Séminaire - Mustapha JOUIAD - Jeudi 15 juin 2023 - La microscopie électronique analytique au service de la relation étroite entre les propriétés d'un matériau et l'évolution de sa microstructure
Invitation : AHMED CHARAI (Département MATER, µTEN).
Diffusion : IM2NP, CINaM, Irphe, LP3 (via N. Sannier), Madirel (via P. Boulet), PIIM (via T. Angot), CPT (T. Martin), Fédération de Chimie (via S. Viel), CP2M
SEMINAIRE Jeudi 15 juin 2023 à 11h00
Salle des séminaires de l'Im2np, campus de Saint-Jérôme, 1er étage Bâtiment Poincaré
et par Zoom: https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/84380122408?pwd=ZThlSE1jU0R5dS9XcEpucXQxWjh2UT09
Mustapha JOUIAD
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV), France
La microscopie électronique analytique au service de la relation étroite entre les propriétés d'un matériau et l'évolution de sa microstructure
The art of developing a strategy to contribute to the understanding of the complex behavior of functional materials, is getting more interest in materials science community. One of the comprehensive workflows, consists of tracking the relevant parameters influencing the material fabrication and/or modification, which describe consistently the material targeted property with respect to the relative scale. For instance, an extensive material screening at different scales using advanced electron microscopy combined with analytical tools in addition to the back-and-forth between processing and characterization allows capturing the complex components of the specific material behavior.
In this seminar, examples will be provided to show the close connections between the material behavior (mechanical, electrical and optical) and its respective evolving microstructure, unveiled by analytical electron microscopy.