Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Mathieu Guerin,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Luminosity Sensing Application of Negative Group Delay Predictor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024, pp.1-11
(hal-04440919) |
Hassen Aziza,
J. Postel-Pellerin,
Moritz Fieback,
Said Hamdioui,
Hanzhi Xun,
Mottaqiallah Taouil,
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Analysis of Conductance Variability in RRAM for Accurate Neuromorphic Computing, 25th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium, 2024
(hal-04540709) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
All-Pass NGD FIR Original Study for Sensor Failure Detection Application, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, 70, pp.9561-9571
(hal-04475053) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Mathieu Guerin,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Low-Pass NGD Digital Circuit Application for Real-Time Greenhouse Temperature Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023, 70, pp.3709-3713
(hal-04440903) |
Taochen Gu,
Fayu Wan,
Junxiang Ge,
Lalléchère Sébastien,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Wenceslas Rahajandraibe,
Ravelo Blaise,
NGD Analysis of Defected Ground and SIW-Matched Structure, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2023, 32, pp.343-352
(hal-04528756) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Alexandre Douyère,
Yang Liu,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayu Wan,
George Chan,
Mathieu Guerin,
Fully Microstrip Three-Port Circuit Bandpass NGD Design and Test, IEEE Design & Test, 2023, 40, pp.96-104
(hal-04475024) |
Nour Murad,
Antonio Jaomiary,
Samar Yazdani,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Mathieu Guerin,
George Chan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sahbi Baccar,
High-pass negative group delay analysis of single capacitor three-port circuit, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023, 42, pp.1311-1334
(hal-04524840) |
Fayu Wan,
Taochen Gu,
Binhong Li,
Bo Li,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mathieu Guerin,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Blaise Ravelo,
Design and Experimentation of Inductorless Low-Pass NGD Integrated Circuit in 180-nm CMOS Technology, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2022, 41, pp.4965-4974
(hal-03969267) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mathieu Guerin,
Benoît Agnus,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
130‐nm BiCMOS design of low‐pass negative group delay integrated RL‐circuit, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2022, 50, pp.1876-1889
(hal-03969116) |
A. Tchoualack Tchamako,
Laurent Ottaviani,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Wilfried Vervisch,
Vanessa Vervisch,
Jean-Pierre Walder,
Front End Electronics for Radiation Detectors Based on SiC: Application to High Dose per Pulse Charged Particle Beam Current Measurement, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22, pp.2326-2337
(hal-04026007) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Design and Test of Crab-Shaped Negative Group Delay Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2022, 39, pp.67-76
(hal-03969204) |
Sofia Fenni,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Antonio Jaomiary,
Samar Yazdani,
Frank Elliot Sahoa,
Lucius Ramifidisoa,
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Investigation on four-port mono-capacitor circuit with high-pass negative group delay behavior, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2022, 50, pp.478-495
(hal-03605220) |
Fayu Wan,
Taochen Gu,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Design and Test of Innovative Three-Couplers-Based Bandpass Negative Group Delay Active Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2022, 39, pp.57-66
(hal-03969220) |
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Hugerles S Silva,
George Chan,
Fayu Wan,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Jaroslav Frnda,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Theory and Original Design of Resistive-Inductive Network High-Pass Negative Group Delay Integrated Circuit in 130-nm CMOS Technology, IEEE Access, 2022, 10, pp.27147-27161
(hal-03969177) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Valentin Gies,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Low-Pass NGD Numerical Function and STM32 MCU Emulation Test, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69, pp.8346 - 8355
(hal-03509432) |
Rivo Randriatsiferana,
Yajian Gan,
Fayu Wan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Vauche,
Nour Murad,
Blaise Ravelo,
Study and experimentation of a 6-dB attenuation low-pass NGD circuit, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2022, 110, pp.105–114
(hal-03494714) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Mathieu Guerin,
Jaroslav Frnda,
Frank Elliot Sahoa,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Hugerles S Silva,
Samuel Ngoho,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Design Method of Constant Phase-Shifter Microwave Passive Integrated Circuit in 130-nm BiCMOS Technology With Bandpass-Type Negative Group Delay, IEEE Access, 2022, 10, pp.93084-93103
(hal-03968840) |
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Mathieu Guerin,
Jaroslav Frnda,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Thermal Wave Variation Anticipation Under Minute Scale Time-Advance With Low-Pass NGD Digital Circuit, IEEE Access, 2022, 10, pp.127654-127666
(hal-03969122) |
Hongchuan Jia,
Fayu Wan,
Jaroslav Frnda,
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Benoit Agnus,
Blaise Ravelo,
Novel Tee-Shaped Topology Theory of Low- and High-Pass NGD Double-Type Function, IEEE Access, 2022, 10, pp.28445-28460
(hal-03969227) |
R. Vauche,
Rym Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Blaise Ravelo,
Bandpass NGD Time-Domain Experimental Test of Double-li Microstrip Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2022, pp.1-1
(hal-03494716) |
Sébastien Lalléchére,
Jamel Nebhen,
Yang Liu,
George Chan,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayu Wan,
Blaise Ravelo,
Suitability of passive RC-network-based inductorless bridged-T as a bandpass NGD circuit, Circuit World, 2021
(hal-03606633) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Hugerles Silva,
Jamel Nebhen,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mathieu Guerin,
George Chan,
Fayu Wan,
Original Application of Stop-Band Negative Group Delay Microwave Passive Circuit for Two-Step Stair Phase Shifter Designing, IEEE Access, 2021, 10
(hal-03509428) |
K. Coulié,
Hassen Aziza,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Investigation of Single Event Effects in a Resistive RAM memory array by SPICE level simulation, 2021 IEEE 22nd Latin American Test Symposium (LATS), 2021
(hal-03512542) |
Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel,
Y H Kim,
L Abbassi,
Alexandre Bés,
C Boiano,
S Brambilla,
J. Collot,
G Colombi,
T Crozes,
S. Curtoni,
D. Dauvergne,
C Destouches,
F Donatini,
Laurent Gallin-Martel,
O. Ghouini,
Jean-Yves Hostachy,
Ł W Iskra,
M Jastrzab,
G. Kessedjian,
U Köster,
A. Lacoste,
A Lyoussi,
S. Marcatili,
J F Motte,
Jean-François Muraz,
T Nowak,
L Ottaviani,
Julien Pernot,
A. Portier,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Ramdhane,
M Rydygier,
Christophe Sage,
A Tchoualack,
L. Tribouilloy,
M. Yamouni,
Characterization of Diamond and Silicon Carbide Detectors With Fission Fragments, Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9, pp.732730
(hal-03394390) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayu Wan,
Electromagnetic Cavity Resonance Equalization With Bandpass Negative Group Delay, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2021, 63, pp.1248-1257
(hal-03478294) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayu Wan,
Electromagnetic Cavity Resonance Equalization with Bandpass Negative Group Delay, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2021, 63, pp.1248-1257
(hal-03606635) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Yajian Gan,
Fayu Wan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Zhifei Xu,
Resonance Effect Reduction with Bandpass Negative Group Delay Function, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021, 68, pp.2364-2368
(hal-03606636) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Fayu Wan,
Jamel Nebhen,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Resonance Effect Reduction With Bandpass Negative Group Delay Fully Passive Function, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021, 68, pp.2364-2368
(hal-03478323) |
Taochen Gu,
Fayu Wan,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Dielectric Resonator Negative Group Delay Circuit, Radio Science, 2021, 56
(hal-03274894) |
Fayu Wan,
Ningdong Li,
Blaise Ravelo,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Design of ₌׀₌ Shape Stub-Based Negative Group Delay Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2021, 38, pp.78-88
(hal-03469739) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Design and Test of Crab-Shape Negative Group Delay Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2021, pp.1-1
(hal-03274868) |
Fayu Wan,
Taochen Gu,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakura,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Design and Test of Innovative Three Couplers-Based Bandpass Negative Group Delay Active Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2021, pp.1-1
(hal-03274898) |
Mathieu Guerin,
Yang Liu,
Alexandre Douyère,
George Chan,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Design and Synthesis of Inductorless Passive Cell Operating as Stop-Band Negative Group Delay Function, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp.100141 - 100153
(hal-03375103) |
Mathieu Guerin,
Yang Liu,
Alexandre Douyère,
George Chan,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Taochen Gu,
Binhong Li,
Lia Lavezzi,
Design and Experimentation of Inductorless Low-Pass NGD Integrated Circuit in 180-nm CMOS Technology, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2021, 9, pp.1-1
(hal-03509420) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Fayu Wan,
Jamel Nebhen,
George Chan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Bandpass NGD TAN of Symmetric H-Tree With Resistorless Lumped-Network, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp.41383 - 41396
(hal-03274882) |
Fayu Wan,
Xiaoyu Huang,
Konstantin Gorshkov,
Bogdana Tishchuk,
Xiaofeng Hu,
George Chan,
Frank Elliot Sahoa,
Sahbi Baccar,
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
High-pass NGD characterization of resistive-inductive network based low-frequency circuit, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2021, 40, pp.1032-1049
(hal-03605224) |
Mathieu Guerin,
Sofia Fenni,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Konstantin Gorshkov,
Bogdana Tishchuk,
Antonio Jaomiary,
Fabrice Marty,
George Chan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
(hal-03509369) |
R. Vauche,
Rym Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Jamel Nebhen,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Experimental Time-Domain Study for Bandpass Negative Group Delay Analysis With Lill-Shape Microstrip Circuit, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp.24155-24167
(hal-03274873) |
Lili Wu,
Fayu Wan,
Rym Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
R. Vauche,
George Chan,
Xiang Zhou,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Innovative Transient Study of Tri-Bandpass Negative Group Delay Applied to Microstrip Barcode-Circuit, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp.115030-115041
(hal-03606638) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Sofia Fenni,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Konstantin Gorshkov,
Bogdana Tishchuk,
Antonio Jaomiary,
Fabrice Marty,
George Chan,
Mathieu Guerin,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
(hal-03604351) |
Fayu Wan,
Yang Liu,
Jamel Nebhen,
Zhifei Xu,
George Chan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
R. Vauche,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Bandpass Negative Group Delay Theory of Fully Capacitive Δ-Network, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp.62430 - 62445
(hal-03274892) |
Lili Wu,
Fayu Wan,
Rym Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
R. Vauche,
George Chan,
Xiang Zhou,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Innovative Transient Study of Tri-Bandpass Negative Group Delay Applied to Microstrip Barcode-Circuit, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp.115030-115041
(hal-03494715) |
E. Ali,
Farid Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
N. Nizamani,
C. Hangmann,
C. Hedayat,
Autonomous Event Driven Model of Second Order Voltage Switched Charge Pump PLL, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67, pp.2903-2907
(hal-03469728) |
Fayu Wan,
Ningdong Li,
Blaise Ravelo,
Nour Murad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
NGD Analysis of Turtle-Shape Microstrip Circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67, pp.2477-2481
(hal-03469722) |
Lili Wu,
Fayu Wan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Blaise Ravelo,
On the investigation of contactless bandpass NGD control with microstrip patch-based circuit, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2020, 34, pp.1849-1857
(hal-03469741) |
Fayu Wan,
Zhongzhu Yuan,
Blaise Ravelo,
Junxiang Ge,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Low-Pass NGD Voice Signal Sensoring With Passive Circuit, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20, pp.6762-6775
(hal-03469723) |
Fayu Wan,
Bin Liu,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
0IO-Shape PCB Trace Negative Group-Delay Analysis, IEEE Access, 2020
(hal-03022822) |
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Yajian Gan,
Fayu Wan,
Nour Murad,
Alexandre Douyère,
Reconstruction Technique of Distorted Sensor Signals with Low-Pass NGD Function, IEEE Access, 2020, 8
(hal-02927123) |
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Samuel Ngoho Moungoho,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Vauche,
Zhifei Xu,
Fayu Wan,
Junxiang Ge,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Original Theory of NGD Low Pass-High Pass Composite Function for Designing Inductorless BP NGD Lumped Circuit, IEEE Access, 2020
(hal-03022852) |
R. Randriatsiferana,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
S. Ngoho,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
B. Ravelo,
Zonal thermal room original model with Kron’s method, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.174893-174909
(hal-03225109) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Samuel Ngoho,
Glauco Fontgalland,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Vauche,
Zhifei Xu,
Fayu Wan,
Junxiang Ge,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Original Theory of NGD Low Pass-High Pass Composite Function for Designing Inductorless BP NGD Lumped Circuit, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.192951-192964
(hal-03469746) |
Fayu Wan,
Ningdong Li,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Design of ‗|‗ Shape Stub Based Negative Group Delay Circuit, IEEE Design & Test, 2020
(hal-03022842) |
Rivo Randriatsiferana,
Lala Rajaoarisoa,
Samuel Ngoho,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
Zonal Thermal Room Original Model With Kron’s Method, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.174893-174909
(hal-03469744) |
R. Vauche,
Z. Benjelloun,
R. Assila Belhadj Mefteh,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Bouchakour,
H. Barthelemy,
Design and Analysis of a Gilbert Analog Multiplier for Input Dynamic Range optimization, 2020 15th Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2020, pp.1-6
(hal-02561126) |
Fayu Wan,
Ningdong Li,
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Nour Murad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
NGD Analysis of Turtle-Shape Microstrip Circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, pp.1-1
(hal-02927133) |
Blaise Ravelo,
Lili Wu,
Fayu Wan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Nour Murad,
Negative Group Delay Theory on Li Topology, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.47596-47606
(hal-03469724) |
Lili Wu,
Fayu Wan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Blaise Ravelo,
On the investigation of contactless bandpass NGD control with microstrip patch-based circuit, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2020, 34, pp.1849-1857
(hal-03025342) |
Fayu Wan,
Bin Liu,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Blaise Ravelo,
0IO-Shape PCB Trace Negative Group-Delay Analysis, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.97707-97717
(hal-03469737) |
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Lili Wu,
Fayu Wan,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Nour Murad,
Negative Group Delay Theory on Li Topology, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp.47596-47606
(hal-02927129) |
Blaise Elysée Guy Ravelo,
Fayu Wan,
Sébastien Lalléchère,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Preeti Thakur,
Atul Thakur,
Innovative Theory of Low-Pass NGD via-Hole-Ground Circuit, IEEE Access, 2020
(hal-03022846) |
Sid Ahmed Tedjini,
Abdelhalim Slimane,
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sub‐mW cognitive CMOS frequency down‐converter for internet of things, IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 2019, 13, pp.2087-2095
(hal-03469717) |
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Loulou,
Design Methodology of Ultra-Low-Power LC-VCOs for IoT Applications, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2019, 28, pp.1950122
(hal-03469714) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Loulou,
Design of Reconfigurable Inductorless RF VCO in 130 nm CMOS, BioNanoScience, 2019, 9, pp.285-295
(hal-03604164) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Imen Ghorbel,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Design of Reconfigurable Inductorless RF VCO in 130 nm CMOS, BioNanoScience, 2019, 9, pp.285-295
(hal-03469720) |
Sid-Ahmed Tedjini-Bailiche,
Abdelhalim Slimane,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Imen Ghorbel,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Sub-mW cognitive CMOS Frequency Down-Converter for Internet of things, iet microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2019
(hal-02470309) |
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Design of Reconfigurable Inductorless RF VCO in 130nm CMOS, BioNanoScience, 2019
(hal-01895387) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Imen Ghorbel,
RF CMOS Oscillators Design for autonomous Connected Objects, E3S Web of Conferences, 2019, 88, pp.05001
(hal-03604788) |
Yajian Gan,
R. Vauche,
Jean-François Pons,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Investigation des matériaux les plus appropriés pour réaliser les électrodes nécessaires à la mesure de l'électrocardiogramme à domicile, Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT, 2019
(hal-02470036) |
Gilles Micolau,
Karine Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Hassen Aziza,
SITARe: a fast simulation tool for the analysis of disruptive effects on electronics, E3S Web of Conferences, 2019, 88, pp.06002
(hal-02617925) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Imen Ghorbel,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Loulou,
Abdelhalim Slimane,
Current-reuse RF LC-VCO Design for Autonomous Connected Objects, 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2018, pp.473-476
(hal-03604776) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Imen Ghorbel,
RF CMOS Oscillators Design for autonomous connected objects, I-dust, 2018
(hal-01895595) |
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Vauche,
Using short-term fourier transform for particle detection and recognition in a CMOS oscillator-based chain, 2018 IEEE 19th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), 2018, pp.1-5
(hal-02022331) |
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Hassen Aziza,
Gilles Micolau,
R. Vauche,
Detection limit of a VCO based detection chain dedicated to particles recognition and tracking, EPJ Web of Conferences, 2018, 170, pp.09002
(hal-01704378) |
Y. Gan,
R. Vauche,
J-F Pons,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Dry Electrode Materials for Electrocardiographic Monitoring, 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2018, pp.645-646
(hal-02022329) |
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Loulou,
A subthreshold low-power CMOS LC-VCO with high immunity to PVT variations, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2017, 93, pp.415-426
(hal-03469713) |
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Loulou,
A subthreshold low-power CMOS LC-VCO with high immunity to PVT variations, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2017, 93, pp.415 - 426
(hal-01895384) |
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mourad Loulou,
A subthreshold low- power CMOS LC-VCO with high immunity to PVT variations (vol 93, pg 415, 2017), Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2017, 93, pp.427
(hal-01694005) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Imen Ghorbel,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Abdelhalim Slimane,
Traiche Smail,
Rachida Touhami,
Sub-1mW RF Voltage Controlled Oscillator Design Optimization for IoT, IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium MMS, 2017
(hal-01895586) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
I. Ghorbel,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Multi-band inductor-less VCO for IoT applications, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2017
(hal-01895552) |
Z. Benjelloun,
R. Vauche,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Bouchakour,
Conception d’un dispositif d’extraction du rythme cardiaque à partir d’un signal électrocardiographique, Colloque GDR SoC/SiP 2017, 2017
(hal-01791193) |
N. Andrianjohany,
P. Pourrouquet,
K. Coulié,
N. Chatry,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
D. Standarovski,
G. Rolland,
R. Ecoffet,
Prediction methodology of Single Event Effect Sensitivity and application on SRAM device, RADECS, 2016
(hal-01455417) |
S. Meillère,
Etienne Savary,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Herve Barthelemy,
Noise modeling in a signal conditioning circuit for low power audio application using resistive sensor, Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science and Technology (i-DUST) Conference, 2016
(hal-01437038) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Imen Ghorbel,
On the Investigation of Voltage Controlled Oscillator Phase Noise for IoT applications, I-dust, 2016
(hal-01895546) |
I. Ghorbel,
Ferid Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Conception et optimisation des oscillateurs à 2.5 GHz à très faible consommation de puissance, Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-nanoélectronique (JNRDM 2016), 2016
(hal-01455483) |
Ehsan Ali,
Christian Hangmann,
Christian Hedayat,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Ulrich Hilleringmann,
Event Driven Modeling and Characterization of the Second Order Voltage Switched Charge Pump PLL, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2016, 63, pp.347-358
(hal-03469711) |
Ehsan Ali,
Christian Hangmann,
Christian Hedayat,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Ulrich Hilleringmann,
Event Driven Modeling and Characterization of the Second Order Voltage Switched Charge Pump PLL, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2016, 63, pp.347 - 358
(hal-01815667) |
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
Hassen Aziza,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Optimization of a Particles Detection Chain Based on a VCO Structure, Journal of Electronic Testing: : Theory and Applications, 2016, 32, pp.21-30
(hal-01434958) |
K. Coulié-Castellani,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
H. Aziza,
J.-M. Portal,
Optimization of a Particles Detection Chain Based on a VCO Structure, Journal of Electronic Testing: : Theory and Applications, 2016, 32, pp.21-30
(hal-03469712) |
Z. Benjelloun,
R. Vauche,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Bouchakour,
Design of an energy detector for heartbeat localization in ECG signals, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2016, pp.73-76
(hal-02022722) |
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
K. Coulié,
Gilles Micolau,
A. Lyoussi,
On the Integration of a Readout System Dedicated for Neutron Discrimination in Harsh Environment, ISRD 15 - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON REACTOR DOSIMETRY, 2016, 106
(hal-01434974) |
S. Ben Krit,
S. Ben Krit,
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
A. Lyoussi,
Investigations of margins for the interplay using a digital testing tool dedicated to neutrons discrimination, 2014 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2014, 106, pp.806-809
(hal-02031421) |
I. Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
H. Barthelemy,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
M. Loulou,
H. Mnif,
Design and implementation of an inductorless digitally controlled oscillator based on CMOS inverters, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2015
(hal-01895540) |
Nicolas Borrel,
Clément Champeix,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mathieu Lisart,
Alexandre Sarafianos,
Jean-Max Dutertre,
Influence of triple-well technology on laser fault injection and laser sensor efficiency, IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFTS 2015), 2015
(emse-01227366) |
I. Barraj,
H. Trabelsi,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
M. Masmoudi,
Modular baseband pulse generator for impulse‐radio ultra‐wideband transmitter, Electronics Letters, 2015, 51, pp.1550-1552
(hal-03456264) |
E. Ali,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
N. Tall,
C. Hangmann,
C. Hedayat,
Exact and approximated discrete-time non-linear models of voltage switched CP-PLL, 2015 IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2015
(hal-01895538) |
N. Borrel,
C. Champeix,
E. Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
M. Lisart,
J.-M. Dutertre,
A. Sarafianos,
Electrical model of an inverter body-biased structure in triple-well technology under pulsed photoelectric laser stimulation, Microelectronics Reliability, 2015, 55, pp.1592-1599
(hal-03456265) |
E. Ali,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
N. Tall,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
C. Hangmann,
C. Hedayat,
Modeling & PVT characterization of arbitrary ordered VSCP-PLL using an efficient event-driven approach, 2015 IEEE 13th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2015
(hal-01895532) |
I. Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Ultra low power RF cross-coupled VCO design in the subthreshold regime with high immunity to PVT variations in 130nm CMOS technology, 2015 IEEE 13th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2015
(hal-01895535) |
Imen Barraj,
Hatem Trabelsi,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mohamed Masmoudi,
An Energy-Efficient Tunable CMOS UWB Pulse Generator, BioNanoScience, 2015, 5, pp.117-122
(hal-03456261) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Abdelhalim Slimane,
Design of an optimal layout RF passive polyphase filter for large image rejection, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2015
(hal-01895522) |
Ehsan Ali,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Ndiogou Tall,
Christian Hangmann,
Christian Hedayat,
Simulation and validation of arbitrary ordered VSCP-PLLs using event-driven macromodeling, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2015
(hal-01895525) |
K. Coulié,
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
Hassen Aziza,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Development of a CMOS oscillator chain for particle detection based on SOI technology, 2015 4th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2015, pp.1-5
(hal-02031850) |
N Borrel,
C Champeix,
M Lisart,
A Sarafianos,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Jean-Max Dutertre,
Electrical model of an NMOS body biased structure in triple-well technology under photoelectric laser stimulation, Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2015 IEEE International, 2015
(emse-01230163) |
Nicolas Borrel,
Clément Champeix,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
M. Lisart,
Alexandre Sarafianos,
Jean-Max Dutertre,
Influence of triple-well technology on laser fault injection and laser sensor efficiency, Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFTS), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, 2015
(emse-01230166) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Low cost built-in-tuning of on-chip passive filters for low-if double quadrature rf receiver, 2015 16th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), 2015
(hal-01895519) |
K. Coulié,
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
H. Aziza,
J-M. Portal,
Development of a CMOS oscillator chain for particle detection based on SOI technology, 4th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, 2015, pp.5
(hal-02740553) |
S. Ben Krit,
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Laurent Ottaviani,
Gilles Micolau,
Hassen Aziza,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Comparison of a readout chain dedicated to the signal conditioning of a particle detector and an innovative chain based on a VCO concept, 15. European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (Radecs), 2015,
(hal-01594142) |
K. Coulié,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Hassen Aziza,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Gilles Micolau,
Improvement of a detection chain based on a VCO concept for microelectronic reliability under natural radiative environment, 16. Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS)), 2015,
(hal-01595709) |
Nicolas Borrel,
Clément Champeix,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Mathieu Lisart,
Jean-Max Dutertre,
Alexandre Sarafianos,
Electrical model of an Inverter body biased structure in triple well technology under pulsed photoelectric laser stimulation, Microelectronics Reliability, 2015, 55, pp.1592-1599
(emse-01227386) |
Etienne Savary,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
S. Meillere,
Edith Kussener,
Herve Barthelemy,
J. Czarny,
H. Lhermet,
P. Robert,
High resolution NEMS smart audio sensor based on resistive silicon nano wires for hearing aids, 2014 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2014
(hal-01856920) |
Nicolas Borrel,
Clément Champeix,
Mathieu Lisart,
Alexandre Sarafianos,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Jean-Max Dutertre,
Characterization and simulation of a body biased structure in triple-well technology under pulsed photoelectric laser stimulation, International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA), 2014
(emse-01099035) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Herve Barthelemy,
I. Ghorbel,
M. Loulou,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
H. Mnif,
Digitally controlled oscillator using active inductor based on CMOS inverters, Electronics Letters, 2014, 50, pp.1572 - 1574
(hal-01856784) |
I. Ghorbel,
Farid Haddad,
H. Barthélemy,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
M. Loulou,
H. Mnif,
Digitally controlled oscillator using active inductor based on CMOS inverters, Electronics Letters, 2014, 50, pp.1572-1574
(hal-03456256) |
I. Ghorbel,
Farid Haddad,
H. Barthélemy,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
M. Loulou,
H. Mnif,
Digitally controlled oscillator using active inductor based on CMOS inverters, Electronics Letters, 2014, 50, pp.1572-1574
(hal-03456226) |
Ehsan Ali,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Christian Hangmann,
Christian Hedayat,
Simulations of 3<sup>rd</sup> order voltage switched CP-PLL using a fast event switching macromodeling, 2014 IEEE 57th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2014
(hal-01895518) |
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
K. Coulie-Castellani,
Gilles Micolau,
A. Lyoussi,
First Investigations on the Feasibility of Integration of a Readout System for Neutrons Detection in Harsh Environment, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2014, 61, pp.2271-2278
(hal-03456258) |
J. Nebhen,
Etienne Savary,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
C. Dufaza,
S. Meillere,
Edith Kussener,
Herve Barthelemy,
J. Czarny,
H. Lhermet,
Low-noise CMOS amplifier for readout electronic of resistive NEMS audio sensor, 2014 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), 2014
(hal-01856916) |
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
K. Coulié,
Gilles Micolau,
A. Levisse,
A. Lyoussi,
Development of a digital tool for the simulation of a readout system dedicated for neutrons discrimination, 2014 15th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2014, pp.1-6
(hal-02031321) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Hassen Aziza,
Karine Coulié-Castellani,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Low Power Radio Frequency Transceiver with Built-In-Tuning of the Local Oscillator for Open Loop Modulation, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2014, 10, pp.173-181
(hal-03456254) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Hassen Aziza,
Karine Coulié-Castellani,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Low Power Radio Frequency Transceiver with Built-In-Tuning of the Local Oscillator for Open Loop Modulation, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2014, 10, pp.173-181
(hal-02025270) |
Karine Coulié-Castellani,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
Hassen Aziza,
Jean Michel Portal,
. Ieee,
Improvement of a VCO concept for low energy particule detection and recognition, 15th Latin American Test Workshop (LATW), 2014
(hal-02742766) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Low Power RF Transceiver with Built-In-Tuning of the Local Oscillator for Open Loop Modulation, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 2014
(hal-01870147) |
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
K. Coulié,
Gilles Micolau,
A. Lyoussi,
First Investigations on the Feasibility of Integration of a Readout System for Neutrons Detection in Harsh Environment, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2014, 61, pp.2271 - 2278
(hal-01314640) |
J. Nebhen,
Etienne Savary,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
C. Dufaza,
S. Meillere,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Edith Kussener,
Herve Barthelemy,
J. Czarny,
A. Walther,
Low-noise CMOS analog-to-digital interface for MEMS resistive microphone, 2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2013
(hal-01856914) |
J. Nebhen,
Etienne Savary,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
C. Dufaza,
S. Meillere,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Edith Kussener,
H. Barthelemy,
J. Czarny,
A. Walther,
Low-noise CMOS analog-to-digital interface for MEMS resistive microphone, 2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2013
(hal-01895512) |
Ehsan Ali,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Christian Hedayat,
Christian Hangmann,
Simulative characterization of the stability for second order voltage switched CP-PLL, 2013 IEEE 56th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2013
(hal-01895506) |
K. Castellani-Coulie,
H. Aziza,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
J.-M Portal,
Development of a CMOS Oscillator Concept for Particle Detection and Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2013, 60, pp.2450-2455
(hal-03456238) |
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
K. Coulié,
Gilles Micolau,
First investigations on the feasibility of integration of a smart sensor in harsh environment 1, International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurements Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2013), 2013
(hal-01793783) |
A. Samir,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Herve Barthelemy,
L. Girardeau,
A 90-nm CMOS high efficiency on chip DC-DC converter for ultra-low power low cost applications, 2013 IEEE Faible Tension Faible Consommation (FTFC), 2013
(hal-01856907) |
S. Ben Krit,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
K. Coulié,
Gilles Micolau,
A. Lyoussi,
First investigations on the feasibility of integration of a smart sensor in harsh environment., 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2013, 2013
(hal-01314804) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Jean-Michel Portal,
On the investigation of built-in tuning of RF receivers using on-chip polyphase filters, 2013 IEEE 31st VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2013
(hal-01895498) |
K. Coulié,
Marc Bocquet,
Hassen Aziza,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Christophe Muller,
SPICE level analysis of Single Event Effects in an OxRRAM cell, 2013 14th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2013
(hal-01804661) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Built-in tuning of the local oscillator for open loop modulation of low cost, low power RF transceiver, 2013 14th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2013
(hal-01895505) |
K. Coulié,
H. Aziza,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
J-M. Portal,
Development of a CMOS oscillator concept for particle detection and tracking, European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2012, 60
(hal-02749989) |
K. Coulié,
Hassen Aziza,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Development of a CMOS Oscillator Concept for Particle Detection and Tracking Nuclear Science., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2013
(hal-01315364) |
Anass Samir,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Ludovic Girardeau,
Yannick Bert,
Herve Barthelemy,
A sub-1-V, high precision, ultra low-power, process trimmable, resistorless voltage reference with low cost 90-nm standard CMOS technology, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2012, 73, pp.693 - 706
(hal-01856779) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Built-in tuning of RFIC Passive Polyphase Filter by process and thermal monitoring, 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2012, pp.1-5
(hal-02030953) |
K. Coulié,
Hassen Aziza,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Gilles Micolau,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Investigation of a CMOS oscillator concept for particle detection and diagnosis, 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop - LATW, 2012, pp.1-5
(hal-02025655) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Hassen Aziza,
K. Coulié,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Built-in Tunning of RFIC Passive Polyphase Filter by Process and Thermal Monitoring, IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop LATW, 2012
(hal-01895495) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Oussama Frioui,
A CMOS adaptive RF front-end receiver for wireless applications, International Journal of Electronics, 2012, 99, pp.319 - 331
(hal-01870126) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lakhdar Zaïd,
Oussama Frioui,
A CMOS adaptive RF front-end receiver for wireless applications, International Journal of Electronics, 2012, 99, pp.319-331
(hal-03456233) |
Imen Ghorbel,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Herve Barthelemy,
Mourad Loulou,
Hasséne Mnif,
Design and implementation of an active inductor based LC oscillator, 2011 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 2011
(hal-01895489) |
A. Samir,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
L. Girardeau,
Y. Bert,
Herve Barthelemy,
A 90-nm CMOS resistor-free compact trimmable voltage reference for ultra-low power low cost applications, 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - (ICECS 2011), 2011
(hal-01856898) |
J. Bartoli,
S. Meillere,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
P. Pannier,
G. Jacquemod,
XRFID : a 13.56 MHz RFID transceiver, Forum SAME (Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics), 2011, pp.University Booth, Session 3, Demo 8
(hal-00664167) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Jeremy Bouloc,
A. Sangiovanni,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Vincent Cheynet de Beaupré,
A low-cost 2.45GHz frequency synthesizer with open-loop modulation for WPAN applications, Personal Indoor Mobile Radio communications, 2011
(hal-01895484) |
A. Samir,
L. Girardeau,
Y. Bert,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Herve Barthelemy,
771mV, 173nA, 90nm CMOS resistorless trimmable voltage reference, 2011 IEEE 9th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2011
(hal-01856895) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Zaid Lakhdar,
Frioui Oussama,
Fully-integrated image rejection RF front-end design, 2011 IEEE 9th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2011
(hal-01895480) |
A. Samir,
L. Girardeau,
Y. Bert,
Edith Kussener,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Herve Barthelemy,
173nA-7.5ppm/°C-771mV-0.03mm<sup>2</sup> CMOS resistorless voltage reference, 2011 Faible Tension Faible Consommation (FTFC), 2011
(hal-01856897) |
A. Marzaki,
V. Bidal,
R. Laffont,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
J.-M. Portal,
R. Bouchakour,
Dual-control-gate floating gate transistor: a building block for circuit design, Electronics Letters, 2011, 47, pp.1115
(hal-03456231) |
A. Marzaki,
V. Bidal,
R. Laffont,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
J.-M. Portal,
R. Bouchakour,
Anass Samir,
Edith Kussener,
Ludovic Girardeau,
Yannick Bert,
Hervé Barthélemy,
Dual-control-gate floating gate transistor: a building block for circuit design, Electronics Letters, 2011, 47, pp.1115
(hal-03456129) |
Herve Barthelemy,
Edith Kussener,
Sylvain Bourdel,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Frequency down-conversion with complementary-MOS inverters, 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - (ICECS 2010), 2010
(hal-01856892) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Oussama Frioui,
Design of fully-integrated RF front-end for large image rejection and wireless communication applications, 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - (ICECS 2010), 2010
(hal-01895478) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Oussama Frioui,
A full-CMOS Image rejection RF front-end receiver with tunable polyphase filter, Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2010
(hal-01870134) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
L. Zaid,
O. Frioui,
R. Bouchakour,
Radio frequency tunable polyphase filter design, 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - (ICECS 2009), 2009
(hal-01895477) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
L. Zaid,
O. Frioui,
R. Bouchakour,
Design of radio frequency passive polyphase filter for 2.4 GHz wireless communication applications, 2009 IEEE 10th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference: An IEEE Industry/Government (WAMICON), 2009
(hal-01895476) |
S. Meillere,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
P. Masson,
C. Guillaume,
William Tatinian,
P. Pannier,
R. Bouchakour,
G. Jacquemod,
Emetteur Récepteur RFID à 13,56 MHz, 10èmes Journées Pédagogiques du CNFM, 2008
(hal-00524952) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
O. Frioui,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
L. Zaid,
R. Bouchakour,
CMOS passive polyphase filter design for 2.4 GHz wireless communication applications, 2008 Joint International IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS) and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA), 2008
(hal-01895473) |
L. Zaid,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
O. Frioui,
J. Roche,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
R. Bouchakour,
A. Sangiovanni,
A Differential 3.3V BICMOS Buffer with Current Consumption and Linearity Control for RF Mixer, 2007 International Conference on Microelectronics - ICM, 2007
(hal-01895451) |
Oussama Frioui,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
A very low phase noise fully integrated quadrature LC oscillator for 2.4 GHz band applications, 2007 International Conference on Microelectronics - ICM, 2007
(hal-01895448) |
O. Frioui,
L. Zaid,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
A 2.4 GHz Very Low Phase Noise Fully Integrated Quadrature LC Oscillator, 2007 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS '07), 2007
(hal-01895455) |
Oussama Frioui,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
A Very Low Phase Noise Fully Integrated Quadrature LC Oscillator for 2.4 GHz band Applications, 2007 IEEE International Workshop on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2007
(hal-01895466) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Oussama Frioui,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Rachid Bouchakour,
Radio Frequency Polyphase Filter Design in 0.13µm CMOS for Wireless Communications, International Workshop on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2007
(hal-01895471) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rachid Bouchakour,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Oussama Frioui,
Radio Frequency Polyphase Filter Design in 0.13-µm CMOS for Wireless Communications, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2007
(hal-01895463) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
R. Bouchakour,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
L. Zaid,
O. Frioui,
Radio frequency passive polyphase filter design for wireless communications, 2007 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2007
(hal-01895441) |
Oussama Frioui,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Lakhdar Zaid,
A very low phase noise fully integrated CMOS quadrature LC oscillator for 2.4 GHz Bluetooth/WLAN applications, International Symposium on Communication and Information Technologies, 2007
(hal-01895438) |
Oussama Frioui,
Fayrouz. Haddad,
Lakhdar Zaid,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
A low phase noise CMOS quadrature VCO for 2.4 GHz bluetooth/WLAN applications, 2007 International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, 2007
(hal-01895446) |
Fayrouz. Haddad,
O. Frioui,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
L. Zaid,
R. Bouchakour,
Design of radio frequency polyphase filter and its application in low-IF receivers for large image rejection, 2007 International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, 2007
(hal-01895445) |
Herve Barthelemy,
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
NMOS transistors based Karsilayan &amp; Schaumann gyrator: lowpass and bandpass filter applications, 2003 46th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003
(hal-01856807) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Christian Dufaza,
Daniel Auvergne,
Bruno Cialdella,
Bernard Majoux,
Vivek Chowdhury,
Bandgap Reference Optimisation from On-Chip Eg, Xti Value Extraction, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2002, 33, pp.85-94
(lirmm-00268446) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Daniel Auvergne,
Christian Dufaza,
Bruno Cialdella,
Bernard Majoux,
Vivek Chowdhury,
Process Characterization for a Very Low Power High Temperature Stability Bandgap Reference Circuit, DCIS 2002 - 17th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, 2002, pp.637-642
(lirmm-00268434) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Christian Dufaza,
Daniel Auvergne,
Bruno Cialdella,
Bernard Majoux,
Vivek Chowdhury,
Méthode de Caractérisation Dédiée aux Applications à Faible Courant de Fonctionnement, Colloque du GDR CAO de Circuits et Systèmes Intégrés, 2002, pp.pp. 133-136
(lirmm-00269331) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Christian Dufaza,
Daniel Auvergne,
Bruno Cialdella,
Bernard Majoux,
Vivek Chowdhury,
Low Current Application Dedicated Process Characterization Method, ICMTS'02: International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002, pp.41-44
(lirmm-00268523) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Christian Dufaza,
Daniel Auvergne,
Bruno Cialdella,
Bernard Majoux,
Vivek Chowdhury,
Test Structure for Ic(Vbe) Parameter Determination of Low Voltage Applications, DATE: Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2002, pp.316-321
(lirmm-00268524) |
Rahajandraibe Wenceslas,
Daniel Auvergne,
Christian Dufaza,
Bruno Cialdella,
Bernard Majoux,
Vivek Chowdhury,
Very Low Power High Temperature Stability Bandgap Reference Voltage, ESSCIRC: European Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2002, pp.727-734
(lirmm-00268525) |