Séminaire Nataliya Kalashnyk - 26 Février 2019 - GeePs, Gif sur Yvette
Invitation : Sylvain Clair (Equipe Nano).
Diffusion : IM2NP, CiNaM, Irphe, LP3, Madirel (via P. Boulet), PIIM (via T. Angot), CPT (T. Martin), Fédération de Chimie (via S. Viel)
SEMINAIRE Mardi 26 février 2019 à 11h00
Salle des séminaires de l'Im2np, campus de Saint-Jérôme, aile 1, niveau 6 service 161
Nataliya Kalashnyk
Génie Électrique et Électronique de Paris (GeePs),
UMR 8507 CNRS – CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE
From thin 2D copper films to 3D multilayer graphene-based hybrid nano-composites for prospective applications in devices
The first part of my talk will concern “Alternative Photonic Annealing for Copper Inks: From Basic Study to Commercial Products” bringing together GeePs-CentraleSupélec, LICSEN-CEA and Kelenn Technology. This research project deals with printed electronics on flexible substrates. The aim is to develop the printing of new inks, and their subsequent low temperature and photonic post-treatments. These processes will permit to fabricate copper interconnections with i) a strong adhesion to the substrate, ii) a good stability and iii) optimal conductivity values. I was studying the influence of ink compositions and their post-treatment process on final morphology and on the conductivity of the resulting thin copper film growing on flexible PET. For this purpose I carried out electrical, mechanical, and structural sample characterizations using several laboratory platforms like an atomic force microscope (AFM) combined with the Résiscope electrical module developed in the laboratory. This technique was also complemented by an optical microscope, 3D optical surface profiler and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) setups allowing a characterization of both the structure and the electrical properties.
In the second part of my talk I will describe the fabrication of van der Waals heterostructures, i.e. multilayer scaffolds based on 2D-materials such as graphene, which open broad perspectives for industrial applications. This project realized at UPMC and CEA-Saclay was aimed at developing a new approach for preparing multilayer graphene-based hybrid nano-composites. This kind of vdW heterostructures was formed by alternating i) 2D materials (graphene) and ii) surface confined supramolecular self-assemblies of organic building blocks (host-guest systems) in view of applications in nanophotonics. The latter organic system required the incorporation of either electron acceptor or donor guest molecules (ZnPc or F16ZnPc) into the host porous framework formed by tristylbene-based (TSB) organic tectons to tune graphene properties. These studies were performed with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) at liquid-solid and air-solid interfaces.