp.261904 (10.1063/1.3457995) (hal-02386090) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, Jean Bernardini, Khalid Hoummada, Rachid Daineche, János Lábár, Véronique Carron, Simultaneous Measurements of Lattice and Grain Boundary Diffusion Coefficients via 2-Dimensional Simulations, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2010, 297-301, pp.978-983 (10.4028/ (hal-02394022) |
Dominique Mangelinck, Khalid Hoummada, Alain Portavoce, Carine Perrin, Rachid Daineche, Marion Descoins, David Larson, Peter Clifton, Three-dimensional composition mapping of NiSi phase distribution and Pt diffusion via grain boundaries in Ni2Si, Scripta Materialia, 2010, 62, pp.568-571 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.12.044) (hal-02386103) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, R. Daineche, K. Hoummada, J.L. Labar, V. Carron, J. Bernardini, Measurement of As diffusivity in Ni2Si thin films, Microelectronic Engineering, 2010, 87, pp.263-266 (10.1016/j.mee.2009.05.020) (hal-02386115) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, L. Chow, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, G. Tellouche, V. Carron, B diffusion in implanted Ni2Si and NiSi layers, Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, pp.054102 (10.1063/1.3303988) (hal-02386108) |
Magali Putero, L. Ehouarne, E. Ziegler, Dominique Mangelinck, First silicide formed by reaction of Ni(13%Pt) films with Si(100): Nature and kinetics by in-situ X-ray reflectivity and diffraction, Scripta Materialia, 2010, 63, pp.24-27 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.02.040) (hal-01951270) |
O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Dominique Mangelinck, Didier Blavette, Boron redistribution during reactive diffusion in Ni-Si contacts, Microelectronic Engineering, 2010, 87, pp.271--273 (10.1016/j.mee.2009.06.018) (hal-01928876) |
A. Portavoce, B. Lalmi, G. Tréglia, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, B. Aufray, J. Bernardini, Subnanometric Si film reactive diffusion on Ni, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95, pp.023111 () (hal-02044925) |
Alain Portavoce, B. Lalmi, G. Tréglia, C. Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, B. Aufray, J. Bernardini, Subnanometric Si film reactive diffusion on Ni, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95, pp.023111 (10.1063/1.3177187) (hal-02386120) |
O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, Emmanuel Cadel, Bernard Deconihout, Dominique Mangelinck, Didier Blavette, Three-dimensional atom mapping of boron in implanted silicon, Ultramicroscopy, 2009, 109, pp.649--653 (10.1016/j.ultramic.2008.09.008) (hal-01928878) |
O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, Emmanuel Cadel, Didier Blavette, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, C. Genevois, Bernard Deconihout, Atomic-scale redistribution of Pt during reactive diffusion in Ni (5% Pt)-Si contacts, Ultramicroscopy, 2009, 109, pp.797--801 (10.1016/j.ultramic.2009.02.001) (hal-01928881) |
A. Portavoce, B. Lalmi, G. Tréglia, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, B. Aufray, J. Bernardini, Subnanometric Si film reactive diffusion on Ni, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95, pp.023111 () (hal-00413559) |
O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, Emmanuel Cadel, François Vurpillot, Dominique Mangelinck, Didier Blavette, Three-dimensional atomic-scale imaging of boron clusters in implanted silicon, Scripta Materialia, 2009, 60, pp.285-288 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2008.10.008) (hal-01953258) |
Alain Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, R Simola, R Daineche, J. Bernardini, Atom redistribution during co-doped amorphous silicon crystallization, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2009, 289-292, pp.329-337 () (hal-02406667) |
O. Cojocaru-Miŕdin, Dominique Mangelinck, Didier Blavette, Nucleation of boron clusters in implanted silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106 (10.1063/1.3265998) (hal-01928877) |
Ivan Blum, A. Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, Rachid Daineche, K. Hoummada, János L. Lábár, V. Carron, C. Perrin, Lattice and grain-boundary diffusion of As in Ni2Si, Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104, pp.114312 (10.1063/1.3035836) (hal-02127829) |
Ivan Blum, Alain Portavoce, Dominique Mangelinck, R. Daineche, K. Hoummada, J. Lábár, V. Carron, C. Perrin, Lattice and grain-boundary diffusion of As in Ni2Si, Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104, pp.114312 (10.1063/1.3035836) (hal-02386151) |
K. Hoummada, Alain Portavoce, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Dominique Mangelinck, C. Bergman, Differential scanning calorimetry measurements of kinetic factors involved in salicide process, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92, pp.133109 (10.1063/1.2905293) (hal-02386166) |
Philippe Pareige, Emmanuel Cadel, Xavier Sauvage, Bernard Deconihout, Didier Blavette, Dominique Mangelinck, Atomic resolution analyses of nano-structured materials by atom probe tomography, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2008, 5, pp.592--608 (10.1504/IJNT.2008.018684) (hal-01928885) |
Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, Emmanuel Cadel, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Didier Blavette, Atom probe tomography of Ni silicides: First stages of reaction and redistribution of Pt, Microelectronic Engineering, 2008, 85, pp.1995--1999 (10.1016/j.mee.2008.04.048) (hal-01928884) |
K. Hoummada, Dominique Mangelinck, Emmanuel Cadel, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Didier Blavette, Bernard Deconihout, Formation of Ni silicide at room temperature studied by laser atom probe tomography: Nucleation and lateral growth, Microelectronic Engineering, 2007, 84, pp.2517--2522 (10.1016/j.mee.2007.05.051) (hal-01928891) |
O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Emmanuel Cadel, Didier Blavette, Bernard Deconihout, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Snowplow effect and reactive diffusion in the Pt doped Ni-Si system, Scripta Materialia, 2007, 57, pp.373--376 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.05.007) (hal-01928888) |
Alain Portavoce, R Simola, Dominique Mangelinck, J. Bernardini, P. Fornara, Dopant diffusion during amorphous silicon crystallization, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2007, 264, pp.33-38 () (hal-02406682) |
F. Nemouchi, V. Carron, J. L. Lábár, Magali Putero, L. Ehouarne, B. Arrazat, Y. Morand, S. Descombes, J. P. Barnes, Dominique Mangelinck, Y. Campidelli, O. Kermarrec, Dopant effect on NiGe texture during nickel germanide growth, ECS Transactions, 2007, 6, pp.49-59 (10.1149/1.2812896) (hal-01951271) |
K. Hoummada, Emmanuel Cadel, Dominique Mangelinck, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Didier Blavette, Bernard Deconihout, First stages of the formation of Ni silicide by atom probe tomography, Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (10.1063/1.2370501) (hal-01928898) |
F. Nemouchi, Dominique Mangelinck, J. L. Labar, Magali Putero, C. Bergman, P. Gas, A comparative study of nickel silicides and nickel germanides: Phase formation and kinetics, Microelectronic Engineering, 2006, 83, pp.2101-2106 (10.1016/j.mee.2006.09.014) (hal-01951273) |
L. Ehouarne, Magali Putero, Dominique Mangelinck, F. Nemouchi, T. Bigault, E. Ziegler, R. Coppard, In situ study of the growth kinetics and interfacial roughness during the first stages of nickel-silicide formation, Microelectronic Engineering, 2006, 83, pp.2253-2257 (10.1016/j.mee.2006.10.014) (hal-01951272) |
R. Simola, Dominique Mangelinck, Alain Portavoce, J. Bernardini, P. Fornara, Boron Redistribution During Crystallization of Phosphorus-Doped Amorphous Silicon, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006, 866 () (hal-02406692) |
Didier Blavette, Emmanuel Cadel, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Rodrigue Lardé, François Vurpillot, Benjamin Klaes, Angela Vella, Philippe Pareige, Jonathan Houard, Bernard Deconihout, Laser atom probe tomography: Some applications, IVNC and IFES 2006 - Technical Digest - l9th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference and 50th International Field Emission Symposium, 2006, pp.61--62 (10.1109/IVNC.2006.335352) (hal-01928901) |
P. Gas, C Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, A. Portavoce, Reaction and diffusion at interfaces of micro- and nanostructured materials, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2003, 101, pp.43-48 (10.1016/S0921-5107(02)00709-2) (hal-02393446) |
P. Gas, Christophe Girardeaux, Dominique Mangelinck, P Portavoce, Reaction and diffusion at interfaces of micro- and nanostructured materials, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2003, 101, pp.43-48 () (hal-02045023) |
Dominique Mangelinck, P. Gas, T. Badéche, E. Taing, F. Nemouchi, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, Magali Putero, S. Niel, P. Fornara, J. M. Mirabel, L. Fares, P. H. Albarede, Formation of C49-TiSi2 in flash memories : a nucleation controlled phenomenon ?, Microelectronic Engineering, 2003, 70, pp.220-225 (10.1016/S0167-9317(03)00435-0) (hal-01951275) |
I. Michael, J Valmalette, C. A. Muller, Cédric Leroux, A.A. Chaou, M. Lomello-Tafin, J. L. Rousset, Dominique Mangelinck, P. Gas, The reactive nanostructuration of ZrAu alloy: a new approach for synthesis of 2-4nm Au_ZrO2 nanostructures, EUROMAT 2003, European Congress an Advanced Materials and Processes, 1/09/03 - 5/09/03, 2003 () (hal-00011093) |
Dominique Mangelinck, P. Gas, A. Grob, B. Pichaud, O. Thomas, Formation of Ni silicide from Ni(Au) films on $^{111}$Si, Journal of Applied Physics, 1996, 79, pp.4078-4086 () (in2p3-00015166) |
Dominique Mangelinck, P. Gas, J. Gay, B. Pichaud, Effect of Gold on the Nickel/Silicon Thin Film Reaction, Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 1996, 06, pp.C2-97-C2-102 (10.1051/jp4:1996213) (jpa-00254191) |
W. Mottay, Khalid Hoummada, Yves Bréchet, Véronique Massardier-Jourdan, Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Philippe Maugis, François Roch, Mohamed Gouné, Identification and analysis of a reverse dynamic strain ageing in welded joints of C-Mn steels in the secondary circuit welds of nuclear power plants, Scripta Materialia, 2024, 247, pp.116099 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116099) (hal-04531884) |
Philippe Maugis, Effect of Mechanical Stress Tensor on Phase Equilibria in Body-Centered Interstitial Alloys: Case of Carbon-Supersaturated Iron, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2022, 43, pp.827-843 (10.1007/s11669-022-00993-2) (hal-04018926) |
Dmytro Kandaskalov, Liangzhao Huang, Johnathan Emo, Philippe Maugis, Carbon diffusion in bcc- and bct-Fe: Influence of short-range C–C pair interactions studied from first-principles calculations, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 286, pp.126159 (10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.126159) (hal-04018910) |
Philippe Maugis, A theory of Snoek relaxation in iron-carbon bct-martensite, Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57, pp.10343-10358 (10.1007/s10853-022-07250-4) (hal-04042426) |
A. Germain, J. Sercombe, C. Riglet-Martial, C. Introïni, L. Noirot, Y. Pontillon, Philippe Maugis, Coupled modeling of irradiated fuel thermochemistry and gas diffusion during severe accidents, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022, 560, pp.153429 (10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153429) (hal-04018893) |
P. Douguet, G. da Rosa, Philippe Maugis, J. Drillet, K. Hoummada, Effect of boron segregation on bainite nucleation during isothermal transformation, Scripta Materialia, 2022, 207, pp.114286 (10.1016/J.SCRIPTAMAT.2021.114286) (hal-04018882) |
Damien Connétable, Philippe Maugis, Hydrogen diffusivity and solubility in stressed fcc crystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 879, pp.160425 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160425) (hal-03370408) |
Philippe Maugis, Thermo-kinetic modelling of the giant Snoek effect in carbon-supersaturated iron, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 877, pp.160236 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160236) (hal-03600560) |
Damien Connétable, Philippe Maugis, Effect of stress on vacancy formation and diffusion in fcc systems: Comparison between DFT calculations and elasticity theory, Acta Materialia, 2020, 200, pp.869-882 (10.1016/j.actamat.2020.09.053) (hal-02989013) |
Arthur Marceaux Dit Clément, Khalid Hoummada, Josée Drillet, Véronique Hébert, Philippe Maugis, Effects of cementite size and chemistry on the kinetics of austenite formation during heating of a high-formability steel, Computational Materials Science, 2020, 182, pp.109786 (10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109786) (hal-02570419) |
Arthur Marceaux Dit Clément, Khalid Hoummada, Josée Drillet, Véronique Hébert, Philippe Maugis, Delaying Effect of Cementite on Recrystallization Kinetics of a Ti-Nb Microalloyed High-Formability Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020 (10.1007/s11661-020-05859-1) (hal-02877324) |
Arthur Marceaux Dit Clément, Khalid Hoummada, Josée Drillet, Véronique Hébert, Philippe Maugis, Atom probe tomography study of austenite formation during heating of a high-formability steel, Journal of Materials Science, 2020 (10.1007/s10853-020-04605-7) (hal-02543046) |
Carine Perrin-Pellegrino, Myriam Dumont, Mohamed Fadel Keïta, Thomas Neisius, Georges Mikaelian, Dominique Mangelinck, Gaëlle Carlot, Philippe Maugis, Characterization by APT and TEM of Xe nano-bubbles in CeO 2, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020, 469, pp.24-27 (10.1016/j.nimb.2020.02.032) (hal-03060510) |
Astrid Perlade, Annie Antoni, Rémy Besson, Daniel Caillard, Michael Callahan, Jonathan Emo, Anne-Françoise Gourgues-Lorenzon, Philippe Maugis, Aurore Mestrallet, Ludovic Thuinet, Quentin Tonizzo, Jean-Hubert Schmitt, Development of 3rd generation Medium Mn duplex steels for automotive applications, Materials Science and Technology, 2019, 35, pp.1-16 (10.1080/02670836.2018.1549303) (hal-01952714) |
Philippe Maugis, Sara Chentouf, Damien Connétable, Stress-controlled carbon diffusion channeling in bct-iron: A mean-field theory, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 769, pp.1121-1131 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.08.060) (hal-01993655) |
Philippe Maugis, Frederic Danoix, Myriam Dumont, Sergiu Curelea, Sophie Cazottes, Héléna Zapolsky, Mohamed Gouné, Carbon diffusivity and kinetics of spinodal decomposition of martensite in a model Fe-Ni-C alloy, Materials Letters, 2018, 214, pp.213-216 (10.1016/j.matlet.2017.12.007) (hal-01718168) |
Myriam Dumont, C. Philippot, M. Bellavoine, K. Hoummada, J. Drillet, V. Hebert, Philippe Maugis, Influence of Heating Rate on Ferrite Recrystallization and Austenite Formation in Cold-Rolled Microalloyed Dual-Phase Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49, pp.66 - 77 (10.1007/s11661-017-4407-0) (hal-01774011) |
Myriam Dumont, Marion Bellavoine, Josée Drillet, Véronique Hébert, Philippe Maugis, Combined Effect of Heating Rate and Microalloying Elements on Recrystallization During Annealing of Dual-Phase Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018 (10.1007/s11661-018-4642-z) (hal-01786876) |
Philippe Maugis, Frederic Danoix, Héléna Zapolsky, Sophie Cazottes, Mohamed Gouné, Temperature hysteresis of the order-disorder transition in carbon-supersaturated α-Fe, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2017, 96, pp.214104 - 214104 (10.1103/PhysRevB.96.214104) (hal-01789207) |
G. da Rosa, Philippe Maugis, J. Drillet, V. Hebert, K. Hoummada, Co-segregation of boron and carbon atoms at dislocations in steel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 724, pp.1143 - 1148 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.07.096) (hal-01789218) |
Sara Chentouf, Sophie Cazottes, Frederic Danoix, Mohamed Gouné, Héléna Zapolsky, Philippe Maugis, Effect of interstitial carbon distribution and nickel substitution on the tetragonality of martensite: A first-principles study, Intermetallics, 2017, 89, pp.92-99 (10.1016/j.intermet.2017.05.022) (hal-01789220) |
Jonathan Emo, Philippe Maugis, Atomic mean-field model of E2 1 ordering in γ-iron-aluminium-carbon alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 696, pp.1120 - 1128 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.056) (hal-01789221) |
Dmytro Kandaskalov, Philippe Maugis, A first-principle study of the structural, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermodynamic properties of <mml:math altimg="si4.gif" overflow="scroll" xmlns:xocs="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:ja="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:tb="" xmlns:sb="" xmlns:ce="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:cals="" xmlns:sa=""><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>″</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">Fe</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>16</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> and <mml:math altimg="si5.gif" overflow="scroll" xmlns:xocs="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:ja="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:tb="" xmlns:sb="" xmlns:ce="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:cals="" xmlns:sa=""><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>″</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">Fe</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>16</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> phases, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 128, pp.278 - 286 (10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.11.022) (hal-01789222) |
Sara Chentouf, Philippe Maugis, Structural, energetic and dynamical properties of ordered and disordered bcc Fe25at.%Ni alloys: A first-principles study, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 126, pp.82-89 (10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.09.020) (hal-01694466) |
Marion Bellavoine, Myriam Dumont, Josée Drillet, Philippe Maugis, Véronique Hebert, Influence of Microalloying Elements Ti and Nb on Recrystallization during Annealing of Advanced High-Strength Steels, Materials Science Forum, 2017, 879, pp.217 - 223 (10.4028/ (hal-01704748) |
Jonathan Emo, Philippe Maugis, Astrid Perlade, Austenite growth and stability in medium Mn, medium Al Fe-C-Mn-Al steels, Computational Materials Science, 2016, 125, pp.206-217 (10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.08.041) (hal-01435137) |
Arno Le Prioux, Paul C. M. Fossati, Serge Maillard, Thomas Jourdan, Philippe Maugis, Empirical potential simulations of interstitial dislocation loops in uranium dioxide, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2016, 479, pp.576-584 (10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.07.046) (hal-01435100) |
C. Perrin, E. Ghegin, S. Zhiou, F. Nemouchi, P. Rodriguez, P. Gergaud, Philippe Maugis, Dominique Mangelinck, K. Hoummada, Formation of Ni3InGaAs phase in Ni/InGaAs contact at low temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109 (10.1063/1.4963132) (hal-01435222) |
Philippe Maugis, K. Hoummada, A methodology for the measurement of the interfacial excess of solute at a grain boundary, Scripta Materialia, 2016, 120, pp.90-93 (10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.04.005) (hal-01435243) |
Sergiu Curelea, Sophie Cazottes, Thierry Epicier, Frederic Danoix, Héléna Zapolsky, Mikola Lavrskyi, Philippe Maugis, Sara Chentouf, Mohamed Gouné, Kinetic Behavior of Fe-Ni-C Martensitic Steels during Aging at Room Temperature, European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016, pp.227--228 () (hal-01829263) |
Benoit Gabrielle, Patricia Garnier, E. Bonnaud, Philippe Maugis, ASSETS - ASsessing Ecosystem services in Transitioning agro-ecosystemS, Journées scientifiques annuelles BASC 2016, 2016, () (hal-01583803) |
Myriam Dumont, C. Philippot, K. Hoummada, J. Drillet, V. Hebert, Philippe Maugis, Influence of a 2-D defect on the partitioning during the formation of a cementite particle in steels, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 106, pp.64 - 68 (10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.04.020) (hal-01774017) |
Myriam Dumont, Lorelei Commin, I. Morfin, Frédéric De Geuser, Fabrice Legendre, Philippe Maugis, Corrigendum to “Chemical composition of nano-phases studied by anomalous small-angle X-ray: Application to oxide nano-particles in ODS steels” [Mater. Charact. 87 (2013) pp. 138–142], Materials Characterization, 2015, 102, pp.221-221 (10.1016/j.matchar.2015.02.007) (hal-01211356) |
N. Pham Thi, J.-C Dumas, V. Bouineau, N. Dupin, C. Guéneau, Stéphane Gossé, Benigni P., Philippe Maugis, J. Rogez, Thermodynamic assessment of the Cs–Te binary system, Calphad, 2015, 48, pp.1 - 12 (10.1016/j.calphad.2014.10.006) (hal-01788779) |
Mohamed Gouné, Philippe Maugis, Frederic Danoix, Nucleation and growth of carbo-nitride nanoparticles in α-Fe-based alloys and associated interfacial process, Nanotechnology reviews, 2015, 4, pp.517-532 (10.1515/ntrev-2015-0032) (hal-01241954) |
Myriam Dumont, I. Morfin, Frédéric De Geuser, L. Commin, F. Legendre, Philippe Maugis, Sébastien Jégou, Laurent Barrallier, Chemical composition of nano-phases studied by anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering (ASAXS), Chemical composition of nano-phases studied by anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering (ASAXS), 2014 () (hal-01197483) |
Myriam Dumont, Lorelei Commin, I. Morfin, Frédéric De Geuser, Fabrice Legendre, Philippe Maugis, Chemical composition of nano-phases studied by anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering: Application to oxide nano-particles in ODS steels, Materials Characterization, 2014, 87, pp.138-142 (10.1016/j.matchar.2013.11.008) (hal-01138226) |
Myriam Dumont, C. Philippot, J. Drillet, Philippe Maugis, V. Hebert, Austenite formation in a ferrite/martensite cold-rolled microstructure during annealing of advanced high-strength steels, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2014, 111, pp.3 - 8 (10.1051/metal/2014004) (hal-01774019) |
Frédéric Paran, A. Mouhri, F. Arthaud, L. Bodet, Gudrun Bornette, Marion Chatelier, Nicolas Flipo, Jordan Ré-Bahuaud, Roger Guérin, Florence Habets, Pierre Marmonier, Christophe Piscart, Fayçal Rejiba, Gaëlle Tallec, Vincent Thiérion, Bénédicte Augeard, Philippe Maugis, NAPROM (NAPpes-Rivières, Observation et Modélisation). Synthèse méthodologique multi-site et multi-critère des échanges nappes/rivières, Colloque annuel du programme de recherche PIREN-Seine, 2013 () (halshs-01380184) |
Mohamed Gouné, J. Drillet, Philippe Maugis, Modelling of the interaction between phase transformation and precipitation: Coupled kinetics in microalloyed multiphase steels, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 55, pp.127-135 (10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.11.027) (hal-00679506) |
M. Perrier, Alexis Deschamps, O. Bouaziz, Y. Brechet, Frederic Danoix, Frédéric De Geuser, Patricia Donnadieu, K. Hoummada, Philippe Maugis, Characterization and Modeling of Precipitation Kinetics in a Fe-Si-Ti Alloy., Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012, 43A, pp.4999-5008 (10.1007/s11661-012-1337-8) (hal-00805032) |
Mohamed Gouné, Philippe Maugis, J. Drillet, A criterion for the change from fast to slow regime of cementite dissolution in Fe-C-Mn steels, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2012, 23, pp.728-236 (10.1016/s1005-0302(12)60122-4) (hal-00731162) |
O. Bouaziz, Patrick Barges, Philippe Maugis, Mingxin Huang, A nanometre-sized porous phase in iron–carbon–boron system, Materials Letters, 2010, 64, pp.2559-2561 (10.1016/j.matlet.2010.08.004) (hal-00523252) |
Rémy Besson, A. Legris, Damien Connétable, Philippe Maugis, Atomic-scale study of low-temperature equilibria in iron-rich Al-C-Fe, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2008, vol. 78, pp.014204/1-014204/11 (10.1103/PhysRevB.78.014204) (hal-00806033) |
Damien Connétable, Jacques Lacaze, Philippe Maugis, Bo Sundman, A Calphad assessment of Al–C–Fe system with the carbide modelled as an ordered form of the fcc phase, Calphad, 2008, 32, pp.361-370 (10.1016/j.calphad.2008.01.002) (hal-00696924) |
C. Hin, Y. Brechet, Philippe Maugis, F. Soisson, Kinetics of heterogeneous dislocation precipitation: a Monte Carlo study, Acta Materialia, 2008, 56, pp.5535 () (hal-00358530) |
C. Hin, Y. Brechet, Philippe Maugis, F. Soisson, Kinetics of heterogeneous GB precipitation: a Monte Carlo study, Acta Materialia, 2008, 56, pp.5653 () (hal-00358528) |
C. Hin, Y. Brechet, Philippe Maugis, F. Soisson, Heterogeneous precipitation on dislocations: effect of the elastic field on precipitate morphology, Philosophical Magazine, 2008, 88, pp.1555-1567 () (hal-00358412) |
I. Zuazo, Y. Brechet, Philippe Maugis, Austenite decomposition in Fe-Mn-Al-C alloys, Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc, 2008, 1 and 2, pp.1245-1253 () (hal-00457512) |
I. Zuazo, Y. Brechet, Patricia Donnadieu, Philippe Maugis, Austenite Decomposition in Fe-Mn-Al-C Alloys, Euromat 2007, 2007 () (hal-00214136) |
Michel Perez, Eglantine Courtois, Daniel Acevedo-Reyes, Thierry Epicier, Philippe Maugis, Precipitation of niobium carbonitrides in ferrite: Chemical composition measurements and thermodynamic modelling, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2007, pp.645-656 () (hal-00434161) |
Michel Perez, Eglantine Courtois, Daniel Acevedo-Reyes, Thierry Epicier, Philippe Maugis, Precipitation of niobium carbonitrides: Chemical composition measurements and modeling, Materials Science Forum, 2007, pp.4196-4201 () (hal-00434188) |
F. Perrard, Alexis Deschamps, Philippe Maugis, Modelling the precipitation of NbC on dislocations in -Fe, Acta Materialia, 2007, 55, pp.1255 () (hal-00204410) |
Alexis Deschamps, F. Perrard, F. Bley, Patricia Donnadieu, Philippe Maugis, Effect of dislocations on precipitation of Nb-C in alpha-Fe, Materials Science Forum, 2007, 539-543, pp.4161 () (hal-00204227) |
F. Perrard, Alexis Deschamps, F. Bley, Patricia Donnadieu, Philippe Maugis, A small-angle neutron scattering study of fine-scale NbC precipitation kinetics in the alpha-Fe-Nb-C system., Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2006, 39, pp.473-482 () (hal-00139874) |
Frederic Danoix, E. Bémont, Philippe Maugis, François Vurpillot, Didier Blavette, Atom probe tomography study of homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation of niobium carbides in a model ferritic steel, IVNC and IFES 2006 - Technical Digest - l9th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference and 50th International Field Emission Symposium, 2006, pp.91 (10.1109/IVNC.2006.335372) (hal-01928902) |
Frederic Danoix, E. Bémont, Philippe Maugis, Didier Blavette, Atom probe tomography I. Early stages of precipitation of NbC and NbN in ferritic steels, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2006, 8, pp.1202--1205 (10.1002/adem.200600225) (hal-01928896) |
E. Bémont, Emmanuel Cadel, Philippe Maugis, Didier Blavette, Precipitation of niobium carbides in Fe–C–Nb steel, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2004, 36, pp.585--588 (10.1002/sia.1706) (hal-01928908) |
I. Delidais, Philippe Maugis, D. Ballutaud, N. Tabet, Jean-Luc Maurice, EBIC MEASUREMENT OF BULK AND SURFACE RECOMBINATION IN p-TYPE SILICON : INFLUENCE OF OXIDATION AND HYDROGENATION, Journal de Physique Colloques, 1989, 50, pp.C6-187-C6-187 (10.1051/jphyscol:1989641) (jpa-00229673) |