04 91 28 81 25
Publications |
Marc Gailhanou, Jean-Marc Roussel, Understanding the warp in free 〈 111 〉 metal nanowires by modeling surface elasticity, Physical Review B, 2023, 108, pp.L161408 (10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L161408) (hal-04248049) |
Jean-Marc Roussel, Marc Gailhanou, Warping caused by surface elasticity in a nanowire under torsion, Physical Review B, 2023, 107, pp.094110 (10.1103/PhysRevB.107.094110) (hal-04041031) |
Philippe Walter, Philippe Sarrazin, Marc Gailhanou, Dominique Hérouard, Antoine Verney, David Blake, Full-field XRF instrument for cultural heritage: Application to the study of a Caillebotte painting, X-Ray Spectrometry, 2018 (10.1002/xrs.2841) (hal-01761223) |
P. Sarrazin, D. Blake, Marc Gailhanou, F. Marchis, C. Chalumeau, S. Webb, Philippe Walter, E. Schyns, K. Thompson, T. Bristow, MapX: 2D XRF for Planetary Exploration - Image Formation and Optic Characterization, Journal of Instrumentation, 2018, 13, pp.C04023 - C04023 (10.1088/1748-0221/13/04/C04023) (hal-01781602) |
Marc Gailhanou, Jean-Marc Roussel, Diffraction from twisted nanowires: helicity revealed by anisotropy, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2018, 51 (10.1107/s1600576718013493) (hal-01925048) |
Marc Gailhanou, P. Sarrazin, D. Blake, Modeling of x-ray fluorescence full field imaging using planar square pore micro-channel plate optics, Applied optics, 2018, 57 (10.1364/AO.57.006795) (hal-01891329) |
T. David, Kailang Liu, Antoine Ronda, Luc Favre, Marco Abbarchi, Marc Gailhanou, P. Gentile, Denis Buttard, Vincent Calvo, Michele Amato, Jean-Noël Aqua, Isabelle Berbezier, Tailoring Strain and Morphology of Core–Shell SiGe Nanowires by Low-Temperature Ge Condensation, Nano Letters, 2017, 17, pp.7299 - 7305 (10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02832) (hal-01788664) |
P. Sarrazin, Philippe Walter, Marc Gailhanou, D. Blake, D. Hérouard, A. Verney, CartiX: Full-Field XRF for Cultural Heritage, Application to the study of a Caillebotte painting, IXCOM 24, 2017 () (hal-01781790) |
P. Sarrazin, D. Blake, Marc Gailhanou, F. Marchis, C. Chalumeau, S. Webb, Philippe Walter, E. Schyns, K. Thompson, T. Bristow, Map-X: 2D XRF for Planetary Exploration, IXCOM 24, 2017 () (hal-01781793) |
J-M. Roussel, Marc Gailhanou, Stability of a screw dislocation in a <011> copper nanowire, International Conference on Nanostructures and nanomaterials self-assembly (NanoSEA), 2016 () (hal-01452758) |
P. Sarrazin, D.F. Blake, K. Thompson, Marc Gailhanou, J.-P. Chen, T. Bristow, The Map-X micro CRF imaging spectrometer, 47th Lunar and planetary science conference (2016), 2016 () (hal-01453271) |
M. Cabié, Marc Gailhanou, Daniel Ferry, Electron tomography: influence of defocus on the determination of reconstructed soot aggregates’ surface and volume, European Microscopy Congress, 2016 () (hal-01453258) |
P. Sarrazin, D.F. Blake, Marc Gailhanou, Philippe Walter, E. Schyns, F. Marchis, K. Thompson, T. Bristow, Full field X-ray fluorescence imaging using micro pore optics for planetary surface exploration, International Conference on Space Optics, 2016 () (hal-01453264) |
Stéphane Labat, Marie‐ingrid Richard, Maxime Dupraz, Marc Gailhanou, Guillaume Beutier, Marc Verdier, Francesca Mastropietro, Thomas W. Cornelius, Tobias Schülli, J. Eymery, Olivier P Thomas, Inversion Domain Boundaries in GaN Wires Revealed by Coherent Bragg Imaging, ACS Nano, 2015, 9, pp.9210 - 9216 (10.1021/acsnano.5b03857) (hal-01876893) |
Jean-Marc Roussel, Marc Gailhanou, Stability of a Screw Dislocation in a ⟨ 011 ⟩ Copper Nanowire, Physical Review Letters, 2015, 115, pp.075503 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.075503) (hal-01729734) |
Douglas W. Ming, P. D. Archer, D. P. Glavin, J. L. Eigenbrode, H. B. Franz, B. Sutter, A. E. Brunner, J. C. Stern, Caroline Freissinet, A. C. Mcadam, P. R. Mahaffy, Michel Cabane, Patrice Coll, J. L. Campbell, S. K. Atreya, P. B. Niles, J. F. Bell, D. L. Bish, W. B. Brinckerhoff, A. Buch, P. G. Conrad, D. J. Des Marais, Bethany Ehlmann, A. G. Fairen, K. Farley, G. J. Flesch, P. Francois, R. Gellert, J. A. Grant, John P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. A. Hurowitz, L. A. Leshin, K. W. Lewis, S. M. Mclennan, K. E. Miller, J. Moersch, R. V. Morris, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, A. A. Pavlov, G. M. Perrett, I. Pradler, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Summons, A. Steele, E. M. Stolper, D. Y. Sumner, Cyril Szopa, S. Teinturier, M. G. Trainer, Allan H. Treiman, D. T. Vaniman, A. R. Vasavada, C. R. Webster, J. J. Wray, R. A. Yingst, Osku Kemppinen, Nathan Bridges, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Michelle Minitti, David Cremers, Lauren Edgar, Jack Farmer, Austin Godber, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Danika Wellington, Ian Mcewan, Claire Newman, Mark Richardson, Antoine Charpentier, Laurent Peret, Penelope King, Jennifer Blank, Gerald Weigle, Mariek Schmidt, Shuai Li, Ralph Milliken, Kevin Robertson, Vivian Sun, Michael Baker, Christopher Edwards, Jennifer Griffes, Megan Newcombe, C. Pilorget, Melissa Rice, Kirsten Siebach, Katie Stack, Claude Brunet, Victoria Hipkin, Richard Leveille, Geneviève Marchand, Pablo Sobron Sanchez, Laurent Favot, George Cody, Lorenzo Fluckiger, David Lees, Ara Nefian, Mildred Martin, Marc Gailhanou, Frances Westall, Guy Israel, Christophe Agard, Julien Baroukh, Christophe Donny, Alain Gaboriaud, Philippe Guillemot, Vivian Lafaille, Eric Lorigny, Alexis Paillet, René Perez, Muriel Saccoccio, Charles Yana, Carlos Armiens-Aparicio, Javier Caride Rodriguez, Isaias Carrasco Blazquez, Felipe Gomez Gomez, Javier Gomez-Elvira, Sebastien Hettrich, Alain Lepinette Malvitte, Mercedes Marin Jimenez, Jesus Martinez-Frias, Javier Martin-Soler, F. Javier Martin-Torres, Antonio Molina Jurado, Luis Mora-Sotomayor, Guillermo Munoz Caro, Sara Navarro Lopez, Verónica Peinado-Gonzalez, Jorge Pla-Garcia, José Antonio Rodriguez Manfredi, Julio José Romeral-Planello, Sara Alejandra Sans Fuentes, Eduardo Sebastian Martinez, Josefina Torres Redondo, Roser Urqui-O'Callaghan, María-Paz Zorzano Mier, Steve Chipera, Jean-Luc Lacour, Patrick Mauchien, Jean-Baptiste Sirven, Heidi Manning, Alexander Hayes, Jonathan Joseph, Robert Sullivan, Peter Thomas, Audrey Dupont, Angela Lundberg, Noureddine Melikechi, Alissa Mezzacappa, Julia Demarines, David Grinspoon, Günter Reitz, Benito Prats, Evgeny Atlaskin, Maria Genzer, Ari-Matti Harri, Harri Haukka, Henrik Kahanpää, Janne Kauhanen, Mark Paton, Jouni Polkko, Walter Schmidt, Tero Siili, Cécile Fabre, Mary Beth Wilhelm, Franck Poitrasson, Kiran Patel, Stephen Gorevan, Stephen Indyk, Gale Paulsen, Juergen Schieber, Brigitte Gondet, Yves Langevin, Claude Geffroy-Rodier, David Baratoux, Gilles Berger, Alain Cros, Claude d'Uston, Olivier Forni, Olivier Gasnault, Jérémie Lasue, Qiu Mei Lee, S. Maurice, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Etienne Pallier, Yann Parot, P.C. Pinet, Susanne Schroder, Mike Toplis, Eric Lewin, Will Brunner, Ezat Heydari, Cherie Achilles, Dorothy Oehler, David Coscia, Gilles Dromart, François Robert, V. Sautter, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Nicolas Mangold, M. Nachon, Fabien Stalport, François Raulin, J. Cameron, S. Clegg, Agnès Cousin, D. Delapp, R. Dingler, R. S. Jackson, S. Johnstone, Nina L Lanza, C. Little, T. Nelson, Roger C. Wiens, Rebecca M. E. Williams, A. Jones, L. Kirkland, Burt Baker, Forget François, Michael Caplinger, Scott Davis, Brian Duston, Kenneth Edgett, Donald Fay, Craig Hardgrove, David Harker, Paul Herrera, Elsa Jensen, Megan R. Kennedy, Gillian Krezoski, D. Krysak, L. Lipkaman, M. Malin, E. Mccartney, S. Mcnair, B. Nixon, L. Posiolova, M. Ravine, A. Salamon, L. Saper, K. Stoiber, K. Supulver, J. van Beek, T. van Beek, R. Zimdar, K. L. French, K. Iagnemma, F. Goesmann, W. Goetz, S. Hviid, M. Johnson, M. Lefavor, E. Lyness, E. Breves, M. D. Dyar, C. Fassett, David F. Blake, Thomas Bristow, Laurence Edwards, Robert Haberle, Tori Hoehler, Jeff Hollingsworth, Melinda Kahre, Leslie Keely, Christopher Mckay, Lora Bleacher, David Choi, Jason P. Dworkin, Melissa Floyd, James Garvin, Daniel Harpold, David K. Martin, Eric Raaen, Michael D. Smith, Florence Tan, Michael Meyer, Arik Posner, Mary Voytek, Robert C. Anderson, Andrew Aubrey, Luther W. Beegle, Alberto Behar, Diana Blaney, David Brinza, Fred Calef, Lance Christensen, Joy A. Crisp, Lauren Deflores, Jason Feldman, Sabrina Feldman, Insoo Jun, D. Keymeulen, Justin Maki, M. Mischna, J. M. Morookian, T. Parker, B. Pavri, M. Schoppers, A. Sengstacken, J. J. Simmonds, N. Spanovich, Manuel de La Torre Juarez, Albert Yen, Francis Cucinotta, John H. Jones, Elizabeth Rampe, Thomas Nolan, Martin Fisk, Leon Radziemski, Bruce Barraclough, Steve Bender, Daniel Berman, Eldar Noe Dobrea, Robert Tokar, T. Cleghorn, W. Huntress, G. Manhes, J. Hudgins, T. Olson, Noël Stewart, Philippe Sarrazin, E. Vicenzi, Sharon A. Wilson, M. Bullock, B. Ehresmann, V. Hamilton, D. Hassler, J. Peterson, S. Rafkin, C. Zeitlin, F. Fedosov, D. Golovin, N. Karpushkina, A. Kozyrev, M. Litvak, A. Malakhov, Igor Mitrofanov, M. Mokrousov, S. Nikiforov, V. Prokhorov, A. Sanin, Vladislav Tretyakov, A. Varenikov, A. Vostrukhin, Ruslan Kuzmin, B. Clark, M. Wolff, O. Botta, Darrell Drake, K. Bean, Mark Lemmon, Susanne P. Schwenzer, E. M. Lee, R. Sucharski, M. A. D. P. Hernandez, J. J. B. Avalos, M. Ramos, M.-H. Kim, C. Malespin, I. Plante, J.-P. Muller, R. Ewing, W. Boynton, R. Downs, M. Fitzgibbon, K. Harshman, S. Morrison, W. Dietrich, O. Kortmann, M. Palucis, A. Williams, G. Lugmair, M. A. Wilson, D. Rubin, B. Jakosky, T. Balic-Zunic, Jens Frydenvang, J. K. Jensen, K. Kinch, A. Koefoed, Morten Bo Madsen, S. L. S. Stipp, N. Boyd, S. Vanbommel, S. Jacob, T. Owen, S. Rowland, H. Savijarvi, E. Boehm, S. Bottcher, S. Burmeister, J. Guo, J. Kohler, C. M. Garcia, R. Mueller-Mellin, R. Wimmer-Schweingruber, J. C. Bridges, T. Mcconnochie, M. Benna, H. Bower, H. Blau, T. Boucher, M. Carmosino, H. Elliott, D. Halleaux, N. Renno, M. Wong, R. Pepin, B. Elliott, J. Spray, L. Thompson, S. Gordon, H. Newsom, A. Ollila, J. Williams, P. Vasconcelos, J. Bentz, K. Nealson, R. Popa, L. C. Kah, C. Tate, M. Day, G. Kocurek, B. Hallet, R. Sletten, R. Francis, E. Mccullough, E. Cloutis, I. L. ten Kate, R. Arvidson, A. Fraeman, D. Scholes, S. Slavney, T. Stein, J. Ward, Julien Berger, J. E. Moores, Volatile and Organic Compositions of Sedimentary Rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars, Science, 2014, 343 (10.1126/science.1245267) (hal-01238192) |
T. David, Luc Roussel, Thomas Neisius, Martiane Cabié, Marc Gailhanou, Claude Alfonso, Gold coverage and faceting of MBE grown silicon nanowires, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013, 383, pp.151 - 157 (10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2013.08.023) (hal-01738103) |
Marc Gailhanou, Jean-Marc Roussel, Displacement field of a screw dislocation in a 〈 011 〉 Cu nanowire: An atomistic study, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2013, 88, pp.224101 (10.1103/PhysRevB.88.224101) (hal-01726918) |
Marc Gailhanou, A. Loubens, J.-S. Micha, B. Charlet, A.A Minkevich, Roland Fortunier, O. Thomas, Strain field in silicon on insulator lines using high resolution x-ray diffraction, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90, pp.111914 (10.1063/1.2713335) (hal-00293928) |
A. A. Minkevich, Marc Gailhanou, J.-S. Micha, B. Charlet, Virginie Chamard, O. Thomas, Inversion of the diffraction pattern from an inhomogeneously strained crystal using an iterative algorithm, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2007, 76, pp.104106 (10.1103/PhysRevB.76.104106) (hal-01253313) |
T. Belin, Nadine Millot, N. Bovet, Marc Gailhanou, In situ and time resolved study of the g/a-Fe2O3 transition in nanometric particles., Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, 180, pp.2377 () (hal-00312812) |
A. A. Minkevich, Virginie Chamard, Marc Gailhanou, A. Loubens, O. Thomas, Imaging of displacement field in highly strained object using x-ray diffraction, 8th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP 2006), 2006 () (hal-01257138) |
Jean-Philippe Michel, Emmanuelle Lacaze, Michel Goldmann, Marc Gailhanou, Marc de Boissieu, Michel Alba, Structure of smectic defect cores: an X-ray study of 8CB liquid crystal ultra-thin films, Physical Review Letters, 2006, 96, pp.027803 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.027803) (hal-00012699) |
C. Mendibide, Philippe Steyer, Claude Esnouf, P. Goudeau, Dominique Thiaudière, Marc Gailhanou, Julien Fontaine, X-ray diffraction analysis of the residual stress state in PVD TiN/CrN multilayer coatings deposited on tool steel, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2005, pp.165-169 (10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.02.081) (hal-00436817) |
J. P. Michel, Emmanuelle Lacaze, Michel Goldmann, M. de Boissieu, Marc Gailhanou, Christiane Alba-Simionesco, Revealing the structure of focal conics cores and their influence on the evolution with temperature: an x-ray study of ultra-thin 8CB films, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2005, 437, pp.1343 (10.1080/15421400590954308) (hal-00017062) |
Christophe den Auwer, R. Drot, E. Simoni, S.D. Conradson, Marc Gailhanou, J. Mustre de Leon, Grazing incidence XAFS spectroscopy of uranyl sorbed onto TiO2 rutile surfaces, New Journal of Chemistry, 2003, 3, pp.648-655 (10.1039/b209961f) (in2p3-00023804) |
Louis Hennet, Dominique Thiaudière, Marc Gailhanou, Claude Landron, Jean-Pierre Coutures, David L. Price, Fast x-ray scattering measurements on molten alumina using a 120° curved position sensitive detector, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2002, 73, pp.124-129 (10.1063/1.1426228) (hal-02540528) |
Dominique Vrel, N. Girodon - Boulandet, S. Paris, J.-F. Mazué, E. Couqueberg, Marc Gailhanou, D. Thiaudière, Eric Gaffet, F. Bernard, A new experimental setup for the time resolved X – ray diffraction study of self – propagating high temperature synthesis, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2002, 73(2), pp.422 - 428 () (hal-00118185) |
Marc Gailhanou, J.M. Dubuisson, M. Ribbens, L. Roussier, D. Bétaille, C. Créoff, M. Lemonnier, J. Denoyer, C. Bouillot, A. Jucha, A. Lena, M. Idir, M. Bessière, D. Thiaudiere, Louis Hennet, C. Landron, J.P. Coutures, H10:, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2001, 467-468, pp.745-747 (10.1016/s0168-9002(01)00485-5) (hal-02540558) |
C. Landron, Louis Hennet, J. Coutures, Marc Gailhanou, M. Gramond, J. Berar, Contactless investigation on laser-heated oxides by synchrotron radiation, EPL - Europhysics Letters, 1998, 44, pp.429-435 (10.1209/epl/i1998-00490-0) (hal-02540545) |
A. Barbara, J.-M. Tonnerre, Marie-Claire Saint-Lager, F. Bartolomé, Jean-François Berar, Denis Raoux, Hélène Fischer, M. Piecuch, V. Chakarian, C.C. Kao, Marc Gailhanou, S. Lefèvre, M. Bessière, X-ray anomalous diffraction and resonnant magnetic scattering X-ray study of FexMn1-x/Ir(100) superlattices, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1997, 165, pp.87-91 (10.1016/S0304-8853(96)00478-7) (hal-02563263) |
A. Barbara, J.-M. Tonnerre, Marie-Claire Saint-Lager, F. Bartolomé, Denis Raoux, Hélène Fischer, M. Piecuch, Marc Gailhanou, M. Bessière, X-ray anomalous diffraction and resonnant magnetic scattering X-ray study of FexMn1-x/Ir(100) superlattices, EMRS Spring Meeting, 1996 () (hal-02563246) |