N. Dehaese,
R. Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
R. Vauché,
S. Al Zaouk,
Wearable Battery‐Powered Transmitter and Receiver for Path Loss Measurement of Capacitive HBC Channel, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2024
(hal-04890951) |
Felipe Artemio Schoulten,
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
André Mariano,
N. Dehaese,
Herve Barthelemy,
Synthétiseur d'Impulsions Ultra-Large Bande à Enveloppe Échantillonnée-bloquée en technologie CMOS 28 nm, XXIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2022), 2022
(hal-04029321) |
Rym Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
N. Dehaese,
R. Vauche,
Jean Gaubert,
Estimation de l'atténuation du corps humain en tant que canal de propagation des communications HBC standardisées, XXII èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, 2022
(hal-04029316) |
Felipe Artemio Schoulten,
A A Mariano,
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Herve Barthelemy,
IR-UWB Pulse Synthesizer Based on a Sample & Hold Envelope Shaping Circuit, 36° Simpósio Sul de Microeletrônica, 2021
(hal-04036737) |
Rym Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
R. Vauche,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Herve Barthelemy,
Conception d'un émetteur alimenté sur batterie dédié à la caractérisation des communications via le corps humain, Séminaire recherche de l'IUT d'Aix-Marseille, 2021
(hal-03494758) |
R. Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
R. Vauche,
N. Dehaese,
J. Gaubert,
H. Barthelemy,
Design of a Battery-powered Emitter dedicated to the Characterization of Human Body Communications, 2020 15th Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2020, pp.1-5
(hal-02561127) |
R. Vauche,
Matthieu Egels,
E. Bergeret,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Raafat Lababidi,
Conception d’une étiquette sans contact Ultra-Large Bande impulsionnelle télé-alimentée en RFID UHF, Colloque sur les Objets et systèmes Connectés 2019 (COC), 2019
(hal-02298783) |
R. Vauche,
H. Bounaceur,
S. Zerenini,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Herve Barthelemy,
Valentin Gies,
Implementation of the Standardized Human Body Communications - A Feasibility Study, 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2018, pp.643-644
(hal-01856908) |
Abderrahmane Haloua,
N. Dehaese,
R. Vauche,
Jean Gaubert,
Protocole de communication asynchrone à lien radio Ultra-large bande pour les réseaux de capteurs, Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT, 2018
(hal-02013918) |
N. Dehaese,
Ines Ben Amor,
Ndiogou Tall,
Jean Gaubert,
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
A self-duty-cycled 7.2-8.5 GHz IR-UWB receiver for low power and low data rate applications, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2017, 92, pp.39-53
(hal-01694214) |
R. Vauche,
Eloi Muhr,
Olivier Fourquin,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Stephane Meillere,
Herve Barthelemy,
Laurent Ouvry,
A 100 MHz PRF IR-UWB CMOS Transceiver With Pulse Shaping Capabilities and Peak Voltage Detector, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2017, 64, pp.1612-1625
(hal-01694218) |
Abderrahmane Haloua,
N. Dehaese,
R. Vauche,
Jean Gaubert,
E. Bergeret,
Radio Triggered Asynchronous Protocol for ULP Sensor Network Based on a UWB Sub-GHz communication Link, Sensors Energy harvesting, wireless Network and Smart Objects Conference, 2017
(hal-02470052) |
Abderrahmane Haloua,
R. Vauche,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
A fully digital Ultra-wide band sub-GHz pulse generator, 2017 15th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2017
(hal-01704375) |
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Oswaldo Ramos Sparrow,
Eloi Muhr,
Herve Barthelemy,
High efficiency UWB pulse generator for ultra-low-power applications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2016, 8, pp.495-503
(hal-01435274) |
Jean-François Pons,
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
Bruno Paille,
RF Power Gating: A Low-Power Technique for Adaptive Radios, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2016, 24, pp.1377-1390
(hal-02012334) |
R. Vauche,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Perspectives Offertes par la Radio Impulsionelle Ultra-Large Bande pour les Communications Sans-Fil à Courte Portée et Faible Consommation, Journées scientifiques URSI, énergies et radiosciences, 2016
(hal-01455457) |
A. Haloua,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
E. Bergeret,
R. Vauche,
Etude de la faisabilité d'un système de communications Ultra large bande asynchrone pour réseaux de capteurs, Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-nanoélectronique (JNRDM 2016), 2016
(hal-01455480) |
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
E. Muhr,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
F. Hameau,
Herve Barthelemy,
Design of pulse synthesizers for the convergence of IR-UWB solutions, 2016 14th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2016
(hal-01856791) |
Jean-François Pons,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Bruno Paille,
Digital cubic interpolation and synchronization for RF receiver using power-gated ADC, 2015 IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2015, pp.1-4
(hal-02014995) |
N. Dehaese,
J.-F. Pons,
B. Paille,
Jean Gaubert,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Fast dichotomic supervised I/Q imbalance compensation algorithm, Electronics Letters, 2015, 51, pp.1113-1115
(hal-02012324) |
Jean-François Pons,
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
Bruno Paille,
Analysis of Binary CPFSK With Non-Uniform Sampled Reception, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2015, 63, pp.844-856
(hal-02012330) |
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Herve Barthelemy,
Emitters and Receivers for Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband and Their Healthcare Applications, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
(hal-01704354) |
R. Vauche,
E. Muhr,
N. Tall,
A. Haloua,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Herve Barthelemy,
Ultra-wideband voltage controlled oscillator with commutable phases for BPSK implementation, 2015 IEEE 13th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2015
(hal-01704344) |
I. Benamor,
N. Tall,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Sylvain Bourdel,
R. Vauche,
O. Ramos Sparrow,
S. Meillère,
A Fully Differential 7.2-8.5GHz LNA for a Self Synchronized and Duty-Cycled UWB OOK Receiver, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
(hal-01704351) |
I. Benamor,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Fast turn on/off low noise amplifier for duty cycled ultra-wideband impulse radio, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), 2014, pp.331-336
(hal-02012695) |
Oswaldo Ramos Sparrow Ramos Sparrow,
R. Vauche,
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
I. Ben Amor,
E. Muhr,
P. Losco,
O. Fourquin,
High rate UWB CMOS transceiver chipset for WBAN and biomedical applications, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2014, 81, pp.215-227
(hal-01435829) |
Sylvain Bourdel,
I. Ben Amor,
J. Pons,
N. Dehaese,
R. Vauche,
Jean Gaubert,
RF power gating techniques for ultra low power communication, 2014 10th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), 2014
(hal-01704332) |
L. Ouvry,
G. Masson,
M. Pezzin,
B. Piaget,
B. Caillat,
Sylvain Bourdel,
N. Dehaese,
O. Fourquin,
Jean Gaubert,
S. Meillère,
R. Vauche,
A 4GHz CMOS 130 nm IR-UWB dual front-end transceiver for IEEE802.15 standards, 2014 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2014
(hal-01704339) |
I. Benamor,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
Sylvain Bourdel,
O. Ramos,
S. Meillere,
Herve Barthelemy,
Fast power switching low-noise amplifier for 6–10 GHz ultra-wideband applications, 2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2013
(hal-01856919) |
E. Muhr,
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
Oswaldo Ramos Sparrow Ramos Sparrow,
N. Dehaese,
I. Benamor,
Herve Barthelemy,
High Output Dynamic UWB Pulse Generator for BPSK Modulations, IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband (IC UWB), 2013, pp.170-174
(hal-01435856) |
O. Fourquin,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
R. Vauche,
N. Dehaese,
A. Chami,
Jean-Yves Dauvignac,
Georges Kossiavas,
Nicolas Fortino,
P. Brachat,
Chip on board 3-10 GHz Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband transmitter with optimized die to antenna wire bond transition, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. Part A, Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 3, pp.749-758
(hal-00779298) |
P. Losco,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
S. Meillere,
O. Ramos,
R. Vauche,
Herve Barthelemy,
Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB PHY layer for optimizing the power consumption of the transmitter, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), 2013
(hal-01856910) |
Sylvain Bourdel,
R. Vauche,
O. Ramos,
E. Muhr,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Herve Barthelemy,
An inductorless CMOS UWB pulse generator with active pulse shaping circuit, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), 2013
(hal-01856909) |
N. Tall,
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
O. Fourquin,
R. Vauche,
Jean Gaubert,
Low-power clock and data recovery circuit for IR-UWB receiver power management, 2012 IEEE 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012
(hal-01704317) |
R. Vauche,
E. Bergeret,
Jean Gaubert,
Sylvain Bourdel,
O. Fourquin,
N. Dehaese,
A remotely UHF powered UWB transmitter for high precision localization of RFID tag, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2011), 2011
(hal-01704307) |
Sylvain Bourdel,
Yannick Bachelet,
Jean Gaubert,
R. Vauche,
Olivier Fourquin,
N. Dehaese,
Herve Barthelemy,
A 9-pJ/Pulse 1.42-Vpp OOK CMOS UWB Pulse Generator for the 3.1–10.6-GHz FCC Band, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2010, 58, pp.65 - 73
(hal-01704801) |
N. Dehaese,
M. Battista,
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
O. Fourquin,
N. Tall,
Low-power CMOS energy detector for noncoherent impulse-radio UWB receivers, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), 2010
(hal-01704305) |
R. Vauche,
Sylvain Bourdel,
N. Dehaese,
O. Fourquin,
Jean Gaubert,
Fully tunable UWB pulse generator with zero DC power consumption, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2009
(hal-01704302) |
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
O. Fourquin,
R. Vauche,
N. Dehaese,
CMOS UWB pulse generator co-designed with package transition, 2009 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2009
(hal-01704300) |
Herve Barthelemy,
S. Meillère,
Jean Gaubert,
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
OTA based on CMOS inverters and application in the design of tunable bandpass filter, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2008, 57, pp.169 - 178
(hal-01856768) |
Herve Barthelemy,
Sylvain Bourdel,
N. Dehaese,
Jean Gaubert,
G. Bas,
Gm-C low-pass-filter designed for a Zero-IF base-band demodulator, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2007
(hal-01856881) |
Sylvain Bourdel,
Y. Bachelet,
J. Gaubert,
M. Battista,
Matthieu Egels,
N. Dehaese,
Low-cost CMOS pulse generator for UWB systems, Electronics Letters, 2007, 43, pp.1425
(hal-02483165) |
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Jean Gaubert,
Y. Bachelet,
Herve Barthelemy,
Design method for CMOS current-source modes power amplifiers based on PAE optimization, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2006, 49, pp.167 - 170
(hal-01856765) |
Herve Barthelemy,
Sylvain Bourdel,
N. Dehaese,
M. Egels,
Jean Gaubert,
P. Pannier,
G. Bas,
RF CMOS transceiver for 802.15.4 SoC, 2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2006
(hal-01856862) |
N. Dehaese,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Herve Barthelemy,
G. Bas,
Simple demodulator for 802.15.4 low-cost receivers, 2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2006
(hal-01856860) |
Sylvain Bourdel,
P. Pannier,
Herve Barthelemy,
N. Dehaese,
Low cost solutions for 802.15.4 RF architectures, Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications - Programme and Book of Abstracts, 2004
(hal-01856849) |