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Soutenance de thèse - 9 novembre 2022 - Mario Khoury - Silicon-Based Light Emitters Towards Quantum Devices At Telecom Frequency

Salle des thèses - Campus de Saint Jérôme

Mr. Mario KHOURY

(ED n°352 : Physique et science de la matière)

Soutiendra publiquement ses travaux de thèse intitulés :


Silicon-Based Light Emitters Towards Quantum Devices At Telecom Frequency


Dirigé par : Marco ABBARCHI et Isabelle BERBEZIER (Département EMONA, équipe NOVA)


Le mercredi 9 novembre 2022 à 9h30, salle des thèses, Faculté des Sciences de St Jérôme



The aim of this thesis it to explore the potential of G-centers in silicon for applications in quantum technologies. This point defect was originally highlighted in carbon-rich Si samples undergoing high-energy irradiation followed by high temperature annealing. A key feature of G-centers is their infrared emission, matching the important optical telecommunications wavelength O-band spreading between 1260-1360 nm. Through this project we have demonstrated, that we are able to create individual G-centers through ion implantation in photonic nanostructures based on isotopically purified 28Si samples, which will provide an integrated single photon source in silicon emitting in the telecommunications wavelength range. The creation of single defects is demonstrated by measuring the anti-bunching in light intensity-correlation (second order auto-correlation function).

The Sub-micrometric, dielectric objects featuring high permittivity and reduced absorption losses enable for efficient light management, potentially enhancing and extending the performances of opto-electronic devices. The resonant scattering supported by individual dielectric antennas is generally rather broad (50-100 nm for the fundamental Mie resonances at visible and near-infrared frequency). Common materials for the implementation of these devices are IV-IV-based compounds. Here we use low-resolution optical lithography and plasma etching joined with solid state dewetting of crystalline, ultra-thin silicon on insulator (c-UT-SOI) to form monocrystalline, atomically-smooth, silicon-based Mie resonators in well controlled large periodic arrays.

By integrating light emitting G-centers within the Si-based antennas. We engineer the light emission by tuning carbon dose, beam energy and islands size in order to optimize the coupling between the emitters and the Mie resonances. One directional light emission at 120 K is demonstrated experimentally and confirmed by Finite Difference Time Domain simulations. We estimate that, with an optimal coupling of the G-centers emission with the resonant antennas, a collection efficiency of about 90\% can be reached using a conventional objective lens. The integration of these telecom-frequency emitters in resonant antennas is relevant for their efficient exploitation in quantum optics applications and more generally to Si-based photonic metasurfaces.



Mie Resonators, Light Emitters In Silicon, G-Centers, Telecom Frequency


Composition du jury :

Rapporteur : Francesco BICCARI Rapporteur Université de Florence (Non-membre du Jury)

Rapporteur : Giordano SCAPPUCCI QuTech, TU Delft Université

Examinateur : Stefano SANGUINETTI Université de Milan

Examinatrice : Lydie FERRIER Université de Lyon

Présidente du Jury : Fabienne MICHELINI Université Aix-Marseille


Directeur de thèse : Marco ABBARCHI Université Aix-Marseille

Co-directeur de thèse : Isabelle BERBEZIER Université Aix-Marseille