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Webinaire - 28/01/2021 - Nandita Abhyankar - Electron Spin Detection in Sub-Nanoliter Volumes

En visioconférence

Invitation : Sylvain Bertaina (Département PHANO, Equipe MAG).

Diffusion : IM2NP, CINaM, Irphe, LP3, Madirel (via P. Boulet), PIIM (via T. Angot), CPT (T. Martin), Fédération de Chimie (via S. Viel), CP2M


WEBINAIRE Jeudi 28 janvier 2021 à 15h00

Lien pour la visioconférence ci-dessous


Nandita Abhyankar

Electron Spin Detection in Sub-Nanoliter Volumes


In this talk, I will delineate the motivation for – and our recent work in – enabling electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of electron-spin ensembles smaller than a nanoliter. Magnetic resonance spectroscopies of ensembles of electronic or nuclear spins are powerful for generating detailed atomic-level information about structure and dynamics, encoded in spectral lineshapes, field-dependences, and temperature-dependences. Many samples with volumes in the range of nanoliters to femtoliters are currently inaccessible by EPR spectroscopy. Therefore, critical spectroscopic information is hidden due to a lack of sensitivity. Additionally, detecting electron spins in sub-nanoliter volumes has potential applications ranging from quantum computing to lab-on-a-chip devices. One of the main enabling technologies of conventional EPR spectroscopy is the resonant structure used to confine microwave magnetic fields to a small volume approaching the sample volume. Cavity resonators typically employed for this purpose have dimensions limited by the wavelength of the microwaves used to excite the sample, and result in sample volumes of several microliters. I will discuss the strategies used to miniaturize microwave resonators, figures of merit characterizing resonator performance, and the design paradigm we have used to achieve highly efficient microresonators with sub-nanoliter volumes. Additional advantages of this microresonator design are ease of integration with existing spectrometers and scalability to the high frequencies required for high-resolution EPR and DNP NMR.

Speaker bio: Nandita Abhyankar is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Maryland, College Park/National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA. Her doctoral work at Florida State University includes magnetic and dielectric studies of multiferroic metal-organic frameworks. Her post-doctoral work focuses on development of microresonators for EPR spectroscopy of picoliter-volume samples. As a co-PI funded by NIGMS, she is currently working to integrate microfluidics and variable-temperautre capabilities with the aforementioned microresonators.


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