Campus Saint Jérôme, Aile 2, Niveau 3
Thèmes de recherche
L’équipe IRM-PV (Interaction Rayonnements Matière – PhotoVoltaïque) concentre ses thématiques de recherches sur la conversion photovoltaïque et la détection de rayonnements et/ou de particules en milieux sévères. Ces travaux s’appuient sur les compétences que portent les membres de l’équipe depuis de nombreuses années. En ce sens, IRM-PV possède et développe un panel d’outils de caractérisations spécifiques permettant de mener des études qui vont du matériau jusqu’au composant.
Ainsi les principaux domaines d’expertise couverts sont : Interaction rayonnement-matière ; Photovoltaïque (Silicium, couches minces,…) ; Caractérisation opto-électrique ; Couches minces optiques ; Détection neutrons et UV pour environnements sévères (semiconducteurs grand gap : SiC, diamant).
De par ses thématiques IRM-PV est naturellement membre actif du laboratoire commun LIMMEX (AMU/CEA) et du nouvel institut de convergence ISFIN (Institut des Sciences de la Fusion et de l’Instrumentation en environnements Nucléaires).
Activités de recherche
Malgré la maturité des procédés de fabrication classique du silicium à usage solaire, des efforts de recherche sont toujours menés dans le domaine des nouveaux procédés de croissance du silicium car les mécanismes fondamentaux qui limitent les performances PV de ces matériaux ne sont pas parfaitement compris et ne peuvent donc pas être maîtrisés dans les procédés bas coûts. Les compétences historiques de l’équipe IRM-PV dans le domaine de l’interaction impuretés-défauts dans le silicium lui permettent d’être un acteur important de la recherche comme le témoigne son implication dans deux projets ANR récents (SiX et Crysalid).
Par ailleurs, les problématiques environnementales (projet Equipex DURASOL) ont amené l’équipe à étudier la fiabilité et le vieillissement des modules PV avec un accès à la plateforme DURASOL ( dont fait partie le banc LBIC grandes surfaces développé dans l’équipe pour le silicium et parfaitement adapté aux autres filières. Cette thématique a conduit l’équipe a créer la conférence RS2 (Reliability of Solar materials and Systems) réunissant les principaux acteurs internationaux impliqués dans l’étude de la fiabilité et de la durabilité des systèmes à énergie solaire. Sur la thématique plus spécifique de la caractérisation, l’équipe est impliquée dans le projet H de l’IPVF (outils de caractérisations avancées pour couches minces).
Initiée en 2008, cette thématique a comme objectif principal l’étude de détecteurs de radiation haute énergie à base de Carbure de Silicium, et plus récemment de diamant.
Le point fort de ces recherches concerne les applications riches et variées de ces détecteurs, depuis le domaine énergétique (nucléaire, prospection Oil&Gas,…) pour la détection de particules (et de rayonnements) haute énergie (neutrons, ions,…) jusqu’aux domaines du spatial, des transports et du biomédical pour la détection d’électrons/photons haute énergie (UV, gamma, X).
La mise en œuvre d’un banc de mesure de la durée de vie des porteurs dans le SiC par la technique « Micro-Wave Phase shift » permet la mesure des propriétés électriques du SiC sans contact.
Cette thématique bénéficie d’une étroite collaboration avec le CEA-Cadarache et le LIMMEX (Laboratoire d’Instrumentation et de Mesures en Milieux Extrêmes CEA/AMU/CNRS), et s’inscrit dans le cadre des activités de recherche de l’Institut de la Fusion et de l’Instrumentation en Environnements Nucléaires.
Elle a permis de former sept doctorants dans le cadre de projets européens (KIC Inno Energy), nationaux (ANR) et régionaux, et a abouti au dépôt de 3 brevets.
Perspectives :
Collaboration ITER
Développement de prototypes industriels de détecteurs de neutrons
Développement de capteurs UV pour applications spatiales
Une activité importante de l'équipe depuis plusieurs années consiste à étudier l'interaction lumière-matière dans des dispositifs PV couches minces comme les cellules solaires organiques. En particulier, des stratégies photoniques telle que l'ingénierie plasmonique peuvent être exploitées pour optimiser le couplage entre la lumière incidente et la zone photoactive de dispositifs, pour accroître l'absorption par exemple, et donc la génération excitonique. Ainsi l'intégration de nanostructures métalliques et l'influence de paramètres architecturaux et opto-géométriques sont étudiées de façon prédictive via des logiciels de modélisation optique 3D et de façon expérimentale par la réalisation des structures et leur caractérisation opto-électrique. Cette thématique a principalement été menée dans le cadre de la thèse de S. Vedraine (2009-2012), puis d'A. Sangar (2011-2014) notamment sur les aspects champ proche (thèse financée par l'ANR Carioca), et s'est poursuivie par la thèse de K. N'Konou (2015-2018) sur des nanostructures plasmoniques de type cœur-coquille métal-diélectrique. Les structures exploitées peuvent être réalisées par voie humide (synthèse) ou sèche (évaporation thermique sous vide). Nous avons dans ce cadre développé des collaborations fortes avec plusieurs laboratoires (XLIM-Limoges, INL-Lyon, ICMB-Bordeaux, ...). L'intégration hétérogène de ces nano-objets métalliques ou hybrides au sein de couches minces et de dispositifs, puis leur étude numérique et expérimentale, a mené à une forte activité scientifique en terme de publications et de communications.
Nous poursuivons depuis 2011 une activité qui consiste en la mise au point de nouvelles électrodes transparentes conductrices (ETC), principalement sans indium, pour cellules solaires en couches minces. Si l'ITO est l'ETC la plus utilisée, en particulier dans l'OPV et certains dispositifs optoélectroniques, ce matériau n'est pas sans présenter certains inconvénients (rareté de l'indium, structure peu adaptée à des substrats flexibles,…), Une alternative consiste alors à exploiter des structures multicouches de type Diélectrique|Métal|Diélectrique, en particulier à base d'oxydes métalliques. Nous menons dans l'équipe des travaux de modélisation 2D et 3D, de réalisation de ces ETC et de caractérisation opto-électrique. Ces études ont été initiées dans le cadre du projet PTI "NECT" de la MRCT-CNRS (2012-2014), puis poursuivies par la thèse CIFRE d'A. Bou (2012-2015) avec la société CROSSLUX, et par le projet APRF "ENERGLASS" (2013-2016) du Conseil Régional PACA qui visait au développement d'un vitrage PV semi-transparent de grande dimension. Elles se placent actuellement au sein du projet Européen ERANET-MED "NInFFE" pour "New Indium Free Flexible Electrode for Organic Photovoltaic Cells" (2016-2020), financé par le 7ème Programme Cadre de la Commission Européenne, programme H2020. Les partenaires de ce projet sont : IMN-Nantes, MOLTECH-Anjou, LOPCM-Tanger (Maroc), LPCM2E-Oran (Algérie), UPDSC-Tunis El Mannar (Tunisie) et l'IM2NP ; une thèse en codirection internationale est aussi en cours (M.A. Cherif).
Conférence ANIMMA :
Conférence IEEE NSS :
Conférence RS2 :
Projets scientifiques (passés, en cours)
Publications |
Hadjer Ouaddah, Isabelle Perichaud, Damien Barakel, Olivier Palais, Marisa Di Sabatino, Guillaume Reinhart, Gabrielle Regula, Nathalie Mangelinck-Noël, Role of Impurities in Silicon Solidification and Electrical Properties Studied by Complementary in Situ and Ex Situ Methods, Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2019, 1900298, pp.1-10 (10.1002/pssa.201900298) (hal-02196277) |
Mohamed Ahmed Cherif, Amina Labiod, Damien Barakel, Saad Touihri, Philippe Torchio, Tailored ZnS/Ag/TiOx transparent and conductive electrode for organic solar cells, EPJ Photovoltaics, 2019, 10, pp.2 (10.1051/epjpv/2019004) (hal-02150304) |
Linda Cattin, Guy Louarn, Dhiya Eddine Rabia, Martun Blais, Younes Mouchaal, Abdelbacet Khelil, Zouhair El Jouad, Mohammed Addou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, Hatem Essaidi, Saad Touihri, Mohammed Cherif, Philippe Blanchard, Jean-Christian Bernède, Stabilisation Attempts of the Electrical and Optical Properties of Oxide/Cu/Oxide Structures Through the Use of Different Cu:M Alloys, 2018 6th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), 2018, pp.1-5 () (hal-02172158) |
Xabier Apaolaza, Fabrice Rigollet, Jérôme Adrian, Nathalie Ehret, Jean-Laurent Gardarein, Pietro Fichera, Damien Barakel, Vincent Goubier, Thermographie hétérodynée et thermoréflectance ponctuelle à haute résolution temporelle pour le diagnostic thermique de composants microélectroniques, Congrès Français de Thermique 2017, 2017, 2, pp.691-698 () (hal-01795333) |
Laurent Peres, A. Bou, C. Cornille, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, Work function measurement of multilayer electrodes using Kelvin probe force microscopy, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50 (10.1088/1361-6463/aa5f4a) (hal-01694205) |
L. Manai, B. Dridi Rezgui, R. Benabderrahmane Zaghouani, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, Olivier Palais, B. Bessais, Tuning of Light Trapping and Surface Plasmon Resonance in Silver Nanoparticles/c-Si Structures for Solar Cells, Plasmonics, 2016, 11, pp.1273-1277 (10.1007/s11468-015-0171-4) (hal-01435112) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, Pierre-Yves Thoulon, Marc Ricci, Numerical and experimental investigation of transparent and conductive TiOx/Ag/TiOx electrode, Thin Solid Films, 2016, 617, pp.86-94 (10.1016/j.tsf.2015.12.041) (hal-01434946) |
S. Giraldo, Carmen M. Ruiz, M. Espindola-Rodriguez, Y. Sanchez, M. Placidi, D. Cozza, Damien Barakel, Ludovic Escoubas, A. Perez-Rodriguez, E. Saucedo, Optical and electrical properties of In-doped Cu2ZnSnSe4, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016, 151, pp.44-51 (10.1016/j.solmat.2016.02.024) (hal-01435134) |
Adrien Bou, Malika Chalh, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Bruno Lucas, Damien Barakel, Optical behavior of the ultrathin metal layer in TiOx/Ag/TiOx for organic solar cells, Photovoltaic Technical Conference (PVTC), 2016 () (hal-02513460) |
Laurent Peres, A. Bou, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, ZnS vertical bar Ag vertical bar TiO2 multilayer electrodes with broadband transparency for thin film solar cells, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, pp.61057-61063 (10.1039/c6ra08638a) (hal-01435223) |
Bou Adrien, Malika Chalh, Sylvain Vedraine, Bruno Lucas, Damien Barakel, Peres Léo, P.Y. Thoulon, Ricci Marc, Philippe Torchio, Optical role of the thin metal layer in a TiO x/Ag/TiO x transparent and conductive electrode for organic solar cells, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, pp.108034-108044 (10.1039/C6RA22081A) (hal-01417260) |
Etienne Quiniou, Olivier Palais, Damien Barakel, Isabelle Perichaud, Temperature dependent lifetime spectroscopy (TDLS) for the identification of metallic impurities, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRYSTALLINE SILICON PHOTOVOLTAICS (SILICONPV 2016), 2016, 92, pp.180-187 (10.1016/j.egypro.2016.07.017) (hal-01435204) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, Aurélie Guillou, Boubakeur Ayachi, Pierre-Yves Thoulon, Marc Ricci, Optical and electrical properties of structured multilayer with tunable transparency rate, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48 (10.1088/0022-3727/48/20/205102) (hal-01757642) |
S. Giraldo, Carmen M. Ruiz, M. Espindola-Rodriguez, Y. Sanchez, M. Placidi, D. Cozza, Damien Barakel, Ludovic Escoubas, A. Perez-Rodriguez, E. Saucedo, High efficiency Cu2ZnSnSe4:In doped based solar cells, 2015 IEEE 42ND PHOTOVOLTAIC SPECIALIST CONFERENCE (PVSC), 2015 () (hal-01802907) |
Sylvain Bertaina, M. Martens, M. Egels, Damien Barakel, I. Chiorescu, Resonant single-photon and multiphoton coherent transitions in a detuned regime, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2015, 92, pp.024408 (10.1103/PhysRevB.92.024408) (hal-01802908) |
L Manai, B. Dridi Rezgui, A Bou, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, R Benabderrahmane Zaghouani, Olivier Palais, B Bessais, Enhanced light trapping using plasmonic nanoparticles, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015, 596 () (hal-01232716) |
A. Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, F. Thierry, A. Sangar, P.-Y. Thoulon, M. Ricci, Indium tin oxide-free transparent and conductive electrode based on SnOx | Ag | SnOx for organic solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116 (10.1063/1.4886225) (hal-01757650) |
Bou Adrien, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Damien Barakel, Bruno Lucas, Jean-Christian Bernède, P.Y. Thoulon, Ricci M., Numerical optimization of multilayer electrodes without indium for use in organic solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2014, 125, pp.310-317 (10.1016/j.solmat.2013.12.026) (hal-01245387) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, François Thierry, Pierre-Yves Thoulon, Marc Ricci, Numerical and experimental study of SnOx | Ag | SnOx multilayer as indium-free transparent electrode for organic solar cells, S.P.I.E. Proceedings of the "Photonics West 2014" International Conference, Oxide-based Materials and Devices V, Vol. 8987, pp. 898706-1 (2014)., 2014 (10.1117/12.2039067) (hal-01757694) |
Artem A. Bakulin, Stefanie Neutzner, Huib J. Bakker, Laurent Ottaviani, Damien Barakel, Zhuoying Chen, Charge Trapping Dynamics in PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaic Devices, ACS Nano, 2013, 7, pp.8771-8779 (10.1021/nn403190s) (hal-01802911) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Damien Barakel, Bruno Lucas, Jean-Christian Bernède, P.Y. Thoulon, M. Ricci, Numerical optimization of multilayer electrodes without indium for use in organic solar cells, International Photovoltaic Technical Conference 2013 (PVTC 2013), "Thin Film and Advanced Solutions", Congress Center of Aix-en-Provence (FR), 2013 () (hal-00911166) |
Lotfi Bounaas, Nicolas Auriac, Bernadette Grange, Remi Monna, Marc Pirot, Sylvain de Vecchi, Johann Jourdan, Simon Mialon, Marcel Pasquinelli, Damien Barakel, Laser ablation of dielectric layers and formation of local Al-BSF in dielectric back passivated solar cells, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRYSTALLINE SILICON PHOTOVOLTAICS (SILICONPV 2013), 2013, 38, pp.670-676 (10.1016/j.egypro.2013.07.331) (hal-01802910) |
L. Bounaas, N. Auriac, B. Grange, J. Jourdan, S. Mialon, R. Monna, S. de Magnienville, M. Pasquinelli, Damien Barakel, Development of high efficiency back passivated silicon solar cells with screen printed contacts, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRYSTALLINE SILICON PHOTOVOLTAICS (SILICONPV 2012), 2012, 27, pp.598-603 (10.1016/j.egypro.2012.07.116) (hal-01802912) |
V. Mong-The Yen, Damien Barakel, I. Perichaud, Olivier Palais, Investigation of self interstitial influences in Light and Dark Induced Degradation in p-type compensated Silicon, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRYSTALLINE SILICON PHOTOVOLTAICS (SILICONPV 2012), 2012, 27, pp.76-81 (10.1016/j.egypro.2012.07.032) (hal-01802914) |
Bechir Dridi Rezgui, Virginie Mong-The Yen, Isabelle Perichaud, Damien Barakel, M. Pasquinelli, Olivier Palais, Behaviour of Light Induced Defect Generation and Carrier Lifetime Degradation in Solar Grade Silicon, DEFECTS-RECOGNITION, IMAGING AND PHYSICS IN SEMICONDUCTORS XIV, 2012, 725, pp.141-144 (10.4028/ (hal-01802913) |
R. Torres, T.J.Y. Derrien, V. Vervisch, T Sarnet, P. Delaporte, M. Sentis, T.E. Itina, Mathieu Halbwax, Jorge Ferreira, Damien Barakel, T. Michel, H. Etienne, F. Torregrosa, L. Roux, Laser-induced periodic structures for photovoltaic applications, Photovoltaic Technical Conference : Thin Film 2010, 2010 () (hal-00574119) |
D. Maestre, Olivier Palais, Damien Barakel, M. Pasquinelli, Claude Alfonso, F. Gourbilleau, M. de Laurentis, A. Irace, Structural and optoelectronical characterization of Si-SiO2/SiO2 multilayers with applications in all Si tandem solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107, pp.064321 (10.1063/1.3309761) (hal-00469237) |
R. Torres, V. Vervisch, Mathieu Halbwax, T. Sarnet, Philippe Delaporte, Marc Sentis, Jorge Ferreira, Damien Barakel, Stéphane Bastide, F. Torregrosa, H. Etienne, L. Roux, Femtosecond laser texturization for improvement of photovoltaic cells: Black Silicon, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010, 12, pp.621 – 625 () (hal-00542642) |
L. Ottaviani, Olivier Palais, Damien Barakel, M. Pasquinelli, Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurements in Specific Epitaxial 4H-SiC Layers by the Microwave Photoconductivity Decay, SILICON CARBIDE AND RELATED MATERIALS 2008, 2009, 615-617, pp.295-298 () (hal-01802915) |
S. Martinuzzi, M. Gauthier, Damien Barakel, I. Perichaud, N. Le Quang, Olivier Palais, G. Goaer, Minority carrier bulk lifetimes through a large multicrystalline silicon ingot and related solar cell properties, European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2007, 40, pp.83-88 (10.1051/epjap:2007130) (hal-01802917) |
Santo Martinuzzi, Isabelle Perichaud, Olivier Palais, Damien Barakel, Michel Gauthier, Electrical and photovoltaic properties through a large multicrystalline Si ingot, PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL AND MODULE TECHNOLOGIES, 2007, 6651 (10.1117/12.733827) (hal-01802918) |
L. Ottaviani, Damien Barakel, E. Yakimov, M. Pasquinelli, Electrical characterisation of 4H-SiC epitaxial samples treated by hydrogen or helium, Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2006, 2007, 556-557, pp.347-350 () (hal-01802916) |
Vanessa Vervisch, Damien Barakel, F. Torregrosa, L. Ottaviani, M. Pasquinelli, Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation applied to P plus N junction solar cells, ION IMPLANTATION TECHNOLOGY, 2006, 866, pp.253+ () (hal-01802919) |
S Martinuzzi, Olivier Palais, M Pasquinelli, Damien Barakel, F Ferrazza, N-type multicrystalline silicon wafers for solar cells, Conference Record of the Thirty-First IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 2005, 2005, pp.919-922 (10.1109/PVSC.2005.1488281) (hal-01802921) |
L Ottaviani, Damien Barakel, V Vervisch, M Pasquinelli, Electrical characterizations of hydrogenated 4H-SiC epitaxial samples, GETTERING AND DEFECT ENGINEERING IN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY XI, 2005, 108-109, pp.677-682 () (hal-01802920) |
F Torregrosa, C Laviron, H Faik, Damien Barakel, F Milesi, S Beccaccia, Realization of ultra shallow junctions by PIII: application to solar cells, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2004, 186, pp.93-98 (10.1016/j.surfcoat.2004.04.046) (hal-01802923) |
Damien Barakel, S Martinuzzi, Donor behaviour of implanted hydrogen ions in silicon wafers, HYDROGEN IN SEMICONDUCTORS, 2004, 813, pp.49-54 () (hal-01802922) |
Damien Barakel, A Ulyashin, I Perichaud, S Martinuzzi, n-p junction formation in p-type silicon by hydrogen ion implantation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2002, 72, pp.285-290 (10.1016/S0927-0248(01)00176-3) (hal-01802924) |
L. Cattin, M. Cherif, Z El Jouad, H Ftouhi, E El-Menyawy, a El Mahlali, S Touihri, L. Arzel, M. Addou, Philippe Torchio, J. Bernède, On the contribution of fullerene to the current of planar heterojunction organic solar cells, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53, pp.225501 (10.1088/1361-6463/ab7c98) (hal-02544168) |
L. Cattin, A. El Mahlali, M.A. Cherif, S. Touihri, Z. El Jouad, Y. Mouchaal, Philippe Blanchard, G. Louarn, H. Essaidi, M. Addou, A. Khelil, Philippe Torchio, J.C. Bernède, New dielectric/metal/dielectric electrode for organic photovoltaic cells using Cu:Al alloy as metal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 819, pp.152974 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152974) (hal-02439865) |
Kekeli N'KONOU, Malika Chalh, Bruno Lucas, Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, Improving the performance of inverted organic solar cells by embedding silica‐coated silver nanoparticles deposited by electron‐beam evaporation, Polymer international, 2019, 68, pp.979-983 (10.1002/pi.5789) (hal-02090504) |
Mohamed Ahmed Cherif, Amina Labiod, Damien Barakel, Saad Touihri, Philippe Torchio, Tailored ZnS/Ag/TiOx transparent and conductive electrode for organic solar cells, EPJ Photovoltaics, 2019, 10, pp.2 (10.1051/epjpv/2019004) (hal-02150304) |
Kekeli N'KONOU, Malika Chalh, Virginie Monnier, Nicholas Blanchard, Yann Chevolot, Bruno Lucas, Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, Impact of Ag@SiO 2 core-shell nanoparticles on the photoelectric current of plasmonic inverted organic solar cells, Synthetic Metals, 2018, 239, pp.22 - 28 (10.1016/j.synthmet.2018.03.003) (hal-01757620) |
Kekeli N'KONOU, Léo Peres, Philippe Torchio, Optical Absorption Modeling of Plasmonic Organic Solar Cells Embedding Silica-Coated Silver Nanospheres, Plasmonics, 2018, 13, pp.297 - 303 (10.1007/s11468-017-0514-4) (hal-01757628) |
Kekeli N'KONOU, Philippe Torchio, Optical absorption enhancement by inserting ZnO optical spacer in plasmonic organic solar cells, Journal of Nanophotonics, 2018, 12 (10.1117/1.JNP.12.012502) (hal-01757610) |
Kekeli N'KONOU, Véronique Many, Carmen M. Ruiz, Mona Tréguer-Delapierre, Philippe Torchio, Effect of shell thickness of gold-silica core-shell nanospheres embedded in an organic buffer matrix for plasmonic solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123, pp.063102 (10.1063/1.5013329) (hal-01719727) |
Linda Cattin, Guy Louarn, Dhiya Eddine Rabia, Martun Blais, Younes Mouchaal, Abdelbacet Khelil, Zouhair El Jouad, Mohammed Addou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, Hatem Essaidi, Saad Touihri, Mohammed Cherif, Philippe Blanchard, Jean-Christian Bernède, Stabilisation Attempts of the Electrical and Optical Properties of Oxide/Cu/Oxide Structures Through the Use of Different Cu:M Alloys, 2018 6th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), 2018, pp.1-5 () (hal-02172158) |
S. Tuo, Linda Cattin, Hatem Essaidi, Léo Peres, Guy Louarn, Zouhair El Jouad, Mehdi Hssein, Saad Touihri, S. Yapi Abbe, Philippe Torchio, Mohammed Addou, Jean-Chistian Bernède, Stabilisation of the electrical and optical properties of dielectric/Cu/dielectric structures through the use of efficient dielectric and Cu:Ni alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 729, pp.109-116 (10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.09.087) (hal-01632659) |
Laurent Peres, A. Bou, C. Cornille, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, Work function measurement of multilayer electrodes using Kelvin probe force microscopy, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50 (10.1088/1361-6463/aa5f4a) (hal-01694205) |
K. N Konou, M. Chalh, Virginie Monnier, S. Vedraine, Yann Chevolot, Philippe Torchio, Propriétés photoélectriques de cellules solaires organiques inverses intégrant des nanosphères de type cœur-coquille Ag@SiO2, SPIc 2017: Deuxième Congrès National Science et Technologie des Systèmes pi-Conjugués, 2017 () (hal-01701471) |
L. Manai, B. Dridi Rezgui, R. Benabderrahmane Zaghouani, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, Olivier Palais, B. Bessais, Tuning of Light Trapping and Surface Plasmon Resonance in Silver Nanoparticles/c-Si Structures for Solar Cells, Plasmonics, 2016, 11, pp.1273-1277 (10.1007/s11468-015-0171-4) (hal-01435112) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, Pierre-Yves Thoulon, Marc Ricci, Numerical and experimental investigation of transparent and conductive TiOx/Ag/TiOx electrode, Thin Solid Films, 2016, 617, pp.86-94 (10.1016/j.tsf.2015.12.041) (hal-01434946) |
Adrien Bou, Malika Chalh, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Bruno Lucas, Damien Barakel, Optical behavior of the ultrathin metal layer in TiOx/Ag/TiOx for organic solar cells, Photovoltaic Technical Conference (PVTC), 2016 () (hal-02513460) |
Kekeli N'KONOU, Muthiah Haris, Yendoube Lare, Mazabalo Baneto, Kossi Napo, Philippe Torchio, Effect of barium doping on structural and optical properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized by microwave hydrothermal method, physica status solidi (b), 2016, 253, pp.260-266 (10.1002/pssb.201552177) (hal-01435227) |
Laurent Peres, A. Bou, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, ZnS vertical bar Ag vertical bar TiO2 multilayer electrodes with broadband transparency for thin film solar cells, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, pp.61057-61063 (10.1039/c6ra08638a) (hal-01435223) |
Bou Adrien, Malika Chalh, Sylvain Vedraine, Bruno Lucas, Damien Barakel, Peres Léo, P.Y. Thoulon, Ricci Marc, Philippe Torchio, Optical role of the thin metal layer in a TiO x/Ag/TiO x transparent and conductive electrode for organic solar cells, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, pp.108034-108044 (10.1039/C6RA22081A) (hal-01417260) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, Aurélie Guillou, Boubakeur Ayachi, Pierre-Yves Thoulon, Marc Ricci, Optical and electrical properties of structured multilayer with tunable transparency rate, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48 (10.1088/0022-3727/48/20/205102) (hal-01757642) |
D. Hocine, M. Belkaid, M. Pasquinelli, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, A. Moreau, Characterization of TiO2 antireflection coatings elaborated by APCVD for monocrystalline silicon solar cells, physica status solidi (c), 2015, 12, pp.323 - 326 (10.1002/pssc.201400085) (hal-01757647) |
L Manai, B. Dridi Rezgui, A Bou, Damien Barakel, Philippe Torchio, R Benabderrahmane Zaghouani, Olivier Palais, B Bessais, Enhanced light trapping using plasmonic nanoparticles, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015, 596 () (hal-01232716) |
Y Mouchaal, Guy Louarn, A Khelil, Mustapha Morsli, Nicolas Stephant, Adrien Bou, Tahar Abachi, Linda Cattin, Mohammed Makha, Philippe Torchio, Jean-Christian Bernède, Broadening of the transmission range of dielectric/metal multilayer structures by using different metals, Vacuum, 2015, 111, pp.32-41 (10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.09.013) (hal-01391701) |
A. Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, F. Thierry, A. Sangar, P.-Y. Thoulon, M. Ricci, Indium tin oxide-free transparent and conductive electrode based on SnOx | Ag | SnOx for organic solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116 (10.1063/1.4886225) (hal-01757650) |
Bou Adrien, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Damien Barakel, Bruno Lucas, Jean-Christian Bernède, P.Y. Thoulon, Ricci M., Numerical optimization of multilayer electrodes without indium for use in organic solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2014, 125, pp.310-317 (10.1016/j.solmat.2013.12.026) (hal-01245387) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Damien Barakel, François Thierry, Pierre-Yves Thoulon, Marc Ricci, Numerical and experimental study of SnOx | Ag | SnOx multilayer as indium-free transparent electrode for organic solar cells, S.P.I.E. Proceedings of the "Photonics West 2014" International Conference, Oxide-based Materials and Devices V, Vol. 8987, pp. 898706-1 (2014)., 2014 (10.1117/12.2039067) (hal-01757694) |
Ahmad El Hajj, Thomas Kraft, Bruno Lucas, Martin Schirr-Bonnans, Bernard Ratier, Philippe Torchio, Flexible inverted polymer solar cells with an indium-free tri-layer cathode, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115, pp.033103 (10.1063/1.4861171) (hal-00934918) |
Alexandre Merlen, A. Sangar, Philippe Torchio, L. N. D. Kallepalli, David Grojo, Olivier Utéza, Philippe Delaporte, Multi-wavelength enhancement of silicon Raman scattering by nanoscale laser surface ablation, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 284, pp.545-548 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.07.131) (hal-01418579) |
Alexandre Sangar, Alexandre Merlen, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, François Flory, Ludovic Escoubas, Lionel Patrone, Gregory Delafosse, Virginie Chevallier, Eric Moyen, Margrit Hanbücken, Fabrication and characterization of large metallic nanodots arrays for organic thin film solar cells using anodic aluminum oxide templates, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2013, 117, pp.657-662 (10.1016/j.solmat.2012.12.018) (hal-00911134) |
Mohammadali Tabatabaei, Alexandre Sangar, Nastaran Kazemi-Zanjani, Philippe Torchio, Alexandre Merlen, François Lagugné-Labarthet, Optical Properties of Silver and Gold Tetrahedral Nanopyramid Arrays Prepared by Nanosphere Lithography, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, pp.14778 - 14786 (10.1021/jp405125c) (hal-01757657) |
Alexandre Merlen, Philippe Courmontagne, Alexandre Sangar, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Virginie Chevallier, Lionel Patrone, François Lagugné-Labarthet, Statistical Study of Metallic Nanostructures Prepared by Nanosphere Lithography, 6ièmes Journées Scientifiques du Centre de compétences en Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (C'NANO-PACA 2013), 2013 () (hal-00911161) |
Anna Sytchkova, Marie-Luisa Grilli, Antonio Rinaldi, Angela Piegari, Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, François Flory, Surface Plasmons for Performance Enhancement of R.F. Sputtered Silver-AZO Transparent Electrodes, International Conference on "Optical Interference Coatings" (OIC), Whistler (British Columbia, US), 2013 () (hal-00911163) |
Adrien Bou, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Damien Barakel, Bruno Lucas, Jean-Christian Bernède, P.Y. Thoulon, M. Ricci, Numerical optimization of multilayer electrodes without indium for use in organic solar cells, International Photovoltaic Technical Conference 2013 (PVTC 2013), "Thin Film and Advanced Solutions", Congress Center of Aix-en-Provence (FR), 2013 () (hal-00911166) |
Alexandre Merlen, Alexandre Sangar, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Virginie Chevallier, Philippe Courmontagne, Lionel Patrone, François Lagugné-Labarthet, Statistical Study of Metallic Nanostructures Prepared by Nanosphere Lithography, Surface Canada 2013 - Energy, Materials, Environment conference, London (CA), 2013 () (hal-00911168) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, François Flory, Alexandre Merlen, Alexandre Sangar, Ludovic Escoubas, Metal nanoparticles to increase light absorption of organic thin film solar cells, Surface Canada 2013 - Energy, Materials, Environment conference, London (CA), May 7-10 2013, 2013 () (hal-00911169) |
L. N. Deepak Kallepalli, David Grojo, L. Charmasson, Philippe Delaporte, Olivier Utéza, Alexandre Merlen, A. Sangar, Philippe Torchio, Long range nanostructuring of silicon surfaces by photonic nanojets from microsphere Langmuir films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46 (10.1088/0022-3727/46/14/145102) (hal-01418591) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Ahmad El Hajj, Philippe Torchio, Bruno Lucas, Optimized ITO-free tri-layer electrode for organic solar cells, Organic Electronics, 2013, 14, pp.1122-1129 (10.1016/j.orgel.2013.01.030) (hal-00911153) |
T. Abachi, Linda Cattin, G. Louarn, Y. Lare, A. Bou, M. Makha, Philippe Torchio, M. Fleury, M. Morsli, M. Addou, J. C. Bernede, Highly flexible, conductive and transparent MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer electrode for organic photovoltaic cells, Thin Solid Films, 2013, 545, pp.438 (10.1016/j.tsf.2013.07.048) (hal-00973934) |
A. Merlen, A. Sangar, Philippe Torchio, K L N Deepak, David Grojo, Olivier Utéza, Philippe Delaporte, Multi-wavelength enhancement of silicon Raman scattering by nanoscale laser surface ablation, Applied Surface Science, 2013 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.07.131) (hal-02266156) |
Anna Sytchkova, Marie-Luisa Grilli, Antonio Rinaldi, Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, Angela Piegari, François Flory, Radio frequency sputtered Al: ZnO-Ag transparent conductor: A plasmonic nanostructure with enhanced optical and electrical properties, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114, pp.094509 (10.1063/1.4820266) (hal-00911152) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Ahmad El Hajj, Philippe Torchio, Bruno Lucas, François Flory, Optimisation expérimentale et numérique d'électrodes multicouches ZnO/Ag/ZnO pour dispositifs optoélectroniques, 5ème congrès National Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques DIELOR 2012, 2012 () (hal-01280617) |
D.-T. Nguyen, Sylvain Vedraine, Linda Cattin, Philippe Torchio, M. Morsli, François Flory, Jean-Christian Bernède, Effect of the thickness of the MoO3 layers on optical properties of MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112, pp.063505 - 063505-8 (10.1063/1.4751334) (hal-00911097) |
Ahmad El Hajj, Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, Bruno Lucas, F. Flory, Numerical and experimental optimization of ZnO/Ag/ZnO multilayer electrodes for optoelectronic devices, 5th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12), 2012 () (hal-00735866) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, Alexandre Merlen, Joanna Bagierek, François Flory, Alexandre Sangar, Ludovic Escoubas, Optical characterization of organic blend films integrating metallic nanoparticles, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2012, 102, pp.31-35 (10.1016/j.solmat.2011.11.045) (hal-00911119) |
D. Duche, Ludovic Escoubas, J. Simon, C. Gourgon, C. Masclaux, Philippe Torchio, J. Le Rouzo, F. Flory, Alexandre Freundlich, Jean-François Guillemoles, Photonic crystals for improving light absorption in organic solar cells, S.P.I.E. Proceedings of the "Photonics West 2012" International Conference, "Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices", Vol. 8256, pp. 82561K (2012)., 2012 (10.1117/12.909091) (hal-01758794) |
D.-T. Nguyen, Sylvain Vedraine, Linda Cattin, Philippe Torchio, M. Morsli, F. Flory, J. C. Bernede, Effect of the thickness of the MoO3 layers on optical properties of MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112, pp.4751334 (10.1063/1.4751334) (hal-00865020) |
Wilfried Vervisch, Guillaume Riviere, Sylvain Vedraine, Stéphane Biondo, Philippe Torchio, David Duché, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Optical-electrical simulation of organic solar cells: Influence of light trapping by photonic crystal and ZnO spacer on electrical characteristics, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111, pp.094506 (10.1063/1.4712292) (hal-00911113) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Véronique Gernigon, Philippe Torchio, François Flory, Thomas Heiser, Patrick Lévêque, Ludovic Escoubas, Surface plasmon effect on metallic nanoparticles integrated in organic solar cells, Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2011, 8172, pp.81720G (10.1117/12.896840) (hal-00911137) |
Alexandre Merlen, Virginie Chevallier, J Valmalette, Lionel Patrone, Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Golam Moula, Surface enhanced spectroscopy with gold nanostructures on silicon and glass substrates, Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2011, 605, pp.1214-1218 (10.1016/j.susc.2011.04.004) (hal-00911089) |
Wilfried Vervisch, Stéphane Biondo, Guillaume Rivière, David Duche, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, Jean-Jacques Simon, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Optical-electrical simulation of organic solar cells: excitonic modeling parameter influence on electrical characteristics, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98 (10.1063/1.3582926) (hal-01757663) |
D. Hocine, M. Pasquinelli, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, A. Moreau, Ms. Belkaid, Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition and characterization of TiO2 antireflection coatings for monocrystalline silicon solar cells, 2011 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) - Proceedings of the ICCEP'2011, IEEE-IES (Industrial Electronics Society), pp. 145-152 (2011)., 2011 (10.1109/ICCEP.2011.6036368) (hal-01757696) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, David Duché, François Flory, Jean-Jacques Simon, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Ludovic Escoubas, Intrinsic absorption of plasmonic structures for organic solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2011, 95, pp.S57-S64 (10.1016/j.solmat.2010.12.045) (hal-00911077) |
David Duché, Emmanuel Drouard, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Sylvain Vedraine, Light harvesting in organic solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2011, 95, pp.S18-S25 (10.1016/j.solmat.2010.12.008) (hal-00911082) |
Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, David Duché, Sylvain Vedraine, Wilfried Vervisch, Judikaël Le Rouzo, François Flory, Guillaume Rivière, Gizachew Yeabiyo, Hassina Derbal-Habak, Bringing some photonic structures for solar cells to the fore, Applied optics, 2011, 50, pp.C329-C339 (10.1364/AO.50.00C329) (hal-00911117) |
Philippe Torchio, Sylvain Vedraine, Wilfried Vervisch, Ludovic Escoubas, François Flory, Alexandre Merlen, Intrinsic absorption in organic thin film including metallic nanoparticles, Proceedings of the International Conference "Nanomeeting-2011", 2011, pp.580-583 () (hal-00911159) |
Sylvain Vedraine, V. Gernigon, Philippe Torchio, F. Flory, T. Heiser, P. Lévêque, Ludovic Escoubas, Surface plasmon effect on metallic nanoparticles integrated in organic solar cells, 3rd International Conference on Optical Complex Systems (OCS'11), 2011, 8172, pp.81720G () (hal-00647653) |
François Flory, Yu-Jen Chen, Cheng-Chung Lee, Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Sylvain Vedraine, Hassina Derbal-Habak, Ivan Shupyk, Yahia Didane, Yorg Ackermann, Optical properties of dielectric thin films including quantum dots, Applied optics, 2011, 50, pp.C129-C134 (10.1364/AO.50.00C129) (hal-00911124) |
D. Hocine, M. Pasquinelli, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, A. Moreau, Ms. Belkaid, Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition and characterization of TiO2 antireflection coatings for monocrystalline silicon solar cells, 14th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP'2010), 2010 (10.1109/ICCEP.2011.6036368) (hal-01758774) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, Hassina Derbal-Habak, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Plasmonic structures integrated in organic solar cells, Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010, 7772, pp.777219 (10.1117/12.859898) (hal-00911129) |
François Flory, Yu-Jen Chen, Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Vincent Brissonneau, David Duche, Renaud Bouffaron, Quantum Confinement and Optical Properties of Nanostructured Thin Films, Proceedings of the International Conference on "Optical Interference Coatings", OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), Paper WB1 (2010)., 2010 (10.1364/OIC.2010.WB1) (hal-01758797) |
David Duché, Emmanuel Drouard, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Sylvain Vedraine, Light Harvesting in Organic Solar Cells, Thin Film 2010, International Photovoltaic Technical Conference, 2010 () (hal-01245809) |
Sylvain Vedraine, Philippe Torchio, David Duché, François Flory, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Improving Light Absorption in Organic Solar Cells via Localized Surface Plasmon on Metallic Nanoparticles, Thin Film 2010, International Photovoltaic Technical Conference, 2010 () (hal-01245813) |
Hassina Derbal-Habak, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, Wilfried Vervisch, Judikaël Le Rouzo, François Flory, David Duché, Guillaume Riviere, Sylvain Vedraine, Gizachew Yeabiyo, New Methods for Large Scale Production of Renewable and Green Energy for Tomorrow",, Casam@nSun EnR 2010 Workshop, 2010 () (hal-01245806) |
Ludovic Escoubas, Renaud Bouffaron, Vincent Brissonneau, Jean-Jacques Simon, Gérard Berginc, François Flory, Philippe Torchio, Sand-castle biperiodic pattern for spectral and angular broadening of antireflective properties, Optics Letters, 2010, 35 (10.1364/OL.35.001455) (hal-01758745) |
D. Duche, J. Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Philippe Torchio, J. Le Rouzo, W. Vervisch, F. Flory, Photonic crystals for light trapping within organic solar cells, 2009 3rd ICTON Mediterranean Winter Conference (ICTON-MW 2009), 2009 (10.1109/ICTONMW.2009.5385643) (hal-01758805) |
David Duche, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, Florent Monestier, Jean-Jacques Simon, François Flory, Gérard Mathian, Improving light absorption in organic solar cells by plasmonic contribution, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2009, 93, pp.1377 - 1382 (10.1016/j.solmat.2009.02.028) (hal-01757672) |
R. Bouffaron, Ludovic Escoubas, V. Brissonneau, J. Simon, G. Berginc, Philippe Torchio, F. Flory, Ph. Masclet, Spherically shaped micro-structured antireflective surfaces, Optics Express, 2009, 17 (10.1364/OE.17.021590) (hal-01758756) |
David Duche, Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Wilfried Vervisch, François Flory, Antoine Labeyrie, Jean-Louis Roumiguières, Photonic Crystals for Improving Organic Solar Cell Efficiency, Proceedings of the International Conference on "Optics and Photonics for Advanced Energy Technology", Paper ThC5 (2009)., 2009 (10.1364/ENERGY.2009.ThC5) (hal-01758813) |
David Duche, Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Wilfried Vervisch, François Flory, Slow Bloch modes for enhancing the absorption of light in thin films for photovoltaic cells, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92 (10.1063/1.2929747) (hal-01758741) |
F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, Bernard Ratier, Wassim Hojeij, Bruno Lucas, André Moliton, M. Cathelinaud, C. Defranoux, F. Flory, Optical modelling of organic solar cells based on CuPc and C60, Applied optics, 2008, 47, pp.C251-C256 () (hal-00349181) |
R. Bouffaron, Ludovic Escoubas, J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, F. Flory, G. Berginc, Ph. Masclet, Enhanced antireflecting properties of micro-structured top-flat pyramids, Optics Express, 2008, 16 (10.1364/OE.16.019304) (hal-01758747) |
D. Duche, Ludovic Escoubas, J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, F. Flory, J.-L. Roumiguières, A. Labeyrie, M. Eyraud, Photonic crystals for enhancing the absorption of organic photovoltaic materials, SPIE Proceedings of the Photonics Europe International Symposium, Photonics for Solar Energy Systems II, Vol. 7002, pp. 700200 (2008)., 2008 (10.1117/12.781373) (hal-01758820) |
Florent Monestier, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, Bernard Ratier, Wassim Hojeij, Bruno Lucas, André Moliton, Michel Cathelinaud, Christophe Defranoux, François Flory, Optical modeling of organic solar cells based on CuPc and C60, Applied optics, 2008, 47 (10.1364/AO.47.00C251) (hal-01757679) |
R. Bouffaron, Ludovic Escoubas, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, F. Flory, G. Berginc, Ph. Masclet, Patrick Schiavone, Corinne Perret, Design and fabrication of infrared antireflecting bi-periodic micro-structured surfaces, Micro-Optics 2008, 2008, 6992, pp.10.1117/12.781357 (10.1117/12.781357) (hal-00291589) |
Florent Monestier, Ajay K Pandey, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Michel Nunzi, Optical modeling of the ultimate efficiency of pentacene: N, N′-ditridecylperylene-3, 4, 9, 10-tetracarboxylic diimide–blend solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, 102 (10.1063/1.2767619) (hal-01757681) |
Florent Monestier, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, François Flory, Aumeur El Amrani, André Moliton, Bernard Ratier, Michel Cathelinaud, Christophe Defranoux, Optical Optimization of Organic Solar Cells, International Conference on "Optical Interference Coatings" 2007, 2007, pp.paper ThC2 (10.1364/OIC.2007.ThC2) (hal-01758823) |
Florent Monestier, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, François Flory, Sandrine Bailly, Rémi de Bettignies, Stéphane Guillerez, Christophe Defranoux, Modeling the short-circuit current density of polymer solar cells based on P3HT:PCBM blend, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2007, 91, pp.405 - 410 (10.1016/j.solmat.2006.10.019) (hal-01757684) |
F. Monestier, Philippe Torchio, J.J. Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, M. Cathelinaud, Demonstration of a Software for Automatic Optimization of the Electromagnetic Field in Organic Solar Cells, Nonlinear optics, quantum optics, 2007, 37, pp.159 () (hal-00084168) |
François Flory, Ludovic Escoubas, Jean-Jacques Simon, Philippe Torchio, Micro-and Nanostructured Optical Thin Films: Potential and Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on "Optical Interference Coatings", 2007 (10.1364/OIC.2007.MC2) (hal-01758824) |
F. Flory, Ludovic Escoubas, J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, T. Mazingue, T. Mangeat, Refractive index of micro/nano structured dielectric materials, SPIE Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Optics, ROMOPTO'2006 (RO), vol. 6785, pp. 67851R-1 (2007), 2006 (10.1117/12.756736) (hal-01758829) |
C. Defranoux, Y. Guinche, F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, J.M. Nunzi, Characterization of Materials and Multilayer Structures of Organic Solar Cell by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, 3rd International Conference on Photoresponsive Organics and Polymers, 2006 () (hal-00084140) |
F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, J. Wieduwilt, H. Giovannini, D. Alkanov, F. Chandezon, Peter Reiss, A. Pron, C. Defranoux, Morphology of Hybrid Solar Cells: Optical Characterization and Modelling, European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells (ECHOS'06), 2006 () (hal-00084144) |
R. Bouffaron, Ludovic Escoubas, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, P. Masclet, G. Berginc, Réseaux bi-périodiques de microstructures pour application aux antireflets large bande - large incidence, Doctoriales de l'Ecole Polytechnique et de la Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA), 2006 () (hal-00084157) |
F. Flory, Ludovic Escoubas, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Optical Properties of Nanostructured Thin Films, 6th International Conference on Coating on Glass and Plastics (ICCG), 2006 () (hal-00084141) |
Ludovic Escoubas, F. Flory, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Guided-wave Characterizations of Optical, Thermal and Electro-optical Properties of Thin Film Materials, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2006, 26 (3-4), pp.372-387 () (hal-00084131) |
F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, F. Flory, S. Bailly, R. de Bettignies, S. Guillerez, C. Defranoux, Modelling the Short Circuit Current Density of Polymer Solar Cells based on P3HT/PCBM, European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells (ECHOS'06), 2006 () (hal-00084142) |
C. Defranoux, P. Heinrich, A. Darragon, L. Kitzinger, F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, J.M. Nunzi, Characterization of Materials and Multilayer Structures of Organic Solar Cells by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, S.P.I.E. Optics and Photonics, 2006 () (hal-00084145) |
F. Flory, Ludovic Escoubas, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Refractive Index of Micro/Nano Structured Dielectric Materials, International Conference "Micro- to Nano-Photonics", ROMOPTO'2006, 2006 () (hal-00084147) |
J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, F. Monestier, Ludovic Escoubas, A. Panday, J.M. Nunzi, C. Defranoux, Y. Guinche, Demonstration of a Software for Automatic Optimization of the Solar Energy Dissipated in Organic Solar Cells, 3rd International Conference on Photoresponsive Organics and Polymers, 2006 () (hal-00084139) |
J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, F. Monestier, M. Cathelinaud, Ludovic Escoubas, Demonstration of a Software for Automatic Optimization of the Electromagnetic Field in Organic Solar Cells, 10th International Conference on "Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids and Polymer" (ERPOS'10), 2005 () (hal-00084137) |
F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, M. Cathelinaud, Ludovic Escoubas, Software for automatic optimization of the electromagnetic field in organic solar cells, "Matériaux, Procédés et Systèmes pour la Conversion Photovoltaïque de l'Energie Solaire", Séminaire ADEME-CEA-CNRS sur la Recherche et le Développement Technologique, 2005 () (hal-00084154) |
Ludovic Escoubas, F. Flory, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Optical and electro-optical properties of thin film materials by guided wave characterization, International journal of materials, product and technology, 2005, xx, pp.xx () (hal-00084025) |
C. Defranoux, Y. Guinche, F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, J.M. Nunzi, Characterization of Materials and Multilayer Structures of Organic Solar Cell by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, 1st Plastic Electronics Conference 2005, 2005 () (hal-00084138) |
Stefan Enoch, J.-J. Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Z. Elalamy, F. Lemarquis, Philippe Torchio, G. Albrand, Simple layer-by-layer photonic crystal for the control of thermal emission, Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86, pp.261101 () (hal-00081440) |
Stefan Enoch, Jean-Jacques Simon, Ludovic Escoubas, Ziyad Elalamy, Frédéric Lemarquis, Philippe Torchio, Gérard Albrand, Simple layer-by-layer photonic crystal for the control of thermal emission., Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86, pp.261101 () (hal-00015722) |
F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, C. Defranoux, Description d'une procédure d'optimisation du champ optique dissipé dans les couches photoactives des cellules photovoltaïques organique, Actes de la Conférence "Matériaux, Procédés et Systèmes pour la Conversion Photovoltaïque de l'Energie Solaire", Séminaire ADEME-CEA-CNRS sur la Recherche et le Développement Technologique, 2005 () (hal-00084155) |
F. Monestier, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, M. Cathelinaud, S. Alem, J.M. Nunzi, Photovoltaic Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells: Electromagnetic Field Optimization, E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting (European Materials Research Society) on "Thin Film and Nano-Structured Materials for Photovoltaïcs", THINC-PV2, 2005 () (hal-00084136) |
J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, M. Cathelinaud, M. Gallecier, S. Alem, J.M. Nunzi, F. Flory, Electromagnetic field optimization for enhancing photovoltaic efficiency of organic solar cells, International Conference of OSA on Optical Interference Coatings, 2004 () (hal-00084039) |
J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, M. Cathelinaud, F. Flory, S. Alem, J.M. Nunzi, Optimisation du Champ Electromagnétique dans une Cellule Solaire Organique, DIELOR 04 "Dispositifs Electroniques Organiques", 2004 () (hal-00084052) |
Ludovic Escoubas, Stefan Enoch, J.J. Simon, Z. Elalamy, Philippe Torchio, F. Lemarquis, J. Fiere, F. Flory, Cristal Photonique Tridimensionnel pour la Réalisation de Sources Directives Thermiques, 5ièmes Journées Nationales du Réseau de Recherche en Micro et Nano Technologies (RMNT), 2004 () (hal-00084153) |
Ludovic Escoubas, F. Flory, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Z. Elalamy, Plate-forme de Réalisation de Microcomposants Optiques, 5ièmes Journées Nationales du Réseau de Recherche en Micro et Nano Technologies (RMNT), 2004 () (hal-00084108) |
F. Flory, Ludovic Escoubas, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Reflexion on the Future of Photonics, Fifth International Conference on Thin Films Physics and Applications (TFPA'2004), 2004 () (hal-00084072) |
Z. Elalamy, J. Fiere, Stefan Enoch, Ludovic Escoubas, J.-J. Simon, F. Lemarquis, Philippe Torchio, F. Flory, Micro-structured thin-film based photonic crystal for directive thermal sources, International Conference of OSA on "Optical Interference Coatings" Tucson (Arizona, USA), 2004 () (hal-00082857) |
Ludovic Escoubas, Stefan Enoch, J.-J. Simon, Z. Elalamy, Philippe Torchio, F. Lemarquis, J. Fiere, F. Flory, Cristal Photonique Tridimensionnel pour la Réalisation de Sources Directives Thermiques, 5ièmes Journées Nationales du Réseau de Recherche en Micro et Nano Technologies (RMNT), 2004 () (hal-00082858) |
Ludovic Escoubas, F. Flory, J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Z. Elalamy, Plate-forme de Réalisation de Microcomposants Optiques, 5ièmes Journées Nationales du Réseau de Recherche en Micro et Nano Technologies (RMNT), 2004 () (hal-00084149) |
J.J. Simon, Philippe Torchio, Ludovic Escoubas, Les Polymères: l'Avenir du Photovoltaïque ?, 3ème Salon "Matériaux Polymères Innovants et Technologies Associées", 2003 () (hal-00084054) |
Philippe Torchio, A. Gatto, M. Alvisi, G. Albrand, N. Kaiser, C. Amra, High-Reflectivity HfO2/SiO2 Ultraviolet Mirrors, Applied optics, 2002, 41 (16), pp.3256 - 3261 () (hal-00084134) |
A. Gatto, T. Feigl, N. Kaiser, D. Garzella, G. de Ninno, M. E. Couprie, Philippe Torchio, G. Albrand, C. Amra, Marino Marsi, M. Trovo, M. Grewe, C. Boccara, Multiscale Degradations of Storage Ring FEL Optics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2002, 483, pp.172-176 () (hal-00084135) |
Alexandre Gatto, T. Feigl, Norbert Kaiser, D. Garzella, G. de Ninno, M E Couprie, M Marsi, M. Trovo, R. Walker, M. Grewe, K. Wille, S. Paolini, V. Reita, J.P Roger, Claude A Boccara, Philippe Torchio, Gerard Albrand, Claude Amra, Multiscale degradations of storage ring FEL optics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2002, 483, pp.172-176 (10.1016/S0168-9002(02)00306-6) (hal-01324117) |
A. Gatto, R. Thieslch, J. Heber, N. Kaiser, D. Ristau, S. Gunster, J. Kohlaas, Marino Marsi, M. Trovo, Philippe Torchio, M. Alvisi, C. Amra, High-Performance Deep-Ultraviolet Optics for Free Electron Laser, Applied optics, 2002, 41 (16), pp.3236 - 3241 () (hal-00084133) |
Alexandre Gatto, Thielsch R., J. Hebert, N Kaiser, Norbert Kaiser, Ristau Detlev, S. Gunster, Jan Kohlhaase, M Marsi, M. Trovo, R. Walker, D. Garzella, M. E. Couprie, Philippe Torchio, M. Alvisi, Claude Amra, High-performance deep-ultraviolet optics for free-electron lasers, Applied optics, 2002, 41, pp.3236-3241 () (hal-01324126) |
L. Ottaviani, Mihai Lazar, Marie-Laure Locatelli, J.P. Chante, V. Heera, W. Skorupa, M. Voelskow, Philippe Torchio, Annealing Studies of Al-implanted 6H-SiC in an Induction Furnace, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2002, 91-92, pp.325-328 () (hal-00084105) |
C. Amra, M. Cathelinaud, F. Lemarquis, Philippe Torchio, Design and manufacture of high absorption metal dielectric coatings for the reduction of straylight, ICSO, 2000 () (hal-00082112) |
Claude Amra, Carole Deumie, Jean-Yves Natoli, Mireille Commandre, Philippe Torchio, Topographie multi-échelle pour le filtrage optique multicouche large-bande, 5ème Colloque sur les sources cohérentes et incohérentes UV, VUV, X, 2000 () (hal-00082269) |
Philippe Torchio, Roland Occelli, Detection and mapping of oxygen in silicon wafers by scanning infrared absorption, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1997, 18, pp.491 - 499 (10.1007/BF02677935) (hal-01757688) |
H. Blancher, R. Occelli, Philippe Torchio, P. Baulaigue, A study of the photothermal effect induced by an IR laser impulse, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1997, 18, pp.359 - 367 (10.1007/BF02677925) (hal-01757686) |
Hassen Aziza, J. Postel-Pellerin, Moritz Fieback, Said Hamdioui, Hanzhi Xun, Mottaqiallah Taouil, K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Analysis of Conductance Variability in RRAM for Accurate Neuromorphic Computing, 25th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium, 2024 () (hal-04540709) |
K. Coulié, Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, Laurent Ottaviani, Particle Identification and Tracking by the Use of a Pixel-Based Semiconductor Radiation Detector Coupled with Voltage Controlled Oscillators, ANIMMA 2021 – Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications, 2021, 253, pp.09007 (10.1051/epjconf/202125309007) (hal-04044407) |
Hassen Aziza, Said Hamdioui, Moritz Fieback, Mottaqiallah Taouil, Mathieu Moreau, Patrick Girard, Arnaud Virazel, K. Coulié, Multi-Level Control of Resistive RAM (RRAM) Using a Write Termination to Achieve 4 Bits/Cell in High Resistance State, Electronics, 2021, 10, pp.#2222 (10.3390/electronics10182222) (lirmm-03377249) |
Jordan Locati, Christian Rivero, Julien Delalleau, V. Della Marca, K. Coulié, Jordan Innocenti, Olivier Paulet, Arnaud Regnier, Stephan Niel, TCAD investigation of zero-cost high voltage transistor architectures for logic memory circuits, 2019 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), 2019, pp.1-4 (10.1109/SISPAD.2019.8870384) (hal-02332336) |
Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, R. Vauche, Using short-term fourier transform for particle detection and recognition in a CMOS oscillator-based chain, 2018 IEEE 19th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), 2018, pp.1-5 (10.1109/LATW.2018.8349684) (hal-02022331) |
K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Hassen Aziza, Gilles Micolau, R. Vauche, Detection limit of a VCO based detection chain dedicated to particles recognition and tracking, EPJ Web of Conferences, 2018, 170, pp.09002 (10.1051/epjconf/201817009002) (hal-01704378) |
N. Andrianjohany, P. Pourrouquet, K. Coulié, N. Chatry, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, D. Standarovski, G. Rolland, R. Ecoffet, Prediction methodology of Single Event Effect Sensitivity and application on SRAM device, RADECS, 2016 () (hal-01455417) |
K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Optimization of a Particles Detection Chain Based on a VCO Structure, Journal of Electronic Testing: : Theory and Applications, 2016, 32, pp.21-30 (10.1007/s10836-016-5563-7) (hal-01434958) |
S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, K. Coulié, Gilles Micolau, A. Lyoussi, On the Integration of a Readout System Dedicated for Neutron Discrimination in Harsh Environment, ISRD 15 - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON REACTOR DOSIMETRY, 2016, 106 (10.1051/epjconf/201610605012) (hal-01434974) |
S. Ben Krit, S. Ben Krit, K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, A. Lyoussi, Investigations of margins for the interplay using a digital testing tool dedicated to neutrons discrimination, 2014 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2014, 106, pp.806-809 () (hal-02031421) |
K. Coulié, S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Development of a CMOS oscillator chain for particle detection based on SOI technology, 2015 4th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2015, pp.1-5 () (hal-02031850) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Fayrouz. Haddad, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Low cost built-in-tuning of on-chip passive filters for low-if double quadrature rf receiver, 2015 16th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), 2015 (10.1109/LATW.2015.7102501) (hal-01895519) |
K. Coulié, S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, H. Aziza, J-M. Portal, Development of a CMOS oscillator chain for particle detection based on SOI technology, 4th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, 2015, pp.5 () (hal-02740553) |
S. Ben Krit, K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Laurent Ottaviani, Gilles Micolau, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Comparison of a readout chain dedicated to the signal conditioning of a particle detector and an innovative chain based on a VCO concept, 15. European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (Radecs), 2015, () (hal-01594142) |
K. Coulié, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Gilles Micolau, Improvement of a detection chain based on a VCO concept for microelectronic reliability under natural radiative environment, 16. Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS)), 2015, () (hal-01595709) |
S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, K. Coulié, Gilles Micolau, A. Levisse, A. Lyoussi, Development of a digital tool for the simulation of a readout system dedicated for neutrons discrimination, 2014 15th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2014, pp.1-6 () (hal-02031321) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Fayrouz. Haddad, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Low Power RF Transceiver with Built-In-Tuning of the Local Oscillator for Open Loop Modulation, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2014 () (hal-01870147) |
S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, K. Coulié, Gilles Micolau, A. Lyoussi, First Investigations on the Feasibility of Integration of a Readout System for Neutrons Detection in Harsh Environment, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2014, 61, pp.2271 - 2278 (10.1109/TNS.2014.2340031) (hal-01314640) |
S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, K. Coulié, Gilles Micolau, First investigations on the feasibility of integration of a smart sensor in harsh environment 1, International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurements Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2013), 2013 () (hal-01793783) |
S. Ben Krit, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, K. Coulié, Gilles Micolau, A. Lyoussi, First investigations on the feasibility of integration of a smart sensor in harsh environment., 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2013, 2013 () (hal-01314804) |
Fayrouz. Haddad, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, On the investigation of built-in tuning of RF receivers using on-chip polyphase filters, 2013 IEEE 31st VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2013 (10.1109/VTS.2013.6548932) (hal-01895498) |
K. Coulié, Marc Bocquet, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Christophe Muller, SPICE level analysis of Single Event Effects in an OxRRAM cell, 2013 14th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2013 (10.1109/LATW.2013.6562684) (hal-01804661) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Fayrouz. Haddad, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Built-in tuning of the local oscillator for open loop modulation of low cost, low power RF transceiver, 2013 14th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2013 (10.1109/LATW.2013.6562686) (hal-01895505) |
K. Coulié, H. Aziza, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, J-M. Portal, Development of a CMOS oscillator concept for particle detection and tracking, European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2012, 60 (10.1109/TNS.2013.2254723) (hal-02749989) |
K. Coulié, Hassen Aziza, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, Jean-Michel Portal, Development of a CMOS Oscillator Concept for Particle Detection and Tracking Nuclear Science., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2013 () (hal-01315364) |
Gilles Micolau, K. Coulié, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Contribution to SER Prediction: A New Metric Based on RC Transient Simulations, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2012, 59, pp.797-802 () (hal-02025262) |
K. Coulié, Hassen Aziza, Gilles Micolau, Jean-Michel Portal, Optimization of SEU Simulations for SRAM Cells Reliability under Radiation, Journal of Electronic Testing: : Theory and Applications, 2012, 28, pp.331-338 () (hal-02025257) |
Fayrouz. Haddad, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Built-in tuning of RFIC Passive Polyphase Filter by process and thermal monitoring, 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2012, pp.1-5 () (hal-02030953) |
Gilles Micolau, K. Coulié, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, SITARe: A simulation tool for analysis and diagnosis of radiation effects, 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2012, pp.1-5 () (hal-02030884) |
K. Coulié, Hassen Aziza, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Gilles Micolau, Jean-Michel Portal, Investigation of a CMOS oscillator concept for particle detection and diagnosis, 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2012, pp.1-5 () (hal-02025655) |
Fayrouz. Haddad, Rahajandraibe Wenceslas, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Built-in Tunning of RFIC Passive Polyphase Filter by Process and Thermal Monitoring, IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop LATW, 2012 () (hal-01895495) |
Gilles Micolau, K. Coulié, Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, Contribution to SER prediction: A new metric based on RC transient simulations, 2011 12th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2011, pp.103-108 () (hal-02025653) |
K. Coulié, Gnima Toure, Jean-Michel Portal, Olivier Ginez, Hassen Aziza, Austin Lesea, Circuit Effect on Collection Mechanisms Involved in Single Event Phenomena: Application to the Response of a NMOS Transistor in a 90 nm SRAM Cell, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011, 58, pp.870-876 (10.1109/tns.2011.2129575) (hal-02025249) |
Gnima Toure, Guillaume Hubert, K. Coulié, Sophie Duzellier, Jean-Michel Portal, Simulation of Single and Multi-Node Collection: Impact on SEU Occurrence in Nanometric SRAM Cells, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011, 58, pp.862-869 () (hal-02025253) |
Hassen Aziza, Jean-Michel Portal, K. Coulié, Using design of experiment to diagnose analog blocks geometrical defects: Application to current reference circuits, Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2011, pp.1-5 () (hal-02025644) |
K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Gilles Micolau, Hassen Aziza, Analysis of SEU parameters for the study of SRAM cells reliability under radiation, 2011 12th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2011, pp.1-5 () (hal-02025650) |
Gilles Micolau, Hassen Aziza, K. Coulié, Jean-Michel Portal, Impact of SEU configurations on a SRAM cell response at circuit level, 2011 12th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2011, pp.1-5 () (hal-02025647) |
S. Serre, K. Coulié, D. Paul, V. Lacoste, Optimization Using Monte Carlo Calculations of a Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Extended to High Energies for the Neutron Environments Characterization, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2009, 56, pp.3582-3590 () (hal-02025245) |
G. Touré, Jean-Michel Portal, G. Hubert, K. Coulié, A. Lesea, Effect of multiple injections on the SEEs in SRAM cell, 2009 European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2009, pp.252-255 () (hal-02025643) |
L. Artola, G. Hubert, F. Bezerra, S. Duzellier, K. Coulié, Collected charge analysis for a new advanced transient model by TCAD simulation in 90nm technology, 2009 European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2009, pp.187-193 () (hal-02025640) |
S. Serre, K. Coulié, D. Paul, V. Lacoste, Optimization using Monte Carlo calculations of a Bonner spheres spectrometer extended to high energies for the neutron environments characterization, 2008 European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2008, pp.504-510 () (hal-02025633) |
Austin Lesea, K. Coulié, Georges Waysand, Joel Le Mauff, Christophe Sudre, Qualification Methodology for Sub-Micron ICs at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory of Rustrel, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2008, 55, pp.2148-2153 () (hal-02025239) |
A. Lesea, K. Coulié, Experimental study and analysis of soft errors in 90nm Xilinx FPGA and beyond, 2007 9th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2007), 2007, pp.1-5 () (hal-02025582) |
A. Lesea, K. Coulié, G. Waysand, J. Le Mauff, C. Sudre, Qualification methodology for sub-micron ICs at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory of Rustrel, 2007 9th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2007), 2007, pp.1-6 () (hal-02025605) |
Daniela Munteanu, Jean-Luc Autran, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, Philippe Paillet, J. Baggio, K. Coulié, 3D quantum numerical simulation of single-event transients in multiple-gate nanowire MOSFETs, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2007, 54, pp.994-1001 (10.1109/TNS.2007.892284) (hal-01759444) |
Jean-Luc Autran, Philippe Roche, Joseph Borel, Christophe Sudre, K. Coulié, Daniela Munteanu, Thierry Parrassin, Gilles Gasiot, Jean-Pierre Schoelikopf, Altitude SEE test European platform (ASTEP) and first results in CMOS 130 nm SRAM, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2007, 54, pp.1002-1009 (10.1109/TNS.2007.891398) (hal-01759445) |
K. Coulié, Daniela Munteanu, Jean-Luc Autran, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, Philippe Paillet, J. Baggio, Investigation of 30 nm gate-all-around MOSFET sensitivity to heavy ions: A 3-D simulation study, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2006, 53, pp.1950-1958 (10.1109/TNS.2006.880945) (hal-01759447) |
K. Coulié, Daniela Munteanu, Jean-Luc Autran, V Ferlet-Cavrols, Philippe Paillet, J Baggio, Simulation analysis of the bipolar amplification induced by heavy-ion irradiation in double-gate MOSFETs, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005, 52, pp.2137-2143 (10.1109/TNS.2005.860680) (hal-01759456) |
Jean-Luc Autran, Daniela Munteanu, M Houssa, K. Coulié, A Said, Performance degradation induced by fringing field-induced barrier lowering and parasitic charge in double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors with high-kappa dielectrics, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 44, pp.8362-8366 (10.1143/JJAP.44.8362) (hal-01759458) |
K. Coulié, Daniela Munteanu, V Ferlet-Cavrois, Jean-Luc Autran, Simulation analysis of the bipolar amplification in fully-depleted SOI technologies under heavy-ion irradiations, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005, 52, pp.1474-1479 (10.1109/TNS.2005.855810) (hal-01759457) |
K. Coulié, M. Xia, Daniela Munteanu, Jean-Luc Autran, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, Philippe Paillet, J. Baggio, Influence of Simulation Parameters on the Bipolar Amplification in Fully-Depleted SOI Technologies under Heavy-Ion Irradiations, 2005 8th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2005, pp.G2-1-G2-6 () (hal-02025578) |
K. Coulié, Daniela Munteanu, Jean-Luc Autran, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, Philippe Paillet, J. Baggio, Investigation of 30nm Gate-All-Around MOSFET Sensitivity to Heavy Ions: a 3-D Simulation Study, 2005 8th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2005, pp.G1-1-G1-8 () (hal-02025580) |
T. Mérelle, H. Chabane, J.-M. Palau, K. Coulié, Frédéric Wrobel, Frédéric Saigné, Bruno Sagnes, Jérôme Boch, Jean-Roch Vaillé, J. Gasiot, P. Roche, M.-C. Palau, T. Carrière, Criterion for SEU Occurrence in SRAM Deduced From Circuit and Device Simulations in Case of Neutron-Induced SER, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2005, 52, pp.1148-1155 (10.1109/TNS.2005.852319) (hal-00328654) |
K. Coulié, Bruno Sagnes, Frédéric Saigné, J.-M. Palau, M.-C. Calvet, P.E. Dodd, F.W. Sexton, Study of an SOI SRAM sensitivity to SEU by 3-D device Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2004, 51, pp.2799 - 2804 (10.1109/TNS.2004.835076) (hal-00327728) |
K. Coulié, Bruno Sagnes, Frédéric Saigné, J.-M. Palau, M.-C. Calvet, P.E. Dodd, F.W. Sexton, Study of a SOI SRAM Sensitivity to SEU by 3-D Device Simulation, 7th European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, 2003 () (hal-01806785) |
K. Coulié, Bruno Sagnes, Frédéric Saigné, J.-M. Palau, M.-C. Calvet, P.E. Dodd, F.W. Sexton, Comparison of NMOS and PMOS transistor sensitivity to SEU in SRAMs studied by device simulation, 40th IEEE Nuclear Space and Radiation Effects Conference, 2003 () (hal-01806758) |
J.-M. Palau, Frédéric Wrobel, K. Coulié, M.-C. Calvet, P.E. Dodd, F.W. Sexton, Monte Carlo Exploration of Neutron-Induced SEU-Sensitive Volumes in SRAMs, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2002, 49, pp.3075 - 3081 (10.1109/TNS.2002.805420) (hal-00325124) |
G. Hubert, J.-M. Palau, K. Coulié, M.-C. Calvet, S. Fourtine, Detailed analysis of secondary ions' effect for the calculation of neutron-induced SER in SRAMs, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2001, 48, pp.1953-1959 (10.1109/23.983156) (hal-02025081) |
K. Coulié, J.-M. Palau, G. Hubert, M.-C. Calvet, P.E. Dodd, F. Sexton, Various SEU conditions in SRAM studied by 3-D device simulation, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2001, 48, pp.1931-1936 (10.1109/23.983153) (hal-02042690) |
J.-M. Palau, G. Hubert, K. Coulié, Bruno Sagnes, M.-C. Calvet, S. Fourtine, Device simulation study of the SEU sensitivity of SRAMs to internal ion tracks generated by nuclear reactions, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2001, 48, pp.225-231 (10.1109/23.915368) (hal-02024841) |